Good Girl Gone Bad

Chapter 9

*The next day... (Molly had history, Taylor had Geography*

"Where were you?!" Molly screams as she sees me, "Romour was you and Drew ran away together, I was like what? Like Drew? But then you've like changed and well no homo you are hot, I can't lie, like the red hair and he sexy clothes, I mean even Justin Beiber would run away with you, but anyway, where were you?"

"With Drew-" I started.

"OMIGOD, Chels. Drew? Like Drew Drew the Drew in form class?"

I blushed. "Uhm, yes..."

"OMIGOD are you two like... together...? You didn't-" Molly rambled on.

"NO! Just stop, we just went to Subway and shopping thats it." I said. I couldn't tell her about the party or she would go on, and on, and on... forever! And about the plan, if I told her, she would make me feel so guity. But she doesn't understand.

This was for me.

I started walking to our school. "You know Tay, you've really changed" Molly said slipping her arm into mine.

"I know, the hair the clothes, blah blah blah" I rolled my eyes.

"Not like that; Different, different, like you're attitude and stuff, your kind of..."

"Kind of what?" I turned around and looked deep into her eyes.

"I can't find the word. Just forget about it-" Molly walked on but I didn't move making Molly go nowhere.

"Tay..." Molly whined.

"Tell me." Molly opened her mouth to protest but she gave up.

"Well your acting like you're bad and everything and no offence, you were sort of born to be good... I kind of miss my old Taylor..."

I blew.

"Do you know what?! You're just a selfish bitch. You're just jealous! You never want anything good for me, it's just you you you! You can and will never ever get Jae. Face it, Molly"

Oh no.

Molly's eyes filled up with tears as I just realised what I just said. I was still angry at her, for saying the things she did, but the last bit, was a bit... harsh.

"Molly I didn't mean it..."

"Save your words, Taylor, it's true... I hope you have a good life and become the "bad girl" you always wanted to be..." She swallowed then ran away. From me. What have I done?


It's been 2 hours since me and Molly's little fight. She didn't show up for DT or English. And if that wasn't enough, the time for the fire was crawling closer and closer. I stared at the clock. 5 minutes left. Everything turned into a blur and my mind was focused on what I was going to do.

The bad thing. But it was for a good reason.

The bell rings and I rush out of the classroom. Drew was leaned aganist the wall, waiting for me.

"Are you ready?" He asked, smirking. I swallowed, then nodded. "Good."

He led me underneth the math stairs. To be honest, I never knew it exsisted. He handed me a lighter and nodded to a hill of paper. I take it (lighter) from his hands. I start the light and my hopes goes up when it failed.

The light flickered up.

I slowly put it towards to paper, my heart stops for a second and everything slows down. The edge of the paper gets lit and slowly, the whole thing catches fire. I look to Drew. He smiled. Then the bell started.

The shrill ring, rings my ears. I look to Drew again then I'm on the floor. The lighter gets knocked out of my hands. I turn back to it but I'm pushed away. By Drew.

The smoke fills my nose and it clouds my eyes. In that moment I thought I wouldn't make it. But then a gush of wind hits my face. I'm outside.

Everyone's chatting and screaming, trying to cover up each other.

The teachers finally gets everyone to line up in form order. They call everyones name and I stop breathing when no one answered for Molly.

"Molly?" Silence. "Are you here Molly?" Silence.

"Miss..." I say (finally finding my voice) putting my hand up. "She wasn't here for DT or English"

The teacher looked at me.

I stared at the school in flames.

This is all my fault.

Before I knew what I was doing, I ran back towards the school, but before I could even enter, 2 firemen stoped me.

"LET ME IN!" I screamed. They shook their heads.

"My best friend's in there!" One of them takes their walkie talkie things and presses a button.

"A girl's been reported to be in the fire. What is she called miss?"

"Molly Clarke" I panted.

"Molly Clarke"

I was scared, but there was nothing else I could do but pray and cross my fingers that Molly would be safe.
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sorry for the long wait (and the crappy ending), but here you go!

hope you enjoyed x :P