Status: On Hiatus <3 I Need To Think More

Piece of Your Heart

The Date (Editted!)

I was dressed to kill... well i think i was, well i imagined myself to be. If I was dressed in all black... Actually because before school was even over Arian told me to dress in all black because black is DROP DEAD SEXY and this was going to be my first ever date so i had to be DROP DEAD SEXY! So which is why i should wear all black. Well i could picture myself in an all black clothes... but i couldn't find any to wear!

But i would be drop dead sexy in all black though!

Arian took the car to go and see his vocal doctor leaving me to pick out my clothes for this date.

It was almost 6 and Aaron and I had agreed that he can pick me up at 6 and i had done everything EXCEPT PICK AN OUTFIT!

I had decided to just go casual when all of a sudden the door bell rang... and shit i wasn't ready yet! I was still shirtless and in my boxers but i had to answer the door since Arian did say he was expecting something important to have arrived by tonight.

Practically running down the stairs i kept thinking of outfits i could possibly wear for this date... i didn't want him to think i was a slob and as i opened the door i practically gasped in embarrassment as well as in shock.

There stood Aaron who was dressed in gray baggy pants and a black t shirt that showed off his biceps and a big hat on his head. Though it was weird because it was like he was wearing contacts because his eyes are now a shiny blue color, like sky blue.

"If your going like that then i refuse to go on a date with you" he said flatly... the smile on my face fell into a frown and i got sad.

"Because everyone will be staring at you and i would have to fight them to get your attention and since i only have you tonight... your mine just for tonight" he finished.

I laughed at that... that was a very scary thing to say to me. The thing before i mean. I blushed though.

"Okay um.. can you wait like 10 minutes for me to hop in my outfit, i was so nervous because this is my first date with a guy before and i had never been this stressed out" i choked on my words.

He couldn't help but chuckle and give me a hug.

"Take your time" he said while hopping on the couch and watched some television that i turned on for him.

I hurried upstairs and had to really throw out my entire closet to pick out an outfit; and since i could not find any black outfits to wear i had to either resort to it being color coded or my other all white ensemble.

I didn't want to go over the top with all my colors so i just picked my white ensemble that included a long sleeved white shirt; a white knitted beret that my aunt had knitted for me, a black scarf as well as straight black jeans and comfy white shoes. I called it my "Dressed Comfy White Ensemble!" ensemble... like Spongebobs The Campfire Song Song.

I guess that was the outfit i would have to wear white? Hehe. White!

I decided that i would clean everything up when i reached home since... well it was already 6:33! No 6:34!

"You ready?" Aaron's voice echoed from the stairwell below

"Yes... coming right now... and don't come up here!" I yelled.

I rushed out the door and stuffed the hat on my head and slowly went down the stairs... my nerves already buzzing in my stomach; this was a really nervous moment!

As i finally revealed myself to him he just stood there and stared at me... was my outfit that horrible! I mean i know i was in a rush but it was the best i could do-

"You look freaking amazingly beautiful! I mean you always do but right now you look like your glowing" He finally said just clearing away my doubts.

I smiled at him.

"Well you look very handsome yourself" I added while walking from the final step to only show the difference of our heights.

"Shall we go?" He said while opening the front door as well as his door to his car.

I stepped in and smiled "Yes we shall" I answered while he closed the door and walked around and slid in.

"So what shall we do on this 'date'" I emphasized.

"I planned out loads of things... but of course if i tell you then it wouldn't be a date right?"

That was true and i nodded... surprises are fun!

We drove passed streetlights and cars and there was no words between us, though we would occasionally talk about school as well as how we were feeling right now... but what got me happy was that he always had this wide grin on his face, like it this was the most epic time he ever had.

Then we stopped at none other than a La 'Belladonna, a very high class restaurant.

"Wait we're eating here?" I asked in shocked.

"Yea! Is there a problem with this place to eat cause we can always go-

"No! There's no problem. It's just that they are always booked and you would have to book in months advance! It's very high class as well as expensive!" I freaked out.

"You're so cute when your freaking out... but don't worry i got it all covered" he said while opening his door.

I was about to open my door-

"Don't!" he shrieked from the other side as he hurriedly went to open my door.

"The guy has to open up the door for his date" he said.

"Wait so are you telling me that i'm not a guy" i playfully answered.

"I'm saying that your my date who's a guy" he chuckled as he held out his hand to me.

I took it without even thinking as he pulled me out ( a bit too rough) and i collided into his chest.

His towering gaze soon fell on me as i looked up to see him just smile at me as i noticed his hands was on my back supporting me.

"Thank You" i said while trying not to blush... it was inevitable because i did anyway.

We walked into the restaurant to be only be gazed at by so many high class people.

I waved to them to only get some waves and big smiles back, but most responded with just a turn to the head and to continue their meal or their chat... Aaron whispered that they were "rude asses" but their just here to just eat their food in a high class environment so it was alright.

"Oh my goodness don't you look so adorable today Mr.!"

I turned to see this gorgeous woman with pale blue eyes approach us and hugged Aaron.

She was absolutely stunning actually, long curly brunette hair, snow like skin, her dress was to die for; a long black dress that really sowed off her rocking body; i think she would be considered a MILF... like double MILF actually since shes looks like shes like 25 at least.

