Status: On Hiatus <3 I Need To Think More

Piece of Your Heart

His Secret's (Part 1)

I opened the book and turned to the first page... maybe the first page would tell me everything i needed.

This Diary belongs to Zion Madison.. so if you find it! Will You please give it back to me!!!! DONT READ ANYTHING BEYOND THIS POINT TOO BECAUSE IF YOU DO THEN YOUR A TERRIBLE PERSON!!!

I chuckled... he was so innocent.

I turned the page ignoring the warning and read the first entry.

A new diary!!! And it's good... thoguh i am in the same predicament like in my old book but maybe everything would lighten up... i mean its high school right! High school! Who would of thought that i would make it this far... and It's since its the start of High School i couldn't help but be scared because of 2 things... 1) Everyone here is taller than me so i had to hide behind of Charlie for protection... but he let me though.. he even shielded me from bullies... and 2) Everything is just so... WOW.... I was scared cause everything was so new to me.. all the people going to random classes and new older faces and more learning to do!
We had our first prep rally.. though i don't even know what "prep" is... is that preparation rally? But what are we preparing for! but anyway it was definitely amazing; we had to yell out a cheer but i was too overwhelmed by everyone squishing up against me almost knocking the wind out of me.. but i was glad that Charlie was having fun.. he was already making a whole new friends that he sort of forgot about me until he couldn't see me... that made me happy though that he remembered about me... i hope he doesn't really trully forget about me... But anyway there was no homework and it's about 10:42PM and i'm really really really really tired so i'm going to bed now!

I couldn't hold back a laugh... As if i would forget about Zion.. though i did remember that day where i so called "forgot" about him.. it was because the kids surrounding me that time towered over him so i couldn't see him so i assumed that he was by my side.. though when i turned around i saw him trailing behind of us by a good few feet.. so i walked back and grabbed his hand and took him with me.

I flipped a couple of pages and landed on another page with equations and a mini stick men flying.. clouds at each other

We had test today and i aced it.. unfortunately for Charlie Math wasn't really his favorite subject.. nor mind either so i tutored him that day.. it was a fun day because we finished tutoring and went to watch a movie... we watched Norbit.. that movie made me really laugh... especially when Charlie was mimicking some lines afterwards.... Thank you for that day Charlie :)

Your welcome Zion... i said to myself as i recalled that day as well... we had a mini popcorn fight and he accidentally threw a handful of popcorn at the teenage couple behind of us.. he couldn't stop apologizing to them... i then realized that the clouds were popcorn.

Putting the book down i grabbed one of the beers and started drinking... i was thirsty and i wanted to continue reading with something to drink... i can't get drunk anyway.. besides it's not gonna be like something horrible is gonna happen right?

Taking a gulp and swallowing it... i went back to the book and skipped a few pages and landed on a page where there were
tear shaped objects being thrown at one of the stick men on the tip top of the page and writing below.. i began to read...

Dear Diary.... Today i got hit by uncountable water balloons multiple times... it was the last day of Freshmen year and people decided to have a water balloon fight on campus... it was really fun that the teachers joined in but i was just minding my own business walking across campus when the bell suddenly rang and everyone poured out and started flying water balloons at each other and i was ducking dodging the best i could... somehow it failed since i was pummeled and was drenched... Charlie couldn't help but laugh at me as i saw him throw one at the principal who laughed at him as well... i manage to steal one from someone and threw it at him.. he started to bombard me with water balloons after that... i didn't have so much fun like that in my life... he is sure making it really hard for me to let go though...

Wait.. what did that last sentence even mean? Though when reading it over and over... it gave me this weird feeling in my stomach and fluttering in my heart... did i like this? Possibly? I'm not sure. I skipped a few pages to get the answer to my question...

I started reading this one.

Dear Diary... It's been about two weeks since the beginning of Sophomore year and i had noticed that i was neither accepted by the "in" group so i tried going to the outcasts.. who rejected me as well... so i am counted as an oddball... and it does feel a bit lonely... though Charlie has adjusted to being an extremely popular person by everyone including the outcasts... i'm very glad for him... I had caught an idea by this teenager named Aaron... who everyone somewhat fears on the basis that he looks really scary but really sweet and nice-

Sweet and Nice... Zion thought Aaron was Sweet and Nice.. is he that freaking blind... i continued to read on.

he suggested that instead of trying to fit in with both groups.. i should make my own... named the oddballs... since outcasts did reject us both.. well he said that they wanted him to join them but he instead wanted to be left alone... but i wonder what or why he suggested this idea... Though i came up to him after Charlie threw in the idea that i should get even more friends.. but i guess he was getting real sick of me looming over him a lot :( ... it's okay though :)
But i did approach Aaron and asked him to be my friend.. he told me that i was one of those brave people who approached him since the rumors of him being a murderer and a rapist and being a mastermind thief and all sorts of ridiculous things... he seemed to be a very amazing guy.. somehow he knew i was gay too.. :)

I was stunned by 3 things at least...

