Status: On Hiatus <3 I Need To Think More

Piece of Your Heart


I could feel the sun's warmth lightly brushing on my arm as well as the smell of cooking bacon making my mouth water which automatically woke me up from my sleep.

I slouched as i scratched my head, my eyes not even open since i was really tired but i had to get ready for work.

"Charlie get downstairs!" a voice boomed at me

It was the usual wife was calling me down for breakfast

My half sleeping self walked down the stairs and sat myself at the table.

"Good Morning Darling" the voice greeted.

"Good Morning Dear" i answered in return as i puckered up my lips for my wife.

I don't know how long i sat there waiting for my good morning kiss until i realize she didn't kiss me yet.

"I'm waiting" i said impatiently for the kiss i was suppose to get.

Suddenly a pair of lips met my face... although it was on my cheek.

"Are you that shy around Papa" i teased.

"What?!" The voice shrieked and she started to laugh... okay i'll play along with this.

"You heard me, do you want to get spanked again" i teased.

"YOUNG MAN!" A manly voice spat.

Opening my eyes i saw a different figure standing at the kitchen stove as well as a familiar environment that was not my home.

"Mom! Dad!" I yelled while looking at both of them.

"Why are you two young and at my house! You should be at your house back at Connecticut!" I yelled while standing up abruptly. Where was I... and why do these people look exactly like my parents.

"Are you saying that I'm old! And what do you mean! We're not in Connecticut, we're in California!" the woman said while having her hand on her hip while waving a metal spatula in her hand.

I looked around carefully, everything seemed like my old home back in high school.

The old green sofa that made squeaking shrieks as you sat on it, i thought we threw that out; my football gear stacked nicely in the corner as well as a family picture on the nightstand; this is all too weird as if i was blast to the past.

I looked to the calendar behind of me to see that it was placed 7 years of the real time.

"So who are you two" i said to the two figures standing in front of me.

"Are you stupid Son, we're your parents" My so called father said while he lit a cigarette as his right eye twitched behind his glasses.

"He's just having one of those horrible days Drew, leave poor Charles out of it" My mother said while flipping over some pancakes and putting it on a plate.

This was unbelievable, i had to be dreaming... right?

Then a thought hit me.

Immediately i stood up and sprinted to the bathroom... it can't be right?

I opened up the door and just stood there... if i turned on the light switch then i would absolutely know for sure.

I flipped the lights on and i gasped out loud.

There in the mirror stood me; well of course it was me but a younger self of me.

I touched my face as the mirror reflected my actions.

"I'm seriously... 7 years younger?" i said to myself while touching my face.

This could be a dream right? It's all a dream... my life couldn't have just rewind all of a su-

I then remembered.... Angel. Angel could fix this since she brought me here right? If she could send me 7 years into the past then that means she could send me 7 years back into the future.

What about my wife? Would she be alright with our child by herself?

I really had to go and talk to Angel, but where would she be?

"Charles! Time for school so hurry up and get ready!" My Mother said while leaning into the bathroom to tell me.

"Oh and don't forget to pick up some groceries on your way home" she added while she went back to the kitchen.

School; i'm 24 and i have to go to school again... well i have to start somewhere to tell Angel to take me back to the future.

If i can remember... my keys were on the dresser in my room.

Walking up to get them i noticed my room and remembered where everything were; my piles of dirty clothes that i would wash on Saturdays; the guitar my father had bought me on my 15th birthday; my photographs on the nightstand as well as love confession letters i would keep in my drawer as well as hidden underneath them were my porn collections.

Grabbing the keys off the stand i rushed to my red Camaro before it got messed up a few years later....

Opening the door to my car i started up the engine and headed to school, eager to see Angel and tell her to reverse the spell she put on me and i realized that she was really a Witch.

Passing by the neighborhoods i reminisced about how i met my wife; how i missed my future with her as well as the child we were raising together. I needed to get back there at once and i knew Angel would understand.

I drove for about 10 minutes before reaching the school where i parked in the student section.

Swarm of girls immediately ran up to my car, i totally forgot that they used to do that actually.

"Oh Char~ You look sexy today" a blonde girl said while throwing her leg over my car's hood.

"What do you mean, he's sexy everyday!" one of the brunettes yelled while yanking the blonde's feet off of my hood.

I completely forgot that this used to happen everyday in school and i used to escort all of them to class as well.

"So who are you taking to class today Char~" the blonde purred again while linking her hands with mine, thus causing the rest of the girls to glare at her.

