Status: In progress, will update probably twice a week<3

I Won't See You Tonight

It's building up inside of me.

"No-one" I lie again.

"Tell me" Matt says,

"It was Jamie" I sighed.

"Zacky, take her upstairs to get her stuff and take her to mine." Matt said walking over to Jamie.

"She's lying, she's making up a sob story to make you stay longer" Jamie said quickly.

"My sister is NOT a liar" Matt shouted as I walk past him, tears flowing down my face. I walk up the stairs into my room and sit on the bed as Zacky packs my stuff.

I hear someone shout "You mother fucker" and the tears pour down my cheeks faster.

"What's up Mae?" Zacky asks sitting down on the bed next to me.

"I shouldn't of said anything, I opened my big fat mouth and now Matt's going to get killed" I cry

"Matt won't get killed Maeve he's tough" Zacky reassures me and puts an arm around me. He stands up and takes the suitcase down stairs. I walk down the stairs and run into Zacky's car.

I place my head against the window and fall asleep.

About twenty minutes later Zacky wakes me up.

"We're here" he smiles and I climb out of the car, I pick up my suitcase and walk indoors.

Val greets me with a hug.

"Hey Maeve" She grins "Long time no see"

"Hey Val, Yeah, I missed you" I say

"Missed you too, your room's still the same" and I walk up the stairs to put my suitcase down just as Brian shouts me.

"Maeve....." and I run down the stairs.

"Yeah?" I ask, now getting really worried.

"I have some bad news" Brian sighs and leads me to the sofa. "Matt got stabbed by that wanker, he's been arrested but Matt's in hospital..." I start sobbing and Val walks out of the kitchen.

"What's wrong hon?" She asks, concerned.

"Matt's in hospital" I say and bury my face in my hands.

"Shit" she says "Come on M, let's go and see him" she takes my hand and walks to her car. I slip