Sequel: After the Storm

Turning Tables

it's time to say goodbye to turning tables.

The plane had touched down early that morning in Arizona, after switching flights once in Illinois. They'd been driving for a few hours now, Liam at the wheel and Louis as the passenger. Niall and Harry sat in the backseat, watching out of the windows. Not many words were said save for Louis giving directions to the small town they were headed to.

Harry used this time to contemplate what they were doing. He knew how important finding Zayn was. There would be chaos if he didn't show up for the interview in the following days to come. There would be uncontrolled hell from their fans if they couldn't provide answers as to why he left. They needed more answers than they had, and to Louis- well, he needed closure.

Louis told Liam to take a left and returned his gaze to the small dot on the map, one he'd circled in yellow highlighter. Roseguard had become more than just a spot on a map to him, it had become a focus point, a mission of some sorts. Harry felt awful that he didn't feel as connected to Zayn as Louis did but if anything he could admire the determination. However, with his admiration he also felt as though the boys should give up. They could have gotten ahold of Finley's mother or her sister and them patch a call through and report back. Harry knew that wouldn't work, though, he knew Zayn would avoid any answers.

"How much longer?" Niall asked.

"Forty five minutes," breathed Louis, "if that."

And so the drive continued, Liam asking which way to turn and Louis barking directions, Niall complaining all the while that he was hungry. Harry said not a single world but watched the patient world outside of his window. He found common ground with the trees. Every Autumn they let go of their beautiful leaves and grieve for them in the winter, only to have their beautiful leaves return once again in the spring. He felt as if he were in the same situation. If Louis could be like a tree and let his leaf, Zayn, go, things might work out better for all involved. There would be a grieving period for the lads and for the heartbroken girls around the world, but in time happiness would return- or perhaps the small break would bring Zayn back. Harry sighed as he thought this. He knew Louis would not be satisfied without a final face-to-face meeting.

Finally they drove past the small, barely legible sign that read 'Welcome to Roseguard.' Louis immediately leaned forward, eyes scanning everything and everyone. They approached a small run-down hotel and Louis pointed at it. "Go there," he commanded. "A town this small can't have many hotels. This is probably the only one."

Liam parked the car in the parking lot and the lads ducked out into the dying afternoon air. The air was stale and thin, chilling as the night took over the skies. The four strode in pairs, Louis and Harry taking the front and Niall and Liam following close behind. Louis's steps were precise and he walked as if this were some sort of mission that they could not fail.

Harry absolutely despised the hotel as soon as they entered the lobby. It was filthy. Dust covered nearly every surface, cobwebs hung from the nooks and crannies of the room, and holes dotted the walls with no apparent attempt at repair. He scoffed and noticed Niall assessing the place as well. Both boys were absolutely mortified. However, despite the blatant unattractiveness of the lobby, what made it all the more unappealing was the stout man with wispy hair behind the check in counter. Harry took notice of the occupant book and cash register and almost laughed at how out of date the place had been.

"Excuse me," Louis said to the man. He glanced up slowly before rolling his eyes. Louis ignored it. "We're looking for a friend of ours. He may have checked in here a few days ago."

"Name?" the man asked, still uninterested.

"Uh, the last name would be Malik," Louis stated. The man sighed and flipped open the occupant book. He scanned the most recent pages before shaking his head.

"No one under that name, sir," he said gruffly.

"Alias," Harry whispered to Louis. It was entirely possible that Zayn had used a fake name just incase of this scenario. Louis cursed under his breath.

"Perhaps he checked under his wife's name- pesky broad made him change his name, you believe that?" Louis laughed half-heartedly at his own lie. The man seemed unimpressed and rolled his eyes once again.


"Uh, I can never quite remember... Can you boys?" Louis asked the lads. Each shook their heads in mild confusion. "Maybe you remember them- dark hair and dark skinned male, pale skin and ginger hair on the girl. Both with accents?"

"Oh, mister James Stellar and his wife," he said, recalling the couple that had checked in almost three days ago. "They left a little earlier, as they have everyday they've been here. I assume they went out for an early dinner."

"Do you think it would be okay if we waited in their room? We could pay you for the extra vacancy. It's no problem," Louis said and pulled out his wallet. The fat man grinned, his dull eyes lighting with the fire of greed. Louis handed him two hundred dollar bills, which he'd gotten from the money exchange at the airport -where they had been lucky enough to narrowly escape a pack of wild fans- and the man graciously accepted.

"Room 25, on the second level," he told the boys. Louis turned to Harry with a devious smile and a sparkle of hope in his eyes. Despite getting this far, Harry couldn't help but feel as if the worst was yet to come.
♠ ♠ ♠
Only about 5 more chapters.
Counting down until the twist at the end!
And a sequel seems to be in the future... ;)