Status: On Hiatus <3 I Need To Think More

Piece of Your Heart

Just Smile

*Snapshot sounds*

I immediately woke up to flashes blurring in my face and when i opened my eyes i saw Arian standing over in front of my bed with a camera and smiling like he just found a pot of gold.

"Good Morning Arian" i said while flipping over and snuggling into a very amazing pillow.

"Mhhhmmm... you must had an amazing night last night Arian" he whispered while once again taking another picture.

I closed my eyes and breathed in... then noticed something.

I smelled cologne..

Suddenly last night events flashed in my head and i quickly look up to see if it was all true.

Opening my eyes.. i noticed that he wasn't there.

I blinked twice and rubbed my eyes, yea he wasn't there... so was it all a dream? But i pinched myself... so it wasn't a dream.. OH MY GOD SO IT WASN'T A DREAM! I actually had almost-sexual-intercourse with CHARLIE!

"You had Almost-sexual-intercourse with Charlie!!!" Arian pretty much screamed.

"What! How do you know that i had almost-sexual-intercourse with Charlie!" I shot back.

"Because you said it outloud.. and said it again" he chuckled while wrapping one of his skinny arms around me.

"I'm so glad that he has feelings for you! Zi~"

I shook my head to his answer.... then explained to him. "Charlie doesn't have feelings for me... well i'm not to certain but he was whispering some things to me like he liked the smell of me- 

"Because you smell like freaking berry smoothie... which reminds me that i used your shampoo and conditioner and now I smell like Berry smothies!" he sang.

I just stared at him.. he sort of interrupted me.

"As i was saying... He liked the smell of me (which is berry smoothie Arian added) and said that i would run away from him in the future because he'll hurt me... what did he mean by that?"

Arian shrugged.

"Well... i'm not sure Zi... he was drunk right?" 

"Yea he was most defintiely Drunk.. he was all tipsy and swaying but he knew what he was doing since he did say Good Night to me when he was all done"

Arian sighed as he himself started to get lost in his thought while I stood up and went to get changed...

Though I could not keep a grin off my face... I didn't care if it was or wasn't a dream yet I knew that it wasn't a dream and also hoped that it was.

It was like that I didn't want him to ruin himself because of me, though I feel a bit cocky of saying that and assuming that he even liked me, which would be universally  impossible right? But also I really wanted him too... Who wouldn't like their crush liking them back right.

I still was delightfully happy that he did those things to me last night but it was awkward that no words were being said at all and it was just a screw instead of other things.... But called me babe and held me as if I was going to run away from him especially those words as well... He was frightened that  I was going to run from him right there...

Was it alright for me to conclude that? I wasn't so sure but I didn't have any other thoughts that would concluding another answer... But those thoughts did make me happy.

I got my clothes together and took a hot shower then went to go to the vocal training lessons that Arian had put me under for the last 2 years.

I went inside of the studio to see my vocal coach who was already seated at the piano with a new music sheet on the piano board and the microphone already set up

She turned to me, an elderly woman who had silver hair that went down her back, enormous bifocals that enlarged her eyes as well as towering over me by a good seven inches.

"Hello there Zion.. Sorry that I won't be able to help you to or row and changed it today" she spoke while looking towards me.

"It's fine Ms Sarring, it's alright with me" I said while pulling a chair and sitting next to her.

She nodded in response as we started our warm ups as usual u til my voice was warmed up entirely.

"You want to continue to sing-

"No.. I have a new song I want to test out.. Please start with the bridge"I replied quickly 

She nodded again while taking my sheet and putting it on the piano board and started to play

I stood up and approached the microphone and started to sing at the empty seats.. Picturing the audience that I imagined to be there.

In 1/4th of the song she stopped me.. Saying I was forcing the note out instead of letting it out of me... So I relaxed and did it again this time the note coming out from within my diaphragm and I continued to sing... 

On occasions I would be stopped, her saying that I wasn't feeling the song  or I was really giving it my entire all.

"Zion... This song you chose... We're you just lonely and wanting to pick out a song or just want to sing this song just to prove your better... This song is someone who is lonely and don't-

"I know Miss Sarring.. I'm just having trouble right now" I told her.

She nodded while going back to play song from the beginning.

