Status: On Hiatus <3 I Need To Think More

Piece of Your Heart

An Unlikely Turnout

I saw him run away from the group and that got me wondering of what had made him run, it took a lot to make my cousin run away; he would only run from his brother and anything that seemed to be dangerous.

Just by thinking that I turned to see that guy who had kissed my hand earlier. Will? I believe that was his name, he looked quite shock and his brother Daniel looked rather astounded as he conversed with Orion.

"Sir, if you would like we could go and explore the campus if you would like?"

I nodded at his request since I had told him that I was interested in transferring, which was a lie actually.

A lie that I would have to go with.

During the tour I could not help but text Charlie of the situation, who was waiting for me within the car, I told him that this could possibly take quite awhile to which he responded with a laughing emoticon.

We went through the campus through mostly every classroom where I met a colorful array of people and most seemed very, erratic?

When we approached a class I saw Will alongside his brother and they immediately looked at me, said guy who had kissed my hand seemed very distraught when he looked at me and I felt very sad and just waved at him to at least cheer him up to which he smiled gently.

We walked away from the class and when I had told the principal that I had enjoyed music more, he had skipped most of the English classes and had taken me towards the music class to where I knew my cousin had resided within.

As i entered the classroom and looked at my cousin who then looked up and glared at me with eyes full of shock.

I waved at the class and saw Orion looking at me and waving back at me, i also noticed two boys sitting with my cousin and chatting up a storm with him and that couldn't have made me even happier to see him making friends.

However, some sort of singing had shattered my chain of thought; a girl who was singing Touch My Body and i couldn't help but gawk at her.

I did realize she had so much spirit in her singing but, i don't know what was happening with her? I was as if she was trying too hard? Or wasn't trying hard enough? I had also noticed my cousin having both fingers in his ears trying to shut her out and i could mentally hear him cussing about her, perhaps saying that she was possibly crashing and burning.

Before i could do or think anything the principal had ushered me out because of the girl who was singing.

"Let's go to the next music class"

We went to the next few doors down and opened it and entered the classroom.

Almost immediately all eyes were on me as i waved and stood in front of the class.

"Hi there, my name is Zion Madison" i smiled.

I was greeted with smiles and waves but as i looked deeper through the aisles of teenagers; i saw someone, a boy glaring at me?

He was dressed pretty sharp; a white long sleeved shirt underneath a blue vest; he wore glasses that could not shield his piercing blue eyes that continued to glare at me; his hair was blonde and combed to the side in a side shave, his skin was a creamy vanilla color.

"Do you sing Mr. Madison or play any instruments Mr. Madison?"

I nodded at the teacher with a smile too. "I enjoy singing, sadly though i don't know how to play any instruments." i commented.

That said boy scoffed at my words as i saw him in the corner of my vision rolling his eyes at me, who was he and what did i do to him?

"Oh! That is alright, would you sing for us today?" she said while pushing her brunette hair out of her face before settling down in the piano chair.

My eyes widened from such a request; i mean i haven't really sang in front of people other than my friends.

"Um, well..." I stammered.

"Why don't you? You said you were a singer" that same boy snapped as he shot me a sharp glare.

I blinked at the words that came out from him.

"Derek, please be nice to our guest" the teacher scolded him.

This Derek person just sighed as he rolled his eyes at me.

The teacher then turned to me and smiled. "Well if you don't want too, then you don't need to sing to us; however would you like to stay for the rest of the period and hear the other students sing?"

"Oh um, sure" I nodded while sitting down in an open seat.

Derek immediately stood up and walked to the front of the class; this time he had a smile on his face and i thought it was really nice until he went up to the front and as soon as his eyes landed on me, his scowl returned.

I don't really know what I had done or anything? Did I somehow insult him?

He began to sing and his voice was absolutely incredible; it was actually beyond incredible, it was amazing.

His technique was flawless and his notes were long and sustaining, i never felt or saw anyone sing like that before.

However before he could dazzle me or anyone further, there was a knock on the door and there stood Arian who looked at me while cocking an eyebrow and then towards Derek who he then gave a very sinister look too.

The same goes with Derek, apparently he did not like being interrupted at all and had returned Arian's death stare.

"Arian Madison, well... welll" Derek sneered.

The teacher waved towards Arian and i couldn't help but stand up to which both of them had looked at me as well.

Arian however said nothing but glared at Derek while crossing his arms, he then turned to me and began beckoning his arms.

I nodded while standing up.

"Alright, well i guess i'm on my way now; thank you so much for having me!" i said to all of them as I pushed my seat in and scurried towards Arian's side.

He quickly grabbed my arm and yanked me out of the classroom.

My cousin kept shaking his head and furrowing his brows, he clearly did not like Derek at all and for some odd reason i did want to know why.

He yanked me all the way towards the parking lot where i saw Charlie's red Camaro as he stood outside smiling at me.

My heart skipped a few beats and i swear i had been blushing; i was still not used to calling Charlie, 'my boyfriend'. It felt as if someone had been pulling strings on my face, forcing me to smile.

As we approached the car; Charlie kindly opened up the passenger side and tried to usher me in to my dismay and i barely had time to protest as Arian was already wagging one of his fingers to me.

He then patted Charlie's shoulder before turning on his heel and walking away; clearly upset that i had arrived in his school and also arrived at his class too.

I had just sighed while Charlie went into the car and buckled himself up.

"So how was everything?" he chuckled while starting the car.

"Well, it was pretty interesting." I answered him while looking at the building closest to us' the music building where, just by squinting my eyes i could barely see a figure looking directly at me.

