Status: On Hiatus <3 I Need To Think More

Piece of Your Heart

No Words Can Describe This Chapter

He looked at me.

Confusion, hurt, despair, betrayal, anger; so much mixed as well as negative emotions filled those beautiful hazel eyes.

"Why did you run from me and go to that... that fucker!" he yelled and at an instant he was mere inches from my being, his towering gaze looked down at me.

I was planted into the ground, my feet refused to move at all. Heavy that it would not lift off the ground... i was stuck there, forced to give an answer to him.

"I-I" My brain could not comprehend on what to or not to say at all, it was all turning to goop.

I sighed and held my head down as words seeped from my brain to my lips as it escaped in a soft whisper.

"Why do you care what i even do?" I whispered for only his ears only.

He was silent and everything unnecessary unloaded out of my mouth.

"That night... you kissed me and we did some... things... then i woke up alone and just thought that maybe i did have a chance and i was very happy too... i told my vocal teacher and i discovered a hidden vocal power in me and it was all thanks to you that i discovered it... then that same day you told me it never happened and i ran home crying my eyes out.... Aaron was there for me then and helped me... and all those other times too... he was there for me... and maybe the date with him was very fun-

I couldn't finish my sentence when my face was quickly lifted up to meet his now angry gaze... his hands cupping my face forcing me to look at him.

"So you like him now!" he yelled, rage filled his voice.

I was not used to seeing Charlie this angry at all but of course i was going to say... "Of course not".. but the words did not come out as his lips quickly pressed on mine in a very forceful kiss.

My mind was telling me to pull away yet his hand still had a strong hold on my face and the strength in my body as well as my will were both evaporating much quicker than i anticipated.

He then distanced himself from me and still i could not move... still dazed from that kiss that sent my body on this high as if i was soaring through the clouds right now.

"So you're not denying that you like him now?!" he nearly spat as he swayed back and forth, the drunken hold still enraptured him in it's grasped letting his emotions run rampant and unchecked.

"You don't even care" i said to him.

Now my emotions are already beginning to spill once again, all those years holding it back has already weakened me and i'm so tired of it.

When i had said that... it killed the conversation between us, the connection had been severed and there was this awkward silent filling in the air.

The sounds of echoing sirens of a police car, dogs howling and barking and our heavy breathing were the only things that could be heard... as well as the thunderous heartbeat from myself though i hated it right now and wish that it would just stop beating for him entirely.

"Exactly" I stated.

I forced my legs to work and they had obeyed silently, walking myself to the front door and opening it up and stepping inside.

I was about to close it with my back when suddenly as if by no strength what so ever, i was flown to the ground and quickly i was scooped up and with his leg he slammed the door shut.

"You're Mine" he snapped as he quickly wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close to his chest.

"I just... I'm sorry for what i put you through alright; I didn't know that i really liked you until I lost you"

Damn it all... this all had to be a dream. This absolutely had to be a damn dream... Charlie confessing that he likes me; i must be still sleeping in Aaron's car.

"I just don't know why i noticed my feelings for you when you disappeared-

He stopped when he noticed that i was actually biting my hand.

"What are you doing! Aren't you listening to me!" he squeezed me tight catching my attention, though i did hear what he was saying... somewhat ish... that he didn't like me and all.. he said that right?

I didn't really give him an answer because he already knew.

"I said... that You're Mine!" he reminded while bending down and pressing his forehead up against mine as our eyes interlocked with one another as he looked deep into me.

"I like you" he said while pressing his lips up against mine again.

If this was a dream... please i don't want to wake up. I don't want to go back to the real world where everything i am just experiencing would just fade away into my memories.... I know i had dreamt of Charlie numerous times but please... just please i want to just stay in this dream.

Our lips molded against one another as his tongue rubbed against my bottom lip as if asking for permission to enter and as i parted my lips, his tongue swooped in like a whirlwind filling it up with himself as his arms squeezed me tightly as if i was about to run away from him... i would never run from you Charlie unless you were the one who pushed me away.

One of his arms snaked it's way up my spine and supported my being as my knees became weak, his strength overpowering my own as he pushed himself even further within my mouth; a powerful kiss as well as feeling rushed through me... it felt absolutely right, it felt perfect as well as it felt that this was meant to be.

We pulled away as he brushed the hair from my face and his hands cupped my already blushing cheeks.