I sang the song from the beginning and it was rather odd... Like another person had taken over me with another voice.. A voice that I hadn't describe as my own but a more richer and purer one

As the song progressed I soon found myself being consumed by so much emotions that I started to cry but yet I continued to sing... I didn't wanna feel lonely and I wanted the one who I loved to be by my side and with that thought a very difficult high note escaped from my mouth and I belted it... It was as if a cry from my soul that just realized its wanting has been heard for the first time.

The piano suddenly stopped and I had just came down from my high of emotions that soared me through the clouds... As if I felt invincible and untouchable... Able to properly express myself through this song and when I turned around the look on my teachers face was as if I had accomplished something amazing.

"You are vocally talented Zion.. I had always knew that about you which is why I push you hard... The note you just hit was a mid range whistle register and it sounded absolutely perfect" she complimented.

I smiled and wipe the sweat from my forehead... I had forgotten how high I could go since I stopped since elementary, but I was real surprise that I was ale to hit whistle register like Arian.

"So... What made you realize the true meaning of that song" she asked while looking at me.

I answered honestly.

"I was thinking of the love of my life when I was singing... Like what would happen if he left me... Though we're not together at all and just friends and what would be the result if... If he ever leafy me" I said while holding back the tears... I don't want that to happen at all.

She smiled and hugged me.

"Your improving really well Zion.. I can't wait to tell Arian" she cheerfully replied.

I nodded.. Yea he'll definitely want me to sing with him.. Oh my.

As soon as I came home.. Arian had already knew of the news of my ability to hit whistle once again and he just rushed up and hug me and yelling "congratulations on finding your whistle voice" in my ear.

If he only knew what had caused that... what thoughts i have been thinking of that time; and then Arian interrupted me.

"Hey, since i won't be enrolled into my school until wednesday; can i visit your school on Monday... it will be fun!" Arian cheered.

I just imagined the school burning down and him rising from the burning buildings with a skull crown and a scepter laughing maniacally.

"I promise i won't do any DRASTIC things" he emphasized Drastic of course and... that somewhat nurtured that gut feeling of mine.

"Fine... you can come" i gave up.

Arian decided to dance around the room as if he won a great victory though i was scared to all the people who would meet him since he wasn't really a sociable person, i guess he wanted to see if my was treating me nice right?

I felt accomplished too, the fact that i was able to sing with so much soul that i never sang like that in my life, i mean i do sing in front of my friends as best as i could but that singing was amazing.

I went upstairs to go and lay down, tired and exhausted. No one knew that singing could be tiring and try singing a song about 4 times over and over while belting a long note over and over; but it was worth it to me; it felt right for me to be singing on stage in front of people and my life long dream was to sing to people too, but a lot of people think of it as a rather too big a dream to chase but i am planning on chasing it with all my heart.

I began thinking of last night and that extraordinary note i produced about three hours ago, it was because of Charlie i was able to produce that note and its because of my feelings for him i was able to really feel into the song... i didn't want him to leave me at all.

Going upstairs i sat in front of the computer screen typing away when the sound of my phone went off.

Looking at it closely i noticed that it was Charlie who had sent a text message.

Opening it up; it stated

Meet me near the park next to your house

I grinned... he wanted to hang out with me today, maybe it would be something fun.

Changing into a long sleeved white shirt with a matching white scarf as well as straight jeans as i put on my white ugg boots that Arian got me as i walked out of the door with a matching beanie as the fall breeze blew against me.

I walked my way to the park, passing houses and cars and the sound of children on this Saturday day playing in the playground while i passed them.. reminiscing about my childhood with Charlie, we used to play there all the time.

Memories kept haunting me and before i even knew it that i had already arrived at the park to see Charlie leaning against his camaro looking off at the setting sun.

"Charlie" i called while waving my hand.

He turned to me as he himself was bathed in sunlight, an absolutely gorgeous person.

My heart thumped violently as he walked closed to me.

I couldn't help but smile and he looked at me a small smile on his face too.

"Hey" he greeted.

"So what do you want to talk about Charlie?" I asked.

I waited for a reply but while i was waiting for a bit, there was none at all.

"Charlie are you okay?" I asked while grabbing his wrist and as soon as my fingers were entwined around it, he ripped it away in a forceful way.

"Don't touch me" he spat in an almost disgusted way.

That really hit a nerve... a heavy feeling weighted on my chest and even a heavier one pressed against my heart.

