Blind Girl

Starting School

I wish I have of known who or what killed my parents. It’s very hard sometimes thinking about them. I was up and moving around in the morning getting ready for school. I had to wear a uniform. My aunt described it as all black and a plaid skirt.

I wore black sneakers because as you can see I’m blind and can’t wear heels or I will probably trip and fall over. “Kasey are you almost ready?” “Hold your horses I’m coming.” I walked down the steps very slowly I could feel eyes on me. “Stop staring at me Vicki!” I shouted

“Oh sorry you just look so beautiful.” I sighed. Everyone that meets me thinks I’m so beautiful, but I wouldn’t know any ways. As we walk to the care it all the sudden gets cold. I shiver, “Gosh it’s cold out.” “Here’s you jacket.” “Thanks Vick.”

I start thinking about my parents again. I Heard Vicki on the phone with the police last night after Jeremy left. I didn’t hear much. Just a bunch of Okays. I think about my day at school I wonder what’s its going to be like to not get made fun of.

I guess I will find out.