"Mom! Why are you here!" he shouted out loud.

This woman was his mom!

"Well your father said to meet him here so here i am" she said to him and then turned to me and a surprise look on her face and she gasped.

"Are you the infamous Zion Madison that goes to the same school as my son that i heard so much about" she giggled.

I nodded... infamous o_O

"Your such an adorable creature! You remind me of timid rabbit!" she said while enrapturing me in one of her hugs.

"Nice to meet you ma'am" i said while hugging her back.

"Okay okay stop hugging my date mom and go have dinner with dad" Aaron said while pulling me away.

"So your on a date with this adorable rabbit like person" she said while pointing at me.

"Yes soooo leave us be please! just for tonight and like on Friday Zion would be able to come over to the house alright?"

Wahhhhh?! Me go over to his house? I never been there before!

"Okay fine i'll leave you both alone for tonight. BUT Zion i expect to see you over the house on Friday okay" she chirped.

I nodded. Well it would be nice going over to Aaron's house... plus his mom was very sweet.

During the dinner, well it was all conversation about everything and anything; he asked me an array of questions... some to do about Charlie which i honestly answered.

"You know... if he ever does anything stupid.. i'm here for you Zion" he said while linking his hand with mine.

"Thank You" i smiled gently... Aaron was... was like a very good guy; i can still remember the first time we had met too.

I decided to ask him some questions too.

"So like why did you want me to go on a date with you... i mean your handsome, smart and very kind and you pick me out of a whole lot of people"

He chuckled while sipping some water.

"Because... i really like you Zion... as more than friends kind of like" he said while his piercing deep ocean blue eyes looked at me.

He... liked me? As more than a friend! I just thought he was just overprotective like liking me as just a brother kind of thing!

I guess he knew by the way i was acting that it didnt bother me but i was just surprised.

"Don't worry... i know you're in love with Charlie... and won't ever hurt you or do anything you don't want to do... but i'm here for you if you need anything or just a person to talk too" he smiled.

"Thank you so much Aaron" i smiled.

"Don't worry! It's fine!" he said.

The rest of the dinner was really productive, we talked so much and got to know each other a lot.

Then as dinner finished, he took me out to watch a movie. Then he surprised me by taking us to an ice skating rink!

May i tell you.. i am not the best ice skater at all... to be honest i didn't even put on skating shoes before! and they were very hard to walk in!

He helped me skate too, guiding me and holding me tight... i never felt so protected actually... but i know i didn't like him that way but just that... he made me feel like i was top priority though and i'm glad that he told me his feelings.

Aaron was a very wonderful and amazing person, despite what people say about him being the grim reaper or that he could kill you which i believe he could but his heart is what is extraordinary pure because he seems cheerful to me.

But the date ended at 11 PM and he was driving me home.

And as the familiar building which was my house was at my view... i was a bit sad that my first date ended.

He still insisted that he needed to open my door.

"That was the best date i ever had! Well the only date i have ever had actually! But still it was really fun!" I said to him and hugged me.

"Your very welcome! We should do it again! But different things to do though" he said while padding my shoulders.

I was about to turn away when he popped my brain with a certain question.

"Zion... Can i kiss you?" he said.

Well technically he did steal my first kiss... and Charlie has been weird... but a kiss on the cheek wouldn't hurt right?

"Yea.. you can" i said... almost putting my cheek out when suddenly i felt his arms on my face and his lips on my own.

I was soooooooooooooo~~~ SHOCKED that i couldnt even comprehend what was happening and just let him kiss me.

When he pulled away i started to process of what happened... and all i wanted to do was go inside and hide from the world... i mean it wasn't bad but just shocking.

"Um" i said while looking away... blood rushing into my cheeks.. i was madly blushing though my heart was not beating that hard at all.

"Yea.. well this is awkward so i'm going to go! But thank you for letting me kiss you... i'll cherish it forever" he said while hugging me tightly and walking back into his car and driving away... a few honks of his horn as he vanished from my sight.

I started to walk back to my house.. still in complete thought

So not only did i have my first date... i find out that Aaron likes me as well as that he kissed my lips again.

What a hectic day isn't it right?

I was about to open my door when i felt eyes watching me.

I looked to my side and saw that in the shadow of the house, i saw a lit cigarette and smoke snaking it's way into the light of the moon.

"So... you had fun on that date?" a deep voice almost growled.

This had to be a dream! THE DATE TOO HAD TO BE A DREAM!

The figure stepped out of the darkness and into the pale dim light of the crescent moon above us.

"A date and a kiss" the voice said again and when he was fully bathed in light...

His figure didn't give it away... but his voice did.

It was Charlie... a drunk pissed off Charlie i mean.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hii everyone sorry for the long wait! :D But yea the date for Aaron went good! BUT CHARLIE CAUGHT ZION AND AARON KISSING AND HES PISSED!!! But yes this is where the chapter ends and i'm going to give you a little spoiler.... THERE WILL BE A SEQUEL! Thank you so much!!!! YOUR ALL AMAZING :D

P.S: I MIXED IT UP!! OH MY GOD!! So i changed the beginning