Status: One shot for a contest

Five Tries With Avenged Sevenfold.


Kayla isn't a whore. Keep that in mind with what I'm about to tell you, she never intended for things to happen this way but she couldn't help it. 

She grew up in a foster home and had never really known love or her real parents. She was lonely most of her life and she wasn't exactly shy she just kept to herself. So finally eighteen hit...her green eyes became brighter, her brown hair grew longer and her figure was slimmer...

She left her foster home and got a job shuffling papers at a local radio station. She didn't expect her life to go anywhere from there. She expected to just go to work and come home everyday for the rest of her life. 

Until one day the radio station decided to feature Matthew Sanders of Avenged Sevenfold. 

He running down the hallways in search of a bathroom when he collided into Kayla. Papers flew into the air as she went falling to the ground. His large arms reached out and caught her almost effortlessly. 

They looked into each other's eyes and the spark ignited. They exchanged numbers, and from then on, Kayla's life was forever changed. 

Her and Matt dated for about ten months, happy and lost in their own little world. They never said I love you...but then again they never really got the chance. You see one day, Kayla decided to finally introduce Matt to her best friend Valary, to stop Val's constant questioning of who he was. 

They met and Kayla seemed to really hit it off, just not the way that she thought they would. As the days went by, she could see Matt's feelings for her dissolving. It hurt her in a way that she had never been hurt before mostly because she couldn't understand what she had done that was bad enough for him to dislike her. 

She tried everything to make him happy again but nothing seemed to work. Then one day she saw it. She tried to talk to Valary about it but the second his name left her lips, Valary just lit up. Her cheeks flushed and her hands shook. 

Kayla was so hurt and for a while she was mad at them both...she hated them so much for ruining her happiness. But she eventually decided to let Matt go to her. 

And that was how Kayla lost Matt. 

She was so hurt that she confided in Brian, a close friend of Matt's and a member in his band. He was caring and understood what she was feeling. They began spending more and more time together...just doing whatever while enjoying their company. Eventually they wondered what it would be like to try dating, well at least Brian did. 

Kayla wasn't exactly comfortable with dating one of Matt's closest friends but the second Brian touched his lips to hers, she couldn't think of anything else but taking their clothes off. 

So that was how it was for about two months. They would meet up secretly, have their way with each other and go on about their day. Brian begged her to keep it a secret and she happily obliged without an inkling of suspicion. 

After meeting up so many times, Kayla really began to fall for him. She loved his company, the pleasure and the comfort. 

But as it turns out he didn't feel the same way. 

At least not about her... 

She found that out the hard way when she got a phone call. Her phone rang with her caller ID saying that it was Brian. 

"Sup hot stuff? Ready for a second round?" she made the mistake of saying. 

On the other end was a very pissed off and pregnant girlfriend. Her name was Michelle and she had been around for a very long time. Brian kept them both a secret from each other, but screwed up when he sent a gift meant for Kayla to Michelle. 

Michelle confronted Brian and he immediately confessed, handing over his phone so that Michelle could call. 

Kayla tried to apologize but Michelle wouldn't hear it. She claimed that Kayla knew about her and Brian but decided to mess with him anyway. Michelle warned her to stay away or that she would be sorry despite the fact that she was pregnant. 

And that was how she lost Brian...

Brian left some of his stuff at Kayla's house and by Michelle's request...he sent Johnny to pick the last of his stuff up.

He ended up staying with and confiding in her about the disaster of his last relationship. She comforted him and from there...well I think you can guess what happened. 

Their encounter was brief and one time only, they had both made that very clear. They were friends but at the time they both needed something meaningless, something that wasn't real. It erased all the pain that they both felt. Things were never awkward for them after that...they never questioned why they just went on being friends. 

And that was how she encountered, but never lost, Johnny...

Zacky was a complicated man with complicated feelings. He had always walked around and pretended like he didn't want to feel anything.

He knew her history before him but he felt that it didn't matter, he had asked her out and no matter how long she had hesitated she said yes. He felt like he was walking on cloud nine.

Kayla could never understand why she said yes. She couldn't understand why she agreed to going out with him again, she just felt that she had to. Something in her heart, in her mind was telling her to stay...just stay with Zacky her heart said. 

She finally understood why when Zacky took her to a dinner dance. 

Out of all the members of Avenged Sevenfold, Jimmy was the one she'd had the least amount of contact with. He mostly kept to himself, well at least when she was around. Kayla knew what his personality truly looked like but she could never understand why he hid it so much when she was around. 

That night at the dinner dance, she had asked Jimmy to dance. He didn't have a date and spent most of the time at the bar, drinking glass after glass of champagne. 

