Status: One shot.

Together We'd Float So Delicately

Together We'd Float So Delicately.

Josh felt his phone vibrate in the pocket of his black tracksuit bottoms.. He wiggled it out and checked the illuminated screen. As usual, his face lit up and his heart fluttered when he saw Oli's name on the little yellow envelope. He clicked it open and read, 'come outside. x' Josh glanced at his watch, it was half one in the morning, what could Oli possibly want? He ran a hand through his matted light brown hair and sighed, there was only one way to find out.
He swapped his tracksuit bottoms for a pair of loose grey jeans and threw a blue checked shirt over his plain white T shirt before jogging down the stairs, scribbling a quick note in case his parents were to wake up before he returned and worry, then slipping silently out the front door and into the night.
Oli was sitting on the curb just outside Josh's house. Two large red containers sat at his feet, Josh recognized them straight away from his Summer jobs at the local garage. With him, Oliver had four litres of petrol.
Oli heard the familiar shuffle of Josh's high-topped feet being dragged along the pavement and looked up to see the younger boy approaching. In the darkness he could just about see the sceptical look on his stubbled face. "Hi there." He chuckled, standing up as the confused boy wandered over, eyes fixed on the large, red containers of fluid surrounding his boyfriend's feet. "The fuck are you up to, Oli?"
Oli grinned broadly, and reached for Josh's cold hand before replying, "I'm taking you on an adventure." He took one of the heavy containers in his free hand and instructed Josh to do the same, then they strolled down the dark and silent street, both boys trying their hardest not to show any weakness as they heaved the incredulously heavy containers along. By the time they were close to their destination, though, both had long given up on their masculine facades and they panted and grunted as they lugged the huge cartons along with both hands.
"Oliiii." Josh complained as his long arms screamed, demanding to be rested. "This better be fucking worth it. Where are you even taking me?" Oli laughed quietly, Josh had never been one for strenuous exercise. "Don't worry, love." He smiled. "Almost there." Sure enough, within minutes they reached a small, run-down fence leading into an overgrown field. Oli hauled both the containers over it before placing his foot on the middle plank of rotting wood and pushing himself over in one fluid movement. Josh quickly followed suit, swinging his legs over one at a time then hopping down onto the dew coated grass.
Squinting into the darkness, Josh could just about make out the silhouette of a small cabin in the middle of the field. As they got closer he could see that the little house had clearly not been a home for a long time. The walls were blanketed with a thick, green layer of moss and ivy, all of the windows were broken in and there was no door to be seen. Josh could imagine this tiny hut as being a very popular drinking spot for the local youth. Being somewhere like this while his parents slept, unknowingly made him feel sixteen again.
When they reached the wooden doorway, Oli gently swept aside the hanging cobwebs and stepped back to allow Josh to walk in first. Josh laughed, rolling his eyes at Oli's over chivalrous action but was secretly glad that he didn't have to walk through the sinister, hanging cobwebs, the idea made him shudder.
Oli walked in after Josh and found him standing in the middle of the small living room, looking all around him, completely drawn in by the place. Oli smiled fondly, remembering the first time he had found this house and it had had the exact same effect on him. The place was destroyed, but still held fragments showing the life that had once been there. The light pink wall paper was still visible on patches of the cracked walls, one of the windows still had a highly damaged pair of curtains, which looked like they may have once used to be white and pink striped. It would have been clear to anyone that this was once a much loved home, despite only having two rooms, and the thought of what might have happened to someone to make them just up and leave their life here was both incising and chilling.
Oli slowly walked up behind Josh and wrapped his arms around the younger boy's waist, gently resting his head on head Josh's shoulder. They stood like that for what could have been minutes or hours before Josh suddenly turned around and pushed his callous lips to Oli's. Their lips moved together with force and passion as Oli's tattooed arms tightened around Josh, holding him tight, trying desperately to get closer to him than even possible. Eventually, too soon, Josh broke away. Breathing heavily, he rested his forehead against Oli's and closed his eyes. After a minute or so, when they'd both gotten a chance to catch their breath, he opened his eyes. "So, did you just bring me here to make out or is there a reason I almost lost both my arms to the transport of flammable fluids?"
Oli laughed and pecked Josh on the lips once more before stepping back and walking to the corner of the room where he'd left the two red containers of petrol. Walking to the old, moulding couch on side of the room, he reached into a large rip in one of the grey cushions and pulled out a large bag of sawdust. Then he proceeded to scatter it heavily around the room. He picked up one of the red cartons and walked to the back of the room. Slowly, he walked backwards through the small room, making a careful line leading to the front door. He then he used the rest of the petrol to throw around the room, making sure every surface had at some petrol within at least a one meter radius.
Josh then followed him into the kitchen where he watched as Oli saturated the wooden ground of the tiny room with the fluid. The smell of petrol was hot in his lungs and made his head spin. Oli stood up and looked around before grabbing Josh by the hand and running out of the house. "Go stand near the fence." He directed. "I'll be over in a second."
He watched as Josh jogged towards the rotting fence and when he was satisfied that the boy was at a safe distance, he found the other, smaller bag of sawdust he had left just next to the house and made a trail leading out the door joining the point where the petrol starting and leading about two meters away. Then he fished a small box of matches of of his pocket, carefully lit one and waited until the flame had travelled slightly down the thin wooden stick before dropping it deftly onto the line of sawdust at his feet. Then he turned and ran to join Josh.
Josh gasped as he saw the house begin to light up. Huge orange flames danced out the windows and licked at the rickety roof. Oli came and stood beside him, looking with an unreadable expression at his handy-work. Josh felt his slender hand slide into his, his long fingers entangling perfectly with his own. The usual spark of Oli's touch combined with the adrenaline pumping through his veins and the heat of the fire made Josh's head spin and his heart beat rapidly. "Babe, we need to get out of here. Now." Oli said, quietly but firmly. Josh nodded and hopped over the fence. When Oli followed he grabbed Josh by the neck and pushed his lips to his impatiently, he nibbled on the boys bottom lips gently, earning a stifled moan. Josh felt Oli smile into the kiss then pull away and dragged him in the direction of Oli's flat. "Oliver Sykes." Josh whispered under his breath. "I love you, you uncontrollable douchebag."