"I can't take none of you to class today because i got to see some-

"Who!" They all yelled in unison.

I looked around to see blazing eyes that contained anger as well as jealousy glaring directly at me as their relentlessness got the best of them as they started to accuse each other as well as say that they were going to be mine... which was rather weird i mean.

As i snuck away from them i tried to recall of where Angel could have appeared too and i noticed her walking down the hallway towards what i remember to be her locker.

Without any thought, i chased after her.

Passing by students as they greeted me, i had her locked on and i would not lose her; i had to get back to my present day.

But no matter how fast i ran, i could not catch up to her; as if she was just way ahead of me.

Finally as if i had a miracle by my side... i was catching up to her through the mob of students; her blonde hair which stood out from the rest was my target and i was ready to go back home... i was ready to have my future back.

As i grabbed her shoulder and whirled her around... she had a smile on her face.

"Hello Charles" she greeted.

"Angel I-


That voice. A voice that i... that voice that i could recognized out of anywhere....

I gently moved Angel to the side to see him... the short as well as petite full of sunshine that had his back against the locker and had that famous gentle yet powerful smile that rocked my core to extreme measures was pasted on his face as if it belonged there while his warm honey colored eyes locked unto me.


"I-.. I-

I couldn't finish my sentence but i found myself hugging him right then and there... my friend Zion was here with me...

Tears dripping down my face when i realized what i was doing.

I wiped them away but i still kept my hug on him; my arms wrapped around his frame so easily as i squeezed him into me and inhaled his floral scent. I missed this so much, i missed him so much... i really did.

"Charlie.. everyone is staring" he peeped while both of his arms wiggled under my embrace of him.

"Sorry" I said while backing away... Zion was here right in front of me... looking the same. How happy this made me, this feeling was totally undescribable; it was as if a whole different feeling was settling in; a feeling of completion maybe.

"Charles, i got to talk to you right now" Angel said while pulling me away from Zion who waved happily at us as he turned around to go and stuff items into his locker.

He was wearing his striped ensemble; a striped short shirt with a matching hoodie that draped over his head concealing his dark brown hair and a long cardigan that cascaded down his body until passing his backside as well as flowing with the gentle breeze that blew whenever someone opened the school doors and also black skinny jeans that showed his slim legs and small checkered shoes since he did have petite feet.

He was the same Zion i had known before.

"Come with me Charles" Angel said while popping my observation of Zion as she escorted me to the nearby empty classroom and closed the door.

She walked to the middle of the room as her dark dress dragged unto the floor as her movements came to a stop.

She whirled around with a smile on her pink lips while her dark blue eyes targeted me, her very very platinum blonde hair flowing from the fan overhead.

"I can't send you back to the future so don't even bother asking, the future me has sent you here on a mission to fulfill something of importance and i will not allow you to disrupt the timeline of any knowledge of the future, the existence a person who has knowledge as well as experience of the past as well as information of myself being a true natural born witch... do you understand Charles?" she said while glaring directly at me.

To be honest i didn't catch any of that.

As if she had read my mind... she sighed and chuckled.

"I can't send you back to the future Charles, it doesn't exist no more" she finally said while sitting down on the teacher's empty chair.

"What why not! If you did it in the future you can do it here right now right?" i said to her.. i needed to get back right now. No matter even if Zion is alive at this moment... no matter even if i am happy that he is here i have responsibilities to do in the future.

"I just can't... Plus i don't even know the spell for it and one of the major ingredients for that spell has to do about the Lunar Cycle or some sort of importance to the Moon so i cannot; so your here as a permanent visitor of the past" she said while crossing her legs and twirling a lock of her hair.

I was speechless... i didn't know what to do.

"But there are 3 things you cannot do while you are in the past" she said while standing up and heading to the white board while grabbing a pen and writing it all down.

She wrote...

1) You cannot tell others that you are from the future

2) You are not allowed to share knowledge of the future and change any MAJOR events of the past

3) You are prohibited in sharing information that Witches are real.

"Do you get that" she said while walking past me and going to the door.

"Remember what the future me had said Charles... i am here if you need any assistance of some sort" she said in an almost whisper like tone while gently closing the door and leaving me here to think of my situation.
♠ ♠ ♠
Zion is back!!! And he will have his own POV as well as many other things... but what will happen to Charles~ As well as Angel and many other characters too &lt;3 You'll find out~