Status: On Hiatus <3 I Need To Think More

Piece of Your Heart

Hold Me Close Hold Me Tight (Part 2 of 3)

The sight in front of me was horrific.

Charlie and Aaron has gotten into a fight and i am standing there too shock to even comprehend of what the hell to even do.

"Your a fucker you know that!" One spat at the other while they continued to throw blows to one another.

"Fuck you Aaron!" Charlie spat back as their bodies once again collided with one another.

The look of rage within Aaron's eyes really did scare me but they also contained hurt as well... and i felt very bad that i was the one who had caused this hurt.

A hand then gripped tight to my shoulder and when i looked up it was Angel who gave me a sympathetic look... like she knew what i was going through.

"Stop it both of you!" I kept screaming at them but my voice didn't do anything.

Becky attempted to break the two from fighting but kept being pushed back and until she was pushed to the ground...

They kept exchanging blows to one another to the point where i quickly ran to them and tried to break them up myself until one of the blows hit my chest instead and i fell to the ground and at the point all hell just exploded.

My chest felt as if it was being caved in from one of the blows that Charlie accidentally gave me but they didn't take notice and kept punching each other.

A low voice growled

I looked to see Jace towering over Angel with a very angered expression on his face as he walked over to the two who was causing a scene and quickly pushed them both aside which reminded me of Moses parting the Red Sea... it was that epic.

"You both are fucking idiots! So oblivious to your fight and without even realizing that you hurt Zion" he pointed to me as he hims
elf picked me up with one hand.

The looks on both of their faces shown shock as they had just realized that they both somewhat hurt me.

I just noticed that everyone was looking at me and suddenly i realized of a somewhat... dripping thing that was dripping from me..

I felt my face and looked at my hands to see the familiar red liquid smearing my hand.

I was bleeding.

"I'll take him to the nurses room!" Aaron quickly shouted which caused Charlie to glare at him.

"No. I'll take him"

I looked to see who had said that and was completely shock that it was none other than Jace who had said that.

Charlie and Aaron awkwardly stared at the fact that the quiet monsterous guy who had said that... had already threw me over his shoulder like a bag of rice and escorted me to the room.

As i looked at their figures disappearing by the distance.. i noticed that Charlie had this really guilty look on his face while Aaron had one of hurt.. how both made me feel really guilty as well as sad.

"Don't worry about it Zion... i just took you away from them so they would calm down a bit" Jace quietly said as if he was somehow reading my mind but he also reassured me that it would get better and it was as if he was telling me that it wasn’t really my fault... though i still felt it was.

I didn’t really know what to have respond to that so i had just said something simple.. like an “Okay” which actually escaped my lips, but we were on our way to the nurses for my bleeding nose and possibly some advice on well... on this kind of situation.

~*~ Aaron

This room smelled like Pine-Sol mixed with Taco Bell; Can you guess where am i right now? Yup in the Principal's office because of the fight that happened between myself as well as Charlie in which was actually spreading like wildfire because of the deranged blabbermouths that populate this school.

The old man stared at both of us, stared at our blood and bruise covered bodies as we dished it out an hour earlier.

“I am very disappointed in both of you... “ the old man began as he was seated in those cliche brown leather chairs as well as that sparkling name tag.

“Not only had you beaten each other up, but one of your punches actually hit bystander as well Who i believe is a close friend to both of you!”

Now he actually hit a nerve... well we didn’t mean to involve Zion, but when people are in ultra violent rage mode we don’t even see whos around us!

“Detention for both of you for a week! Now go and see if your friend is alright” He said in an angry tone.

Both Charlie and myself glared at each other and accepted the fact that both of our love interest is in the health room because of our fight... so i guess we had this agreement to not fight and see Zion.
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Short Chapter! Sorry work has been hectic and was coming home very tired :( &lt;3 This is a short chapter but it will be a very long chapter next! and what will happen then? HMMMMM!!!!!