She felt bad for him, watching him drink himself away on a night like that night. A night where you were supposed to be out dancing with the one you loved or even liked. 

So she didn't take no for an answer and pulled him onto the dance floor despite his silent protests. 

To this very day, Kayla can't remember anything about that dinner dance. She can't remember why she came, what it was for...she couldn't even remember the time that she had spent with Zacky. All she could remember was dancing with Jimmy. She could remember the way he smelled, the way he held her...

The thing that she remembers the most was the night she spent with him. They're bodies fit together like puzzles pieces, their eyes never leaving one another's. Her body had never felt such an immense amount of pleasure, she had never felt something so real.

The next couple of days she had tried to pretend that it never happened. That she had never felt what she tried not to feel if that makes any sense. 

But one day it all clicked.

She finally understood why she had stayed with Zacky, why she had that encounter with Johnny, why her heart was broken by both Brian and Matt: it would lead her to the true person that she was destined to be with, Jimmy. 

It didn't make sense to her but she didn't put forth much of an effort to try to understand it...she just went to him...

Which brings us to today...

"Kayla? Kayla?!" 

"huh?" she snapped out of her intense gaze at the clock.

"Jeez, get your head out of the clouds! I was asking you what you thought about the new afternoon schedule." said her partner Allie 

"Oh yeah, well in the afternoon there are mostly teens and college students in their cars on their way to home, or to eat or on a date so I figure that it would make sense to have someone young host in the afternoon." 

Her partner nodded her head, "Yeah I mean I figured that a young person would play the right music and talk about all the right things." 

"I think it's magnificent Al...maybe two young women could do it? That would attract both men and women." said Kayla. 

"Maybe you guys could do it." chimed in their boss

The two women exchanged glances of shock. 

"Us?" said Kayla and Allie simultaneously 

"Yeah! You both are young, you know the right things to talk about, you have great taste in music and you two have a great chemistry!" their boss who wasn't but five or six years from retirement could see Kayla's potential. He knew that she longed to have her own radio show even if she never said it. 

It was the main reason that he hired her, he knew that one day she would eventually become something big.

That day was today. 

"Sir I-I don't know if I can do it." said Kayla

"What makes you think you can't? You certainly have the experience for it! You love music! Don't let your fear hold you back." 

He didn't realize it but his words sparked something in Kayla. It was then that she realized she loved Jimmy. And that she had wasted her time trying to hold that back. In that instant she felt terrible for leading Zacky on but she sensed that somehow he could see that she was drifting away for him. 

She had to let him go and go to who she was meant to be with. 

"Sir, um would you mind if I left a little early? There's something I have to do." she said standing up

"But what about the job?" he asked 

"She accepts, now please sir let her go!" said Allie. 

Allie, who had been there for Kayla since Matt, knew what was happening. She knew what was happening inside her mind. She could see that Kayla had finally struck gold with Jimmy. 

Allie was glad that Kayla was finally seeing it.

Her boss however was ignorant to the situation but let her go nonetheless. 

Kayla ran down the hallway despite the height of her heels, climbed into her red mini coop and took many back roads to get to Zacky's home. 

She knocked on the door, waiting patiently for him to open up.

He knew when he heard the knock. He knew when he opened the door that his relationship was over. He wanted to ignore it, to lock the door and just wait for everything to get better but he saw the way she looked at Jimmy and the way Jimmy looked at her.

He saw them intertwined in each other's arms at that dinner dance and he even watched them leave together.

After that night it became clear to him how much they had in common. He saw how much they loved music, Disney Movies, anime...they both loved the same things and had the same only made sense for them to be together. 

It hurt him but not as much as it should have. Not until the doorbell rang. 

He invited her in asking if she wanted a drink. She declined  as he had expected. 

The two of them sat down on the couch awkwardly, letting silence fill the air. 


"Just don't don't have to tell me why you're here. I already know everything. About that night, the way you feel...all of it." 

"You do? How?" 

"Chicks aren't the only ones with intuition ya know." 

"I'm so sorry." she said letting a tear fall from her eye. She was sorry and Zacky could see that but he could also see that twinkle in her eyes, it wasn't for him. 

"I know you are...just go to him." he said with a shrug

He stood up and walked her to the door.

As she got into her car and drove her away, Zacky watched her with tears in his eyes. It hurt to watch her drive away but it would hurt even worse if she never told him. 

He closed the door behind him, ignorant to the fact that she was in her car just trying her best not to cry. It hurt her to have to hurt Zacky but it was for the best.

Her heart was thudding in her chest as she pulled up to his building. 

When she pressed the button, she smoothed her hair back as if he could actually see her. 