My feelings were confused as well as just pouring out of it's limit already, it felt as if i was about to explode from all these feelings pouring from me and those three words that i kept for so long would either break me or save me escaped from my lips.

"I... I always liked you" i finally confessed, the feeling of all those words hidden away for years finally came rushing out making me feel incredibly light and relieved as well, as if a big burden and responsibility just was lifted off my shoulder though as i started to realize that i had just confessed to him, the sense of nervousness replaced those emotions as i had just realized that i let him know my deepest darkest secret... that i had fallen for my best friend.

I was scared to look at him, as my eyes averted his gaze and were on the ground looking at my as well as his feet.

I heard a chuckle from him as his arms returned to enrapturing me and puling me to his chest, causing my heart to nearly jump out of my chest from all of this... happiness.

A very hot yet warm and too comfortable feeling emanated through my entire body, the point of origin was from my heart as pulses of this warmness reached through the tip of my toes and fingers to my nose as well,i felt as if someone had just catapulted me into the air and i was soaring to the sun; as if someone had tied a string around my face and forced me to smile.

No doubt he could also feel the heavy erratic heartbeat that i had for him, though i never really felt that my heart was making an erratic heartbeat.

As my chest was pressed firmly against smile grew impossibly bigger and tears were already pooling down my cheeks.

I felt his heartbeat... the heartbeat that echoed exactly like mine as well and somehow that i knew... though it may sound cocky... that he was feeling the same feeling like i was as well... that he liked me too; i mean he did say it but by feeling someones heartbeat that was pounding exactly like yours... I pressed my ear up against his chest as i heard the symphony that his heart was giving me and as i looked up to see his face, i noticed a light blush creeping across his cheeks.

My hand rose as if my instinct and gently grazed his cheek as i smiled even brighter.

His hand that was cupping my cheek clasped itself with my own hand as it was brought to his lips as he kissed butterfly kisses unto it as his face quickly went for my neck as he nuzzled it; inhaling as well as biting it.

"Charlie" I called out to him.

"Yea Zi?" his voice muffled against my skin.

His voice already gave goosebumps to the back of my neck... an amazing feeling from him actually.

"Am i dreaming? Cause if i am... i don't want to wake up at all... but i'm really scared that you'll leave me alone again-

His index finger brused against my lips as he looked into my eyes again.

"You're not dreaming... this is totally real and I won't ever leave you alone again okay? Your with me... You're Mine and I'm Yours" he reassured while pecking my lips and resting his forehead up against mine and smiling into another kiss.

My heart fluttered when he said those words.

My arms automatically wrapped themselves as far as they could go around him and hugged him tightly.

I feel so happy... so incredibly happy.

"Now I have to go home and help my parents move furniture around... So I will see you Tomorrow at school alright?" he said while kissnig my lips once again.

My brain was already goop and that puddle of goop did not send words to my mouth to say either goodbye or goodnight.

"Night My Zion" he said while embracing me into a hug and pressing lips once again on my own as well as on my cheeks, nose, forehead, chin, neck and kissed my left ear... as well as gently bit down on it causing me to wince as well as moan a bit; though that was very embarrassing as he just chuckled and went out the door and the faded noise of his car started up and zooming away.

My Zion

I couldn't help but smile... i was happy as i walked up the stairs and into my bed as i began to clean as well try to process of what had just happened tonight.

1) Aaron and I had gone to a date.

2) He confessed that he liked me

3) Took me home and gave me a kiss on the lips

4) Charlie had caught us kissing and got jealous

5) Charlie had kissed me tonight just about 10 times

6) Told me his feelings about me

7) Me confessing my love for him

8) Unknown state of either we are going out or just in the friend zone who loves each other.

I sat on my bed as i kept thinking about those 8 things but as i reached to 4,5,6,7 i started to roll around in my bed... ecstatic that he feels the same as me... that my wish had finally had come true.. that the feeling between us were mutual.

Just don't make it a dream... please... not another dream.

Those were the only doubts I had in my mind as i drifted off to slumber... the doubts of this only being a dream... no doubts if he was just using me or having fun with my emotions... but i know Charlie... he would never use me like that.

With that thought... i had already fallen asleep... unaware of the chaos that will become me tomorrow
♠ ♠ ♠
I am flabbergasted! I have no idea what to say about this but just... FINALLY THEIR TOGETHER!!! YAYYYY :D But what will happen tomorrow? Well that's for me to know and you to find out :D

Tell me how was this chapter please :) I like feedback!