Status: its my first fanfic so sorry for the shit-ness! updates may be slow because of college, sorry :c

The Dilemma

Life's a bitch.

I stared up at the clear blue sky above me as I stretched out on the grass, the heat of the sun feeling amazing on my exposed skin as I sung Loverboy quietly to myself. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a dark figure standing a couple of metres away from where I was lying. I turned my head to see Max staring at me. He smiled his beautiful smile and blew me a kiss before turning around and taking a step in the opposite direction.
"Ma- OOF!!"

Disturbed from my daydream, I opened my eyes in shock. I was met with a pair of familiar chocolatey brown eyes that I adored and knew so well. Max was looking down from his position on top of me. He was straddling my torso, a leg either side of my body with his hands resting on the grass above my shoulders.

"SURPRISE!" He yelled.
I rolled my eyes and smiled. "Thanks for that bro, I shat myself!"
"Hm, let's just say it was REVENGE" He glared at me, obviously just playing about and I burst out laughing at his expression. He soon joined in and we laughed together for a few seconds.

After I regained my composure, my expression turned serious and I gazed straight into his eyes. I swallowed nervously and felt my palms begin to sweat. My heart rate went crazy and I was pretty sure he must have been able to hear it.
Max's expression turned just as serious as mine, and I could have sworn I saw him let out a shaky breath.

Shit, shit, shit, fuck, FUCK, what do I do?! I panicked inside my head. What if I do something I'm gonna regret?! Shit.

I closed my eyes. I needed to try and relax so hopefully Max wouldn't register that something was up. I took a deep breath and opened my eyes. Max's face was now only a couple of centimetres from my own. He was so close I could smell the mint from the toothpaste he had just used this morning. I stared at his lips. They were so close-

All of a sudden, Max snapped out of whatever was controlling his actions. He shook his head and his eyes flashed with an emotion I couldn't quite work out. He got off me and stood up, holding out his hand to help me up.
"C'mon you, let's go find the rest of those dickheads."

I took his hand gratefully and went to stand next to him. I brushed off any grass and bits of dirt that had stuck to my clothes. While on the outside I seemed calm and normal, inside my head I was brushing away the memories and feelings of what had just happened. What HAD just happened?! I had no idea. One thing I did know though, shit was starting to get pretty weird between us.
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Here's chapter 2, hope it was ok for y'all.