Status: On Hiatus <3 I Need To Think More

Piece of Your Heart

The Deal

When i came home that morning… i told my wife that my friend Zion died; she couldn't help but cry a bit since she did know Zion as well and i went to work a few hours after... still his death didn't really hit me yet; but it was weird because i did know that he died... that i was right there when it happened... that i was with him during his last happy moments with his friends... it didn't really hit me yet but i did feel sad

We were at his family home; i was greeted by his sister who looked completely different than the last time i had seen her, even the other sibling looked like a mature adult as well… not one resembled Zion completely.. they had all grown into looks yet he was 24 and still looked like that high school student i once knew.

Zion was the youngest of his siblings… bot of which shed tears and comforted each other of their brother's passing. Their entire family surrounded in chatter as i sat uncomfortably on a couch; being sandwiched by 2 unknown women who were talking to at the same time… They had wondered of who a good looking young man like me was related to someone like Zion.

I told them both that i was the playmate that Zion had everyday; we used to hang out a lot and i was his best friend. They just couldn't help but giggle at it and i didn't blame them… even i thought it was cute.

Zion's dad then called us out to the parlor where we either sat on the carpeted ground, chairs or even stood up to see videos of Zion… some from his childhood where i was mostly at his house playing with him; his birthday parties, Christmas and New years as well as other holidays mashed up as we progressed through his life.

His amazing smile shined in every video… laughing at the camera and waving at his father and or mother holding the camera.

"Look there's you again Charles" Zion's older sister pointed as i saw my child self walk up Zion and embrace him in a hug.

"Why don't you two get married since your always together" His older brother said in the video.

"Be quiet Jonathan! And me and Charlie is going to get married when we both get older" Zion smiled while he walked to me and gave me a big kiss on my cheek.

I blushed while i remembered that video… it was when we were 6 during a Sleep Over and Zion's older brother Jonathan made him cry later on for calling him girly and i had to comfort him… i even got mad at Jonathan that i somehow punched his face.

"If i remember… didn't you Punch Jonathan's face after this vid was shot" His sister whispered to me.

"Shut Up Lily… i don't remember getting punched in the face by that Juggernaut beside you" Jonathan shot back.

Oh he remembered… he definitely remembered… because he hates my guts because of that day too and i'm surprised he remembered it all this time… 17 years later.

The next video showed Zion on stage singing happily into the microphone which i remembered had to be lowered for him to tip toe and sing a song… i don't recall which song but i do remember him winning 1st Place and fainting after the performance for summing up all his courage and going out there in front of hundreds of people.

I looked to the tall cupboard to see that same trophy sitting there smiling at me; a proof of his victory.

The video then switched to another… one that i remembered so well.

"Happy birthday Charlie!!!" The little Zion screamed while hopping on my 7 year old Spiderman bed trying to wake me up.

"Get up Charlie-Bear" my mother said to me while holding the camera as we saw Zion push me off the bed by accident.

"I'm up!" I yelled at both my mom and Zion who couldn't help but smile at me and then he started to sing Happy birthday to me while fidgeting.

When he was done singing, I thanked him and kissed his cheek and when the family saw that they all said "Awww" in a Unison voice then looked at me.

"We'll be best friends forever!" Zion said while hugging me tightly.

That got me... This morning i was fine and was accepting his death but.... those words of his just hit me full.

I couldn't contain it anymore and the tears started to cascade down my face... i was lucky that i was located at the corner of the room where no one could see me cry.

My friend... i've lost my best friend... and i wasn't even there for him for almost 8 years... i wasn't there for him when he needed someone...

I didn't know how long i cried... and i was lucky enough that no one noticed me crying either... i just cried and no matter how much tears i cried.. it would not bring back my friend anyway.... there was nothing to do but just cry and accept the fact that he was gone for good... there was just nothing to do... but a certain noise caught my attention back to the screen.

It was Zion.. singing Oh Holy Night in a very cute Christmas Pajama like clothes on stage and hitting a very high note while holding the microphone right above his face. His eyes containing so much hope and happiness. That happiness that i missed so much.


I looked diagonally from me and saw her... Angel... that Wanna Be Witch girl.

She mouthed some words to me and somehow even if she was across the room... i understood what she had told me exactly.

Come with me to the yard under Zion's oak tree

She then just stood back up and walked out of the room without even caring that her favorite person... that her Zion was singing Christmas songs.

I didn't want to go at all but some sort of warmth in my heart told me to follow her and since i did not have anything to do but cry.. i stood out and excused myself and walked through the kitchen and walked outside where i saw him examining the tree where both me and Zion played as children.

"What do you want Angel" i said bluntly... i didn't know who she was.. i just knew her name and what people told me about her.. that she was weird and somehow was a so called "Witch"... i didnt want Zion hanging around with her but he was convinced that she was amazing and a good person.

"I want Zion back" she said while placing her hand against the tree trunk and then laying her head sideways to listen to it.

Her blonde hair flowing with the breeze... Angel was beautiful but she was plain weird and that made her unattractive.

"No matter how much times we wish.. he can't come back from the dead... no matter how much times we cry he won't magically appear before us.. no matter how much times we just say his name.. we can't travel back in time and al-

I noticed her weird grin directed toward me... as if she wanted to prove me wrong.

I just stood there... an awkward silent as i was just glaring at her... she doesn't know that i'm suffering too right.. shes not the only one going through the lost of a friend... he was in my life more than hers.

"That's where you are wrong Charles... I came here to tell you to meet me at the School Grounds tonight at about 11... If you don't i will curse you for the rest of your life... Meet in the field" she said while looking at me...

It felt like she was examining my very soul... as if she would just walk through me.

She walked away.. about 5 feet away from me and walked towards the house then said loudly.

"Only your the one that can do this Charles... so please be there"

What did she mean by that... but all i heard later on was the shut of the kitchen door... where she had left me standing next to the Oak tree where i noticed Zion's as well as my name carved in the trunk where her hand layed.

That's our promise to be together forever... our named carved in that special tree where we had met one another too... What kind of thing is she thinking of doing now? No matter what i'll meet up with her.. what else might happen?
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I wonder what's Angel thinking about.. could it be some plan or somethng? :D Well thank you for reading this chapter and i'm sorry if it was boring :D