Status: I'll probably update about once a week! c:

Dulce Et Decorum Est.

Chapter 2.

We were moved into trains, each carriage fitting about twenty people. Incidentally I was in the same carriage as Alex, Rian and Zack. They were so amazing. I've never fit in so well with a group of people in my life, not even my own family. We laughed at the same things, were interested in the same things, yet we were so different. They brought out my immature side, which made me love them even more. After the four hour train journey we were moved onto ferries.
Alex had just stopped singing. His voice was beautiful. He sang well known songs and songs that he seemed to have come up with himself. Rian knocked his seat rhythmically along with is voice. Everything had gone quiet now. Everyone was asleep, or at least pretending to be. I tried to wrap my head my feelings for Alex. He was an addiction, I couldn't keep my eyes off him for more than a few minutes. Everything about him slid perfectly into his place, his smile and quirky teeth, his dark, shining, thoughtful eyes. They showed so much, yet so little. I could see how he cared so much, about everything. I could see how intelligent he was, but for the life of me I couldn't tell what he was feeling. I had only known him a few hours, maybe it would take some time to get him to open up to me. I just don't know why I wanted so badly for him to do it. He intrigued me so much, I wanted to know every little detail about him.
'Hello, Barakat. I can feel you staring.' Alex mumbled, eyes still shut.
'I was not staring, you cocky bastard.' I laughed. His eyes flickered open and he looked at me, amused.
'Well, you definitely are now.'
'I'm not denying it.'
I suddenly remembered that we were the only two awake. The idea made me nervous. Why?
'You nervous?' He asked, his eyebrows raised, a look of pure concern on his face. It irritated me how readable I was. 'About the war, I mean. It can't be as pleasant as they make it out to be now, can it? Somebody has to win, in the end.'
The answer was, yes. I was nervous about fighting. I had never been a good fighter. Even when we trained I had seen them consider not letting me go, but what was one more man to them? I didn't have a choice anyway. There was no point in being nervous. So I just lied. 'Not really, I mean, they say it'll be great, why not trust them?' He shrugged. 'I don't know, people are going to die out there... We're going to have to kill them. I'm not sure if I'm okay with that yet.'
'I don't think that any of us are ever going to be okay with that.'
There was silence for a while. Comfortable silence.
'We're doing this together, okay? We're both coming out the other side.'

After the long days of travelling we finally reached our rest town. We were to have a celebration here before we left for the base.
We marched through the town. The streets were lined with girls our age. 'Rian! Rian! She's giving you the eyes!' A pretty girl with shoulder length brown hair was smiling at him mischievously. Rian winked at her and waved, flashing his glimmering teeth. I could feel her blushing and giggling behind us. 'What's on the table for tonight boys?' Alex came up behind us as the parade and put his hands on mine and Zack's shoulders, who was standing beside Rian. 'I say we hit up the pub, boys.'
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I'm just warning you yet again how unrealistic the war facts are; I apologise I just need to rewire a few things to help my story. I hope you enjoy it, please comment to let me know. Love you! x