Status: On Hiatus <3 I Need To Think More

Piece of Your Heart

Night of the Celestial Moon

I was at the school's parking lot; the moon was eerily full and it's rays shot an eerie blue light that shined unto the dashboard of my Porsche as i sat there waiting for Angel.

I didn't really need to worry about my wife and kid since they went to visit my mother in law this entire weekend; so i was free to do anything but i did have frequent calls from my wife.

As usual there were dimmed lights illuminating the school ground's that i vaguely recalled some of my past experiences there.

What did Angel want to tell me about.. or show me... and why wasn't she here already...

I had been waiting for almost an hour.


As if by chance she heard my thoughts, i noticed her standing right beside of my window looking into it and directly at me... her blonde hair almost glowing in the moonlight.

"Come on we have to hurry" she said while she walked unto the school campus.

Opening my door i had this strange feeling that something eerie was going to happen as i followed her.

We walked on campus passing by familiar buildings that brought back so much memories, the bench that me and Zion would sit and eat lunch together and talked about the most amazing as well as random topics to the balcony in which Zion almost fell from.

This school had so much memories of Zion that I tried so hard to not and breakdown right there, but tears spilled down my cheeks as memories of him flooded deep within my thoughts.

His enchanting smile and bright personality that lit the way through most of my life has now faded and now I have no light to guide me at all, he was the Peterson who showed me that kindness existed.

"Were here" Angel spoke as I noticed the track field dimly lit by surrounding lights as well as the eerie blue moon illuminating the area.

In the middle of the track were lit candles placed in a circle formation and in front of the formation, under the moon’s rays were an empty book stand

“Please sit in the middle of the formation” she said while placing an enormous book on the stand that seemed as if it was about to break from the weight of this encyclopedia like book.

I sat in the middle of the formation as she began whispering some unknown words that i couldn’t make out.

“So why am i even here?” i questioned when she opened up her book.

“Shut up and let me concentrate” she responded while flipping pages.

I sat there quiet as i remembered when Zion was beamed in the face with a soccer ball on this very field and how i carried him to the health room and that’s when i met my wife.


I looked to Angel as she called my name.

I was suddenly doused with water that smelled as if someone put too much salt in it.

“What the hell are you doing!” I shouted while i stood up towering over her.

“Shut the hell up, it was necessary for you to start in a clean slate; so you had to be purified you dumbass!” she snapped back while throwing another bucket of water at me.

“STOP THAT!” i yelled again, i could feel my clothes tightening around me.

“Be quiet and let me concentrate Charles or i swear the ride there will be bumpy as hell!” she screamed.

Ride? What ride? Where am i going? I don’t even know why i agreed to this.

“The diary is going to be on the counter when you wake up, i took out the... “unnecessary” parts to it so it won’t interfere with everything but just do it alright” she said while she held some sort of chalice up to the moon.

What did she mean by all of this?

“What do you mean?” I asked her.

“This” she said while turning around with some sort of blue lit orb.

“What’s that?” i asked her.

She smiled as she said “Catch” and threw it directly at my face and all i saw was blue.

Her head turned away and her arms rose up to the Moon as she chanted.

The candles around me smothered out all at once and in their place an even eerie blue candle light ignited.

Suddenly i was illuminated by Moonlight and everything started to become bright.

"You are going to have a second chance Charles Wolfram Smith; make the correct choice this time and become even happier" she said in an almost mixed mono-toned voice as everything around me started to get dark.

The Moon suddenly vanished from my view as the tracked ceased to exist before me and even the candles vanished.

All that remained was her...Angel stood before me as the bookcase carrying her book vanished as well.

"Remember... On The Dresser In The Room" She said as she started to fade away.

"Why are you fading away Angel! I don't know what's happening right now?" I cried out; this was all new to me... well i bet it would be the first for everyone who would be in my position.

"Because; instead of the future calling for you, the past is... now go to it" were her last words as she herself vanished from me and i was alone in an everlasting darkness by myself and i wondered how i was going to get out of it all.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the long update &lt;3 BUT IM BACK!!!

I also have been thinking that i will redo the entire page cause it looks plain and all.