Sequel: After the Storm

Turning Tables

where love is lost, your ghost is found.

"You've quit?" Finley mumbled to herself in disbelief. The idea of it all seemed absolutely absurd. Zayn loved One Direction, didn't he? He loved playing and making music. He loved to sing and to dance to perform. Didn't he love the lads? Harry and Niall and Liam? And not to mention his best friend, Louis. These were more than just boys to him, they were family. He couldn't just quit.

Zayn said nothing and pressed his foots down on the gas harder, though he was already speeding. Luckily, neither cop nor traveler were using the same road. Everything out here was so desolate, so empty. It frightened Finley a little, to be alone in a place that has never known anything other than loneliness. Silence stayed between the couple for a long time but the redheaded girl's mind kept racing with questions and answers, problems and solutions, and overall the feelings of distrust and sorrow.

"Why?" She spit out in a whisper after a long while of cold nothingness.

Zayn looked out the window for a split second before turning his eyes back to the road. "Finley..."

"No. I want to know why. I don't want to hear any more lies from you." Her voice trembled and she could feeling her body shaking along with it. What was she shaking from, she wondered. Could it be anger? Was it fear or sorrow? The answer could not be determined.

"There were a lot of different reason, Finley," he said cooly, though it was just a front. Underneath it all, Zayn was fearful inside. He had now realized he should have told Finley his doubts about the band when he first began to have them. They could have sorted it out together and she would come to support it. But he'd kept it from her, and it was awful hard to support someone you no longer can trust. He understood this clearly now, and he knew that the truth would not help him win over her trust or what feelings for him remained. But he prayed it would. "For one, the band has become less and less about the music. It's about appearances and girls and money. All I wanted to do from the beginning was to play and sing music and now it only seems as if that's some minuscule part of One Direction."

Finley agreed on this, to his surprise, and she nodded. She understood exactly what he meant. The boys had more photo shoots than concerts and everyday seemed to entail them meeting and greeting some group of prepubescent girls. Although she agreed on this, she strongly disagreed with the way he had went about it all. She had always known that you do not quit something when others rely on you, you strive through it. And if there's something wrong with it, you work it out, but you never run from it.

"You were another big reason," Zayn said suddenly as if realizing it for himself. And he was. He hadn't given too much thought of how the band had effected her and it was entirely possible that he'd done this for her benefit as well. "Sure, for the next year or so, the paparazzi will still be following us around but when the excitement falls away, we'll only have to deal with the occasional picture. I did this so we might have more a life together- one that doesn't have to be constantly thrown into the media."

Zayn sighed when Finley said nothing. She felt more furious than before, though she knew she should feel at least a tiny bit grateful that he cared about her privacy. However, she knew that deep down Zayn loved the band and they could work it out... But how? How could she get them together long enough to talk. She was furious for him making decisions that directly affected her life and him claiming to do it her benefit -without even asking her how she would feel about it- well, that was just low. Yet, she had to play this as calmly as possible.

She glanced out of the side mirrors only to see a tiny speck in the distance. She couldn't be sure if it were the boys of 1D or not, but this was her only chance. The only thing she could do was to put her hastily thought of plan into action. She quickly checked the speedometer and luckily found that Zayn had slowed down during their fight, to about only 50 miles per hours. She smiled at Zayn, forcing happiness into it and kissed his cheek and he relaxed his led foot just a tiny bit more. Out of the corner of her eye she checked the review mirror and was relieved to find that it was the rental car from the parking lot. They were a little closer now but Zayn hadn't noticed.

She shifted over towards the door. This was it, the only thing she could think of to stop this madness. It was either run from his life or come back for her, and she hoped to God she knew what he would do. She was trusting him with this and she refused to believe he'd let her down. She swallowed hard and casually unlocked the door.

They were going at about 45 miles per hour now and fear was the only thing filling the girl's body now. Her bones ached with her terror but she refused to let it stop her. She was the only thing that could end this, she knew it now. She slowly unbuckled her seat belt.

Zayn cast a curious, unsuspecting glance her way. "What are you doing?"

Finley hadn't even realized she was crying until that moment. She felt warm tears cascade down her cheeks and fall into her lap. She scooted closer to the door.

"Do the right thing," she pleaded. Next, she gripped the handle to the door and flung it open, letting the wind suck her out of the car and throw her hard onto the pavement.
♠ ♠ ♠
A bit of a cliffhanger. And I've decided on the rest of the story. There'll be one more chapter and then an epilogue. So, two.

Keep reading and give me lots of comment love! <3