Sequel: Smile for Me
Status: Finished :)

Give Me a Smile


The men were fighting downstairs, but not with each other. They battled a slim black figure that whirled effortlessly among them, taking out a man with a graceful kick or punch. Only their groans
belied the forceful way she fought. Catwoman. I held back to watch with awe and a bit of jealousy.

She was as beautiful as I’d heard, if not more. She was shorter than I had expected, maybe 5’2, and slender in a dangerous way. I envied her curves, which were almost cartoonish. The black catsuit clung to every one of them. I couldn’t see her infamous green eyes, only her full red lips and pointed chin. She snarled and crouched, brandishing sharp steel claws.
I followed her gaze to Joker. He smiled and opened his arms wide with welcome. “Catwoman! It’s been, hoo!, such a long time. How are you?” She hissed at him and stood carefully. “I wasn’t aware you were staying here, Joker.” She nodded up at a broken window high above. “I came through there and was met by”
She sounded pretty calm, but I noticed the way her hands were tensed, claws ready to strike. She kept glancing towards the doors and windows, searching for exits. “I’m very sorry,” Joker said. He sounded sincere enough, but her hands clenched even more, and she bared her teeth a little.

“I’ll just be going then.” Catwoman strolled over to a tower of boxes, hips swinging. She leaped easily from box to box and flipped from the window without making a sound. We all watched her go in silence.
Joker was the first to speak. “So, Quinn, you finally met her. Impressive, eh?” His voice was hard and dangerous. “Y-yeah.” I stuttered, forgetting entirely about Catwoman when his eyes narrowed. He patted my neck and ordered the men to work.
Joker dragged me upstairs, then threw me to the floor. I whimpered and curled up when pain raced through my side. The tattoo was still fresh. “So, Quinn, you, ha!, you like Kitty more than ME?” he said. “No! I don’t!”
“I don’t like being betrayed, you know. Gonna leave me, Quinn? Become a kitten rather than a clown?” He kept moving around me, too fast for my eyes to follow. I tried to stay still, instinctively hoping he would forget his anger. “Please....” He kicked my ribs, hard enough that something creaked. I coughed and tried to get away from him, but he grabbed my arm and twisted, pulling me back. “You’re mine, Quinn. Marked. MINE!”
“I know! I am!” I shrieked, kicking at him. He lifted me up by the collar and threw me against the wall with a bang. I felt the wall bend behind me and crack. I slumped to the ground as Joker stormed from the room.
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Abuse can be physical, emotional, or sexual. Physical abuse means any form of violence such as hitting, punching, pulling hair, and kicking. Abuse can occur in both dating relationships and friendships.