"Okay" i muttered while returning my hands to my sides.

We stood there in silence, though the only noise around us was the whistling wind as well as the passing by of cars and occasional honking of them.

What felt like an hour of silence, he decided to break it.

"Can i ask you something?" he muttered.

"Yea" i said... still heart broken.

"Can we forget about what happened last night, i was drunk off my ass and i didn't know what i was doing and i took advantage of you and now i regret that i did"

I had to turn away to wipe the tears off from my eyes then turned back to head and hold everything back and did what i knew what to do... I smiled; a gentle smile and stapled it to my face... hoping he wouldn't see through it and lucky enough... he didn't.

He looked to me, regret in his eyes... regret of the choice he made last night i guess.

"Yea... um i have to go home now cause my sister needed me to help her with something" i said, my voice obviously cracking.

I didn't let him talk before i quickly turned around and ran... i didn't run from him.. this didn't count as running, it didn't count at all... he pushed me away.

I could hear him yelling for me but i ignored him and continued to run.

As i ran, my strength focus to my feet to just go faster and return me home, that i didn't even care if i was sobbing out loud, tears streaming down my face to my chin and dripping down unto my scarf or my shirt. Loud gasps escaping my mouth as i wiped my face with my sleeve as i continued to run....

I reached into my house and opened up the door and quickly ran up the stairs... passing by a surprised Arian who started to scream for me and chase after me...

"ZI WHATS WRONG!" He screamed behind of me as i opened up my bedroom door and slamming it close as i threw myself unto the bed and cried my eyes out.

I didn't realize how much i could hurt... until now.


That night passed by without me eating and mostly crying into my pillow as Arian even climbed into my room from the balcony to see what had happened.. i of course told him everything when i had calmed down and he got so mad to the point of picking up my phone and deleting Charlie's number and blocking him from ever calling me or texting me.

Though it wasn't enough for Arian.. he even called up Aaron who came rushing over and practically breaking down my door to comfort me.

It was 9 PM and pretty much everyone in the group was here, even Jace and Arian decided to tell them everything since they were my closest friends

Aaron held me on his lap as i cried into his neck while hugging me tightly while Angel and Becky comforting me with words.

They were shocked at what happened between me and Charlie yet still didn't say anything to ridicule him since they knew my feelings for him.


I looked at Aaron who had called to me.

"Yea Aaron?" I answered him.. sniffling in the process.

"I'm sorry" he said while hugging me tight and pressing me against his chest... his warmth overwhelming me entirely.

"It's okay... i am hurt now but i know i'll get better" i smiled.

To be honest, i didn't know the answer at all.

"Good, because I decided that i'm going to take you out on a date on Monday" he answered before pressing his lips against my own.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hi Everyone! Sorry for the long update it has been hectic here because the holidays is coming and it was just so damn busy... But here's my conversation with Zion!

And P.S Arian's beginning story will be released soon :) But i will show you a little sample of his attitude in the next chapter... he got really pissed at me for delaying his story and gave me an earful of cussing and threats.... yea his story will be coming up soon or else my head will be on a silver platter.

Me: Hey Zion!
Zion: Hiii Creative Author of mine, how are you?
Me: I'm a bit tired and really sleepy for updating your chapter but other than that then i'm fine.. how bout you?
Zion: I'm very exhausted, but if your tired and sleepy then why not go to sleep?
Me: Because i'm writing your cousin's chapter... but i would like to know what kind of music you like to sing about?
Zion: Well Jay-Berry, i love to listen to songs about emotional struggles, like songs that connect people through the emotional level; which is why one of the artist i listen too the 1990's Diva's like Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston and Celine Dion, their 1990's self i mean; their old song's are really beautiful and talk about pains and struggles and even happiness and in some way it feels like theirs talking about myself too; it's amazing.
Me: That's very beautiful Zion... do you think you'll have a Sequel to your story?
Zion: I believe not actually but it's up to you though... A story has it's beginning and end already figured out... its just the middle parts they decide to create... so you already know my ending before i do and i just hope that it's a good ending.
Me: Well.. you'll see... and so will the people reading this too

Do you think Zion should have a Sequel? :D Comment your answer too please :D As well as how did you like this chapter XD i just want comments to see if this story is good or not LOL :D