1)The fact that Zion admitted he was gay and that it didn't even phase me.. i mean i never knew Zion was attracted to guys.. it just didn't really hit me since he was just hanging out with me... he listened on and on about how i talked about how beautiful girls really were and he just agreed on me... but he does look a bit feminine to even date a girl.. did he even have a girlfriend? Of course not why am i even thinking about this... ZION IS GAY!!! Though i didn't have any problem with that at all.... it was like i knew but i didn't knew on the same time.. is that even possible?

2)He called Aaron a sweet and nice and now AMAZING GUY.. what the hell does he see in that creep... he shouldn't even be seeing him like that... he should be seeing me as an amazin-- WOAH there... i caught myself before i even said anything... and where was i.. right....

3) I just realized... it was my fault that i told Zion to befriend others and he goes and befriends Aaron... it was my freaking fault! What the fucking hell! If it wasn't for me then i would have had Zion all to myself.. as a friend thing i mean though... but do friends really say things like that about other friends? They do right... i'll just assume that they do.

I couldn't process of what i was even thinking.. what the hell.. why is my mind being a scrambling hot mess... Maybe drinking another Beer should help.. i already drank 3.. and i feel just fine.. maybe my 4th will help my head... I gulped down the beer and turned over a few other pages.

Dear Diary... Charlie is a big fat idiot!!!-

I just read the first line and spit my beer out... i of course did not spit it on the page but on Carol's carpet... Zion called me an idiot! No he called me a big fat idiot! What the hell did i do!

When i introduced him to Aaron... the first thing Charlie says is... "Stop undressing Zion with your eyes you perv! Thus causing Aaron to say "Why bro.. scared that he might like me more than you?" then Charlie snickered and automatically punched Aaron... and now their both suspended from school for 2 days... my god i swear... boys.. i mean muscular boys... you know what i mean.... but both of them.. sigh i have no idea... i thought they were suppose to act all classy.. guess that got my hopes up for nothing.. but i do hope that they befriend one another in the future... though this may sound completely amazing but... for an instant i thought Charlie was jealous and.. well that gave me hope

It gave him hope? What? What does this all mean? Could Zion possibly like me?

My heart thumped heavily.. as if it was telling me... i imagined it saying...

Heart: Charlie... You like Zion and he likes you.

.... Yea right... i could not like Zion like that.

Heart: Why not Charlie.. it explains why you got mad and punched Aaron when he said that to you.. Only jealous boyfriends does those actions you know.

.... I am not a jealous boyfriend! It just got me mad how he was undressing Zion...

Okay now that would be an awkward conversation if hearts could really talk right.

But yea... Me jealous of Aaron... absolutely not!

Turning from those thoughts that were bombarding my concentration... i turned the page to see another random page... this one totally different from the rest.

Dear Diary...I never knew how much it hurt.. how could liking someone really hurt this much... it was really painful and very sad... but theres this hope that still burns within me.. that maybe... just maybe he'll look my way... today i saw him kissing her... i should be used to this by now right? I already came to terms with it that he'll never see me like how i want him too... but it just hurts so much that i want to just scream at the top of my lungs and just cry in my pillow until i don't feel like this anymore... but no matter how much i scream.. or how much i cry... or how much i even hope... it remains all the same... I'm still the same Zion who looks on the sideline... He's the same person who won't notice me.. and she's the same girl who he is attracted too... It's just obvious... but i don't know.. i don't know what to do.. or even say... i mean i know what to do and say but i'm just scared of his reaction.. if his answer is the one i'm expecting.. what will i do and say to get on and over with? I'm the type of person to think things through but for this situation i'm not... i just have to say that for now.. i'll just have to deal with it... i'll just have to live with this unrequited feelings until maybe.. just maybe i can either get rid of it... or tell him... but deep down i am deeply afraid of telling him... if i tell him i might break our deep friendship with one another... since he was the first friend i ever made too... i guess i can never tell Charlie that i am in love with him


Am i reading this right?

... i guess i can never tell Charlie that i am in love with him

No matter how much times i read that line.. it never changes... i tried blinking my eyes to see if i was reading it wrong... flipping the pages to see if a letter seeped through the paper... and even blamed on the alcohol as well... but neither of those worked...

My heart thumped violently in my chest as i kept rereading that line... and then as it sunk in my head... i knew... i knew that Zion was in love with me...
♠ ♠ ♠
Charlie found out of Zion's feelings.. OH MY GAWDDD!!! What will happen in the next chapter! Well i know but you dont!!! Teehee!!

And Yay!!! 2 chapters in one day :D i'm amazing XD nah jking but it was hard working coming up with it XD but thank you everyone for reading it :) Next chapter is in progress right now... and please comment and subscribed and look at the Character Profiles too please :) NEXT CHAPTER! UP UP AND AWAYYYYYY