Status: On Hiatus <3 I Need To Think More

Piece of Your Heart

The Diary

It was 9:02PM and we had officially won the football game and i had just taken a shower to get the sweaty dirty feeling off...

I promised that i would go to Josh's stupid party but not before going home to get Zion's Diary so i could take it with me to the party...

I mean i'm not going to let anyone read it since it was the diary of the past present as well as future of my best friend...

So no one shall be reading it except for me... not because i want to learn his secrets but because i want to learn what caused his depression and imminent death.

I stuffed the diary in my inner pocket of my jacket and opened the door to the party.. which was raging inside the enormous mini mansion.

Josh knew how to throw parties thats for sure... when his parents were out of town and told the maids to keep silent and help him clean up the mess too.

Music was blasting throughout the enormous speakers but i just couldn't concentrate as he welcomed me from the door.

"There's some sexy college chicks here to bro... try scoring one" he said while drinking another beer can.

I would normally try to score one.. but there were two things running in my mind... Zion as well as my future wife too... those two as well as Angels yapping about that she would want to be called "Present Angel" instead of Angel because our conversation got confusing when i told her everything about the future... even the fact that Zion died... she couldn't stop crying and people assumed that i turned her down.

After she cried she gave me a prep talk and started to do some "researching" of her own.

Present Angel's words from this afternoon still ringing in my head.

By somewhere near 10:07- ish the diary will open... but no later than 10:13... so when it opens you would be able to see his entire entries but if you close it.. you'll have to wait for tomorrow or tomorrow night for it to open again.. but because you have a diary from the future... it cant change itself to what hes writing now... so you'll only find out what happened to him in the future... or that time line.. you get?

No i didn't get what she was talking about but she'll explain it later on to me.

So if i couldn't open it tonight.. then i would have to wait til tomorrow or tomorrow night for it to open.. so i would have to wait tonight since i did not want to wait this long.

She still didn't explain the whole future thing and i got confuse on it.. but i had to focus.

I decided to pass some time by talking to random people who were drunk off their asses...

One person told me that it was pretty rad that i have four heads... then i could look everywhere and eat all sorts of things on the same time and have four plates to eat off of as well as kiss four girls on the same time too.. that was one of the hilarious comments i had all night.

I had a couple of beers... but not to the point where i was swerving when i stood up straight but i was a bit buzz but able to concentrate...

I looked at my watch to see it was 10:03 and it was just 4 minutes before the Diary should open.

Grabbing some beer cans.. like about 6 and stuffing them in my pocket... i went upstairs to look for a private room.

Each door i opened there was practically either four couples mooching on their partner as well as practically dry humping them on the bed... or a group of people smoking pot or cigarettes which surprised me because the smoke detectors werent buzzing.

I bumped into a girl who i recognized.. Carol.. Josh's sister.

"Hey Char! What'cha doing up here?" she asked while fixing the vase near her door to her room.

"Hey Carol... i'm looking for a room where i can just lay down... i got this sick headache and i want to be by myself too" I lied..

"Oh no problem" she said while leading me into her room and setting me on her bed... everything in her room was pink.. a typical girls room where One Direction posters were all over the place as well as Justin Bieber too and some occasions some others like Maroon 5 and so many others.

"Here.. i'll go lock the door for you so no one comes in okay... rest well Char!" she said in an almost giggle as she turned around.. her blonde hair whipping as she locked the door and closed it... I was finally by myself.

Sitting myself up i took the diary out of my jacket and laid it out in front of me.

10:06.. i had to wait another minute for it to open...

This was unbelievable... it felt like 10 minutes but the time still didnt move at all.. still 10:06... but suddenly i looked at the book in front of me...

The purple book that slightly glowed, a yellowish aura surrounding it then all of a sudden its pages flew open and it landed on a page in front of me.

The diary.. it opened for me!

Looking down on the book.. i flipped through the pages to find the beginning... i was just about to learn everything about Zion.
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I fell asleep on my keyboard when writing this chapter XD i woke up to finish it and here it is LOOL :D

I added character profiles too for ever character in the story except for Josh and his sister Carol LOL so go click Characters after this chapter please and see how they look like... If they look like someone you know then i'm sorry... This story belongs to me and not the pictures! And if your one of those people in those pictures then i have to say 2 things

1) You are absolutely gorgeous and beautiful

2) This is all pure work of fiction :D So don't get mad if i put your picture under a witch or something