"Yeah." his voice said

Holding the button, she replied, "Jimmy, it's Kayla. Can you let me up?" 

The door buzzed and she pushed it open, stepping inside and climbing the seemingly endless flights of stairs. As she walked, she tried to think of what exactly she would say to Jimmy. He had said that he didn't want to be with her but she she knew otherwise. 

She just had to find the right way to say it. She didn't wanna say the wrong thing and screw this up. 

By the time she reached his door, her mind was still coming up blank. She cursed herself and started to leave but his door swung open and he stood there. 

"Hi." she said shyly 

"Hi." he said in a similar tone

He invited her in, shutting the door. 

At first they just stood there, both of them looking at everything but each other. An awkward silence filled the air but was broken by Kayla. 

"I just came from Zacky's." she said


"I broke it off..." 

His eyes went wide with shock, "What? Why?" 

"You know why Jimmy." she said 

He didn't reply he just walked by her and sat on the bar stool at his island in the kitchen. 

She set her bag down and took her jacket off. Her heels echoed through the house as she walked and sat across from him.

"Kayla...why would you tell him? We agreed not to."

"I didn't have to. He already knew." 

Jimmy sighed and hung his head in his hands shamefully. 

He regretted what he did. He felt things for Kayla by he hated himself for acting on it. The rest of the band could sense the tension between Jimmy and Zacky but stayed out of it. 

"Jimmy what's wrong?"

He sighed deeply and rubbed his eyes. "Kayla, we can't ever be together." 

Her heart broke when she heard that. "Why not?"

He couldn't tell her without upsetting her. The reason he didn't wanna be with her wasn't about entirely about Zacky. It was the fact that she had been with all of his closest friends. 

He felt way worse then sloppy seconds or thirds. 

He feared that the same thing would happen between the two of them as it did with her and Brian or Zacky or Matt. 

"Cause this isn't right!" he snapped 

"Why not?" 

"Come on! You know your past--"

"You said my past didn't matter Jimmy!" 

"I know what I said but I've thought about it and I don't wanna be your sloppy fifths!"

"You aren't my sloppy fifths Jimmy! You mean more than that to me!" 

"So did Matt! And Brian!" he yelled. "How can I expect that you really mean that?!"

"Because I'm here! I left Zacky for you! I want to be with you!" 

"Come on Kayla, be honest...why do you want me?" he sighed, "I'm nothing." 

In his mind what he said was true. He felt like nothing and he has for a while. Jimmy loved making music and he loved performing in front of fans but as the days went by he felt more and more empty. he tried everything to fill that void but nothing seemed to work. 

Except for that night he spent with Kayla. He felt so alive with her, like that hole in his chest wasn't so empty anymore. 

She completed him but he wasn't sure if he did that for her. He wanted to but if none of his friends could do it then how could he? 

His thoughts were so mixed right now...he was so confused, he just stood there with his fingers to his temples. 

"Jimmy you aren't nothing! You are everything! Especially to me." 

"If that's the case," He said walking over to her, "Then why did you have to go through four of my friends before you realized that?" 

He walked past her to his room door and slammed it. The clicking of the lock echoed through the silent apartment.

Tears dripped from her eyes as she realized how right he was. She felt like the scum of the earth for having gone through them like that. Shaking the thought from her head, Kayla followed him to his door and banged on it. 

Her voice was choked with sobs as she called to him, "Jimmy. Please open the door." 

"Go away Kayla, go fuck with Matt or Brian or Johnny or Zacky...Take your pick." 

More tears cascaded down her face as his words cut her heart out of her chest right where she stood. It was so painful to hear him talk like this but she knew that it was just his fear matter how true it seemed to be at that moment. 

"I don't want any of them, I want you. And I'm not leaving here...ever." 

"Yeah we'll see how long that lasts." he mumbled from behind the door. 

She slumped to the floor, taking off her heels and dropping them noisily to emphasize her point. she leaned close to the door and heard the sounds of the TV blaring loudly. He flipped through the channels landing on a few music channels where he sang the songs that he knew. 

Kayla smiled and closed her eyes in content hearing the sweet vocals drift under the crack of the door. 

Hours passed and pretty soon Jimmy grew bored and turned the TV off. His curiosity got the best of him causing him to go over to the door and knock. 

"Still here." said Kayla. 

On the other side of the door, her neck ached and her stomach growled loudly. She cursed herself for skipping lunch that day.

"Jimmy just open the door and talk to me." 

"No." he said monotonously.

She jiggled the knob, being stupid in thinking that he might have actually unlocked the door. 

"Just go home Kayla." 

