Status: On Hiatus <3 I Need To Think More

Piece of Your Heart

Beauty and the Boy who is Invisible

His eyes reminded me of a Hazel storm... trapped within it willingly and not wanting to escape, his lips looked as if it needed to be kissed everyday and all day as well, his flawless frame that held me close and his hair... Everything was perfect about him... he even sweats perfect!

This specimen of Adonis himself had sprinted from across the field and is right now... carrying me; Princess Bridal Style Hold, to the nurses office for being hit in the head by a Soccer Ball.

You see.. as soon as we entered the locker room to change into our uniforms, i ran away into the stalls to go and change since i didn't want anyone... especially Charlie to see my naked self!

After changing into my uniform we went down to the field for soccer and instead of walking around the track like i normally do, Charlie convinced me to play Soccer with him; and so we did.

We started to play and i was all into it, kicking the ball and laughing whenever me and him would practically wrestle for it... a few times we both fell over and laughed while a few people stared at us to see what we were doing.

Charlie even tickled me a few times and without even knowing made my heart burst a couple of times as well.

I didn't really care if people were watching, i was having a good time as well as he was as well and it was practically amazing too.

I did not laugh like this since two days ago when Charlie took me to the beach and we had a little fun beach time with the sand as well as ocean.. he even promised me that one day we both will go and visit Hawaii and have fun in the sun.

I managed to kick the ball so hard that it flew and rolled to the other end of the field since we were in the middle and Charlie had to get it.

I looked at his face to see the most amazing smile that practically left me speechless and everything inside of my body just screamed that... i was already complete and that i was suppose to tell him right then and there...

Then all of a sudden i hear a "WATCH OUT ZION" and i found myself on the ground with a killer headache while i noticed a soccer ball rolling away from me.. and thats when i knew... that i was beamed in the face with a soccer ball... and thats when Charlie noticed me on the ground and sprinted to my rescue

Blood was trickling down my forehead but i knew it would be gone in a moment, i just couldn't turn my eyes away from him; he did not notice me staring directly at him as he continued to take me to the nurse.

“We’re almost there Zi, you doing alright?” He asked in a husky almost tired tone that made my heart skip beats.

“I’m fine, thank you so much” i squeaked.

Other students gawked at us as we passed by but Charlie ignored them and looked straight ahead; but as for me i saw a group of girls giving me death glares and i over heard what they were saying about me.

I fucking hate that fag who flings himself on Char, what a low thing to do to someone who's so nice


Char should of just dropped him on his ass on the ground and let him walk his gay ass to the nurse himself

I did volunteer to go to the nurses myself, but Charlie just rushed over from the opposite side of the field as soon as he saw me on the ground and just picked me up and carried me around as well as across campus.

I looked at him... trying to ignore all of those girls conversations about me and just stared at his concentrated face; was he this concentrated on getting me safe? or was it for looks... but i know he wasn't that type of guy since i did know him my entire life and knew how much girlfriends he had and all that jazz, so i think it was just a brother kind of thing.

My heart ached at the thought of us just staying as best friends almost siblings kind of things... and i know that my wish that i really wanted to happen wasn't going to come true...

I had to look away from him, if i continued to stare then my heart would have burst

Looking to the front noticed that we were very close to the nurses office, which was in A-15.. and now we were in B-03.. so we had to take a right.

Taking the right i felt a huge nudge and suddenly i felt myself falling down to the ground, I've waited for the impact.. squinting my eyes shut and waited for the pain to come.. but there was none... no pain or anything.

I opened my eyes to have seen one of Charlie's arms wrapped under me to cushion my fall as a beautiful girl with long blonde hair and sky blue eyes looked directly at us from across... her face paved to the ground too.

"I'm very sorry" she peeped as she got up and helped us both up.

"It's fine... it's all my fault that i bumped into you" Charlie said as he helped me up.

"Nooo.. it's all my fault, if i just went to the nurses alone then-

"It's not your fault Zi" Charlie said while helping to pick up the books for the girl.

I bent down and assisted but Charlie glared at me, he didnt want me to overexert myself i guess.

"Thank you" she said while showing off her perfect teeth to us as she walked away.

"I wonder who she was?" i asked.

Charlie shrugged as we walked on but then her voice echoed from the hall...

“Well, i’ll see you both later” she smiled and winked at me then smiled slightly nodded at Charlie who did the same to her.

Nodding? What was with the nodding? Hmmm

He escorted me into the room in a hurried manner and laid me on the white bed and waited for the nurse to come in... an elderly woman who loved wearing the color peach.

"My friend Zi got hurt by taking a soccer ball to the face" he explained.

She giggled a bit and saw my wound.

I looked at Charlie he kept looking at the door then back to me.

"You can leave Charlie..... it's okay" i smiled to him.

"Is it really okay Zi?" he said... but his eyes sparkled in delight... he wanted that girls number for sure...

"It's fine" i smiled at him.

He looked at me and a somewhat light sparkled in his eyes as he bolted to the door and ran down the hall... leaving me there with the elderly nurse.

As soon as he closed the door... my eyes fell to my knees and tears started to spill...

"You really care for him don't you Mr. Madison" she said while sitting next to me on the stool.

"Yea... i love him Miss Spalding... and i'll be happy for him even if its not with me" i said while smiling at her... though even though i had said that my heart wrenched and ached...

"I know your hurting Mr. Madison... but you are an amazing person you know that" she said while hugging me.

"Thank you" i smiled while i hugged her back... Nurse Spalding was an amazing nurse.

I just hugged her... like she was my grandmother...

I want to tell him... just pour my feelings out but.. i would just ruin our friendship right.? So i decided to just shut my mouth and just watch this pass by...

Though i love him... but Invisible people like myself can't really love a Beautiful person like him and with that thought.. i continued to cry in the elder womans arms
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Sorry if this chapter was boringgg~!!! XD But it was a necessary one! You'll see why~~~~