This Could Be A Possibility

I watch you, fast asleep

Will knows when Abigail is happy.

He knows because she smiles. Well, she smiles a lot, but when she’s truly happy, she’ll smile a certain way. Her cheeks will get this blush, and she’ll bite her lip. She’ll glance at him a little with those eyes and that certain way of smiling lights up her face. And there’s nothing that stops him from wrapping his arms around her waist, and burying his face in her hair, because she’s here, the most gorgeous thing on this side of the planet, and the feeling in his stomach is angsty. Slightly angsty, and calming, and weird, and terrifying and foreign/familiar, but it doesn’t bother him.

He refuses to “feel” this way about any other woman.


Will knows when Abigail is happy.

He knows because even though she gets mad at him for leaving his dirty underwear in the middle of the floor, she gives that secretive smile to him, whenever he cooks. Because obviously her endless patience and good graces has rubbed off on him in the kitchen, even though it cost her one oven, two toasters, four microwaves, and a new blender.

Sometimes (meaning more often than not), she’s still mad at him, so he’ll impress her with his awesome cooking skills. Then, he’ll kiss her until she can’t breathe. She’ll pull back, face colored red, and say “Don’t leave your underwear on the floor again.”

(Of course, his underwear occupies the same spot as it did last morning)


Will knows when Abigail is happy.

He knows because when he opens the front door, he sees Abigail laying on the couch. She looks up and says, “You’re home!”

And right before he goes to bed, she says “I love you.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Be Happy