Status: In the process of rewriting this and making it better. Chapters will be deleted when I'm ready to put the first chapter up.

Day and Night.

Chapter One

I wake up with a shudder, the world inside my dreams still confusing and frightening as per usual. I look at the clock; just after 3:00 am. I need more sleep, but sleep takes me back into that world. As I sometimes do, I turn on my light and music to drive the scary things away. Though it's all in my mind, it feels incredibly real. But the light and music have been helping less and less. So I just have to deal with it.

I close my eyes and clear my mind, and find myself drifting quickly off to sleep.


I open my eyes to grey light. I see the black walls with their chipping paint, the room dimly lit by the sun hiding behind dark clouds, and by the candles in the corners. The walls are covered in spider webs.

This room--my room?-- is freezing. Isn't there a jacket here? For all the time I've spent here, I've never left the room. I'm too afraid to see what might lie outside of the door. Though I am curious...

I slowly get up, peeking out the window. Everything is... dark. Lifeless. The grass is brown, there are a few withering flowers. There are less spiders out there, though. This room is filled with them.

Cautiously, I walk towards the door. I open it a bit, peering out of the room. A hallway. It looks like the room: bare, dirty. The walls are grey here, still with chipping paint. The only decoration on them is a tall mirror. It's not so bad, I suppose.

I open the dore more and take a step into the hallway. I move in front of the mirror. I look.. different. My hair is frayed, but still the same white blonde. And my eyes are bigger and more blue. My eyes are huge. It's almost scary. My mouth is smaller and my nose longer. My face is much more narrow, but my head is bigger. My body is kind of small. My neck is long, my shoulders more broad. My arms are really long, even though I am short. My legs are also long, and, like my arms, incredibly thin. I'm wearing a ripped, patched dress with no shoes. Altogether, I look.. strange. Disproportioned. I don't know if I like it.


I wake up to my alarm going off. That dream was... different. I saw the world I live in every night. Not just the tiny part I would normally confine myself to.
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Meep. Good, bad? Feedback is greatly appreciated. Just starting out, you know.