Status: Might take a while to get going and I'm going to take my time with it ok:-) (twitter - @erinsh33ran)

I'll Just Keep Painting Flowers for You

Thanks to you, I'm moving on.

Today's the day. April 1st, April Fools. The day that I tell Alex my big secret, finally. We're playing in Orlando tonight, at the House Of Blues. We've played there before, so I'm not worried about it - but what if Alex takes everything the wrong way, or gets angry at me? What if his feelings are reflected in the way he plays tonight, and some of the fans notice that something's up? I doubt that will happen, but I won't know until I tell him.
I've been trying to find Rian all morning, so I can talk to him about it, but I've had no luck. Hey Monday are one of our supporting bands tonight, so I presume that he's gone off with Cassadee. He's smitten with her. Cass and Rian are a perfect example of how I wish me and Alex could be one day. That probably... definitely won't happen though. I'll try not to get my hopes up anyway.
I'm still not quite sure where, when or how I should go about telling Alex, but I'm sure I'll figure it out.
We're all going for lunch at 1 at the restaurant in the venue. Flyzik heard that it serves good food, so he's insisting on taking us all there for lunch. By 'all of us' I mean me, Alex, Zack, Rian, all of Hey Monday, Yellowcard and The Summer Set, aswell as All Time Low's main crew members such as Danny, Grieco and Vinny. I'm looking forward to it, I guess. I might grab Alex on our way back to the van to unload everything afterwards, take him off to the side and tell him then. I've been trying to plan what I'll say to him, but I can't. What if everything goes wrong and I chicken out at the last second? No, I won't. I can't. Keeping this secret is too much for me already, so I can't keep it to myself for much longer. I don't want to bottle it up anymore.

I walked into the venue, expecting Alex to be there, as I'd heard him practising when I walked past the backstage door. Nobody was there. I shrugged my shoulders and thought nothing of it. I turned around, ready to walk out, when my phone vibrated in my pocket. I got it out and looked at the message I just recieved. It was from Alex, "Turn around, Jack."
Something felt strange. Wrong. What was he doing? I turned around slowly, my heart thumping against my chest. He was stood infront of me, staring at me, with a grin on his face.
"I found out about your secret, Jack." He whispered.
"Wh-what are you on about? Wh -what sec-ret?" I stammered.
He started walking towards me without saying another word. What was he doing? I noticed his eyes. They were flashing with each step that he took. But not just flashing with the light reflecting off them... flashing different colours. Bright colours.
One step... Yellow... Second step... Green... Last step... Orange...
I didn't know what to do with myself. I tried to turn around and walk away, but my body wouldn't move. I froze on the spot.
He raised one of his hands and touched my cheek. I felt a shiver run through me. He raised his other hand and put a finger to my lips.
"Shhhh, don't worry." He smiled.
I relaxed a little. He closed his eyes and leaned towards me, and kissed me slowly. I couldn't pull away, but I didn't want to. Everything suddenly went black.

I found Rian. He had been with Cassadee, like I presumed, but I made him listen to me. There was nobody on the tour bus because everyone was getting ready for the lunch that Flyzik is taking us all out for. I sat down in the back room of the bus and Rian sat opposite me.
"What's up pal?" Rian asked.
"Today's the day, Rian." I replied.
"What day Jack? What are you on about?" Rian asked, confused.
"I- I'm telling him. I'm going to tell him." I stammered.
"Are you sure? Today? You don't have to man." Rian said, in his calming voice.
"I'm sure. I can't keep it to myself anymore. It's hurting me, Rian..." I explained.
"Ok, if you're sure. I'll be here for you every step of the way, you know that." Rian reassured me.
"I know buddy, thanks a lot, really." I smiled at him.
"When are you going to tell him though?" Rian asked me, suddenly.
"After lunch at the restaurant." I told him.
"Okay man. You're doing well, remember that." Rian replied. "Is there anything else you want?"
"Well, yeah..." I continued, "I've been having this dream every night since I decided to tell him, or since I was thinking about telling him..."
"What dream? Go on." Rian urged me to tell him.
"It's always set in tonight's venue. Orlando venue. I'm walking around and I can never find Alex, until my phone vibrates. It's either Zack, or Alex texting me. I turn around and he's there. Sometimes it ends in a bad way, sometimes it ends in a good way, but I always end up blacking out at the end of it. But there's one thing..." I explained, "His eyes tend to flash when he walks towards me. Whenever it ends in a bad way, they flash in dark, depressing colours, and other times, they're more bright, happy colours. It's confusing."
"That is confusing. Maybe it's trying to warn you about something. Whether you should tell him today or not?" Rian guessed.
"That's what I thought. There's only one way to find out..." I replied.
"I guess so. Come on Jack, let's go grab lunch with the rest of the guys." He agreed.
He stood up, and patted me on the shoulder before turning to the door to leave. Somehow, talking to Rian about it had made me feel a whole lot better. He has a way with words that can reassure anyone. I can do this, I will do this. This is the day I've been waiting for.
♠ ♠ ♠
so i'm on my school holidays at the moment (for a week) so hopefully i'll update a bit more and um so yeah i've left you on a cliffhanger and you haven't yet found out if jack is going to tell alex, eh?
took me a while to decide where to continue the dream in this and how to end it but here i've done it :-)
let me know what you think or tweet me @erinsh33ran
ty x x