I had decided to not say anything about the whole Derek guy to Charlie as we zoomed our way towards the beach; he had decided that it was too late for us to go to school and decided to take a very much needed beach day.

We called in however, saying that we were very much ill; which was his idea and we both went to a nearby Target to buy some beach-wears.

I had gotten myself some new water shorts along with a shirt; however when i had tried to buy my items, Charlie had literally told the clerk to cancel the transaction to pay for my items; to my dismay as well; he said that 'It was his civil right as a man to pay for his date/boyfriend to most things'. I had just rolled my eyes at him but as it was quite nice to hold his hand during our walk within the store as well as on the sea shore where we spent most of the day.

We had walked back and forth and getting to know one another once more, i would say like a very casual date; which i very much enjoyed.

He had told me that he was interested in sports but also that he knew that he wanted to make something, to make a business that he could solely or perhaps have a partner to run; he had told me that he wanted to go to college as well and enhance his learning experience.

I couldn't help but just listen to his words as we sat there on the sand; my hand in his, and his head resting on my shoulders.

I told him of my dream of being a singer, to write and sing music that inspires not only me but those around me; to dream, to live, to laugh, to cry. I also told him of my desire to help children who were abuse.

We talked about our feelings for one another, about our future and if we saw each other in it.

I had told him of my future with him, if things were to go to that length; i told him of my true feelings of which i had held for years bottled up within me had began to spill out uncontrollably.

I had told him that; even if he wasn't with me, i would most likely still love him.

"Even if you were with someone else; i would most likely still love you" I smiled as the light of the setting sun began to glisten and shine against the calm ocean water was wave after wave crashed smoothly against the warm sand.

The beach goers had all long but gone home leaving us along with few other people on the beach line, sitting down and enjoying the last light an August day.


I looked down to see Charlie gazing smiling at me.

"What is it?" i blushed looking back at the ocean; i was embarrassed, yet excited and very much happy.

"You're very beautiful" he whispered while sitting up and leaning closer to my being.

"No no no no" i spoke fast, i wasn't beautiful.

My head automatically sank lower into my shoulders as my face felt hot and flushed. I then felt a muscular arm wrapped itself against me and pulled me closer to him.

He smelled of the sea and a hint of his special cologne that reminded me of spice; his lips neared my ear as he exhaled a hot breath which got my body to tingle with excitement as well as embarrassment.

"Why yes, yes you are" he laughed silently before slightly biting the tip of my ear.

My eyes closed from the unusual sensation; this was a whole new ball game for me; my heart was beating quite fast and my palms were sweating. I could feel his tongue grazing against my ear lobe as he licked back and forth along the area where he had bit.

A soft whimper came out of my mouth, to his delight of course as side-eyed him; a smirk on his face along with a three o'clock shadow which i had only noticed up until now.

My free hand had gripped tight along the hemline of my teal shirt as the other felt as if all feeling that was in it had disappeared altogether, especially when Charlie had once again began biting me; his tongue traced against the flesh of my neck line, leaving butterfly kisses along his path before he had set himself down on a very sensitive area on my collarbone; nibbling against it and sucking.

My breath hitched and he noticed as his motions became rougher and more needing; a hand tilted my neck back as he continued to tongue, bite and suck against my flesh. Even more breathes escaped from me from his motions as his free hand had wrapped itself in my shirt and began feeling my body.

Feeling against my stomach which had been knotting all this time, the warmth sensation pooling within it; up to my chest where I felt as if he could feel my heart; thudding away from his touch.

His hand which had been supporting my neck whipped itself around; grabbing my face gently and facing his; his lips meeting mine in a rough but passionate kiss; my knees already liquefied and felt as if they were melting even further.

His tongue roamed the inner cavern of my mouth as his hands squeezed against my cheek bones.

My eyes had shut themselves; as if telling me to feel all of this instead of looking at it; feel every wave and ounce of passion and pleasure coursing throughout my body.

The calm ocean and the soothing wind which breezed through my hair was replaced by Charlie. I had lost the sensation of warmth from the sun, only to be replaced by both the heat from my body and the furnace to which was Charlie. Everything at this moment revolved around him, how he made me feel, how he holds me and loves me tenderly. Most things; how my mind loses focus at the thought of him, of how he is a part of my life from the very beginning, the memories of our past as friends and as the present as perhaps lovers?

Though i knew we liked each other and that mattered most to me.

He pulled away; gasping for air, as did i, though we looked at one another as the sun had vanished from the horizon.

We both had smiles on our faces as he pressed his forehead against mine, his eyes blinking as he locked eyes on me and only me.

These sort of moments were new to me and i was quite nervous; every time i would try and look away, he would force my face back to see his; his eyes were like mirrors and it was as if i could only see myself within it.

His hand was on my back as he quickly lifted the both of us on our feet, i was still feeling the ebbing feels of the passion rushing through me as he took a few steps away from me and neared the water, stretching his arms out at full length while groaning.

I had only tilted my head to the side.

"Let's go home now" he turned to me; smiling as he approached me with an arm outstretched, an invitation.

I couldn't help but reach for his and locked my grip unto his as we both went to the car.

"Thank you; for today" i whispered to him; he didn't respond but did look back and give me a single nod; there was no need for words, for all the words were spoken today; and here we were, starting a new slate.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm so sorry for taking awhile! But here it is! They have returned and i am now adding new characters since it's a brand new story arc!

If you read his cousin's story, this is actually within the chapter in where Arian was sent to the principal :) I like to tie things up just a bit hehe.

They're together and all but who is this new figure that doesn't like our main character? Stay Tuned for future updates!