Status: On Hiatus <3 I Need To Think More

Piece of Your Heart

Beware of the Head Cheerleader

I came out of the nurses office.. feeling better after a nap that lasted an hour at most.. i guess it was lunch time


I turned around to see Becky running at full speed from down the hall.

My eyes were as big as saucers as everyone heard Becky's mouth from every classroom in this building... well it felt like it.

Becky was head cheerleader of the school's cheer leading squad... and it was awkward that we were friends though... i mean i love her but a boy who is invisible and a popular cheerleader... how did this all happen?

Becky was a brunette with green eyes and pale skin; she was about 5'6 and loved being at the top of the pyramid; her hair was in curls as she does her signature pose... her thin hand on her waist as she glared at those who looked in disgust at me.

"Come on Zion we're going to-


We both looked at the other booming voice to see that it was Angel..

"I sensed a disturbance on the 2nd story so i knew it was Becky's loud ass mouth on this floor" she said while looking at Becky.:D

Angel was the total opposite of her name... she was kind to few others but she was mostly ruthless and give everyone "cursed" stares... meaning if she stares at you for a long period of time.. you will get cursed.

Her black dress draping elegantly down her body... i didn't know if she was a Witch or she claimed to be it but all i heard that it was rumors... she immediately walked past Becky and embraced me in a hug again.

"Shut the hell up Angel my mouth is not loud!" Becky shouted and had just realized that everyone was looking at us.

"Exactly" Angel laughed as Becky glared at all of the people staring.

"So i had visions of you getting your head hit by a Soccer ball" Angel said as she looked at exactly where i got hit.

"Angel you liar... its spreading because that prick Daniel bragged on how he beamed Zion's face with a soccer ball!" Becky snapped.

"That too" Angel added while rubbing my head.


Becky and Angel looked at me then towards the booming voice that was storming its way here... it was Aaron.. another friend of ours who was actually the first friend i made other than Charles... and he helped me befriend Angel and Becky too.

He came rushing over in those ripped up jeans and red striped V neck that revealed his really fit torso, his jet black hair with bleached streaks put to the side like a rock star type of person as his ocean like eyes stared at one thing... me.

Without even acknowledging the other two's existence, he pushed past them and examine my head.

"That bastard Daniel... why the fuck did he even beam a ball at you!" he snapped while putting both of his hands to my cheeks and making me look at him.

I won't lie... Aaron was extremely handsome; not only did he look really good but he played instruments amazingly as well.

"So i'm going to call my squad and we're going to confront Daniel on why the hell he beamed the ball at you" Becky mumbled while reaching in her pocket and bringing out her cellphone and started texting her squad.

I was so called on the squads "good side" because i'm friends with the head cheerleader, the rest did like me and said i was "cute" and "adorable"... but i don't think they should confront Daniel.. what if he did it on accident.

"Cheerleaders are evil" Angel talked loudly while facing Becky.. edging her on.

"Witch" Becky shot back while staring back at her pink phone.

"I know" Angel cackled

"I think today is a music day~" Aaron said while swinging his arm around me, his full weight of his arm felt as if it was crushing me a bit... Aaron was as muscular as Charles.

"Oh Yes another singing day" Angel said while holding an enormous book in her arm.

What the?! I didn't see that there?! And there's no bag in sight!

Becky couldnt help but smile... i kinda knew that i had to sing... again for these guys... just like the first time.
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I'm liking how i made Angel as well as Becky's character... more develpment of Aaron is needed too :D