"No Jimmy! I'm not going anywhere!" 

"Well I'm going to bed." He said, "Feel free to leave whenever you decided that this is fucking pointless." 

She leaned against a door and fell into a less than deep sleep. 

Her dreams were black, as were his and they found themselves awaking from blank dreams at the same time. Glancing at the clock across the room she saw the big 3:34 am and sighed in frustration. 

Jimmy stared at the bottom opening of the door seeing Kayla's shadow still against the door. He thought of how tortured she must be just sitting on the floor with no cover or pillow or anything. So finally his legs carried him across the room to the knob.

He stared at it, knowing it meant more than letting her into his room but into his life. 

At times, it seemed like Jimmy didn't want to fill that empty void if it meant sharing his life with someone else. Being so close to Brian, he had adopted that rock star mentality that it wasn't cool to love girls or get married or anything like that. 

But then he saw how happy he was when he met Michelle and how awful he felt for screwing things up by sneaking around with Kayla. 


This girl had been with four of her friends, Having a meaningless fling with one, getting hurt by two, and hurting one. He was supposed to hate her just like everyone else was supposed to, but they didn't for some reason. 

None of them could understand why they didn't hate her, they just didn't. 

"Kayla?" he called

"Yeah Jimmy?" 

"Did you love any of them?" 

"...No...I...uh didn't." She replied quietly

"What about me?" he asked. "Do you..." he rested his head against the door, " me?" 

He clicked the lock on the door, stood back and waited. 

Upon hearing the click, Kayla stood up as fast as her sore legs would allow her, fixed her hair and opened the door. 

She couldn't help but smile at Jimmy's hair standing up all over the place. 

She pondered his question for the longest time, scaring him with each second of silence. 

Finally, she swallowed the lump in her throat and replied, "Yes Jimmy." 


"I said yes..." butterflies fluttered in her stomach as she said the words, "I love you Jimmy." 

She felt a rush in her veins, she had never told anyone something like this. Her body reacted to it instantly. 

Jimmy was feeling the same thing she was, no woman had ever said something like that to him. 

In a flash his lips were glued to hers in an intense and passionate kiss. She reacted instantly, kissing him back while threading her fingers in his long, slightly greasy hair. He ran his hands down her back resting them firmly on her ass. 

In one swift movement she jumped up and wrapped her legs around his waist, feeling his hands at the back of her knees. He took some steps and pulled away from her to set her down gently on the bed. 

"I love you too." he said looking down on her 

She smiled at him lustfully, fuelling the fire already started. 

He removed his shirt and tossed it aside. he went to kiss her but she pushed him back in order to marvel his body. Kayla took her sweet time, marveling his chest and tattoos.

"Believe me, you are beautiful." she whispered absentmindedly. Her eyes met his briefly filled with loved before they returned to staring at his tattoos

Her bottom lip was tucked into her teeth as she traced them with the tip of her finger causing a low growl to rumble in his chest.

"What's wrong?" she asked with concern. 

"That feels so good." he groaned 

She giggled as he leaned down and ran soft kisses all along her jaw. He kissed a specific spot near her collar bone, causing her back to arch and a long sigh to leave her lips. 

He immediately attacked that spot with his mouth, sucking until he was sure it was going to leave a mark.  

He removed her shirt, this time marveling her beautiful and perfect body. He kissed down her chest to her belly button where he took her piercing in his lips and tugged gently. 

"That tickles Jimmy." she giggled 

He chuckled and kissed his way back up to her lips. He tried to press himself up against her but  her skirt was in the way. With a grunt and a jerk of his middle, the sound of tearing fabric echoed through the roon as her skirt was ripped in half. 

As he kissed her neck she said, "Don't you ...think it would've been easier to just let me take my skirt off? That wasn' you know." 

"No time...must make love to you now....will buy you new skirt..." he grunted as he removed his pants. He sat up on his knees and pulled her up with him.

He kissed her passionately. She kissed him back. 

With ease, his fingers snapped open her bra and discarded it, his mouth moving to appreciate her twins.  

When he'd had his fill, he laid her down and pulled off her underwear and what was left of her skirt. 

Jimmy felt so good being inside her again. To feel her body wrapped around his. 

They laid down, making love and falling further and further into each other. 

So that's it...Kayla had had her five tries with each member of Avenged Sevenfold. Each of them failing in their own unique way. She had came out of all of this lucky, through some miracle none of the guys were mad at her, none of them hated her, they treated her as if she had never been with them. 

She finally got it right. 

With James Owen Sullivan she had got it right.
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Hope you guys like it :) It was for a contest and I spent all day working on this and the banner which I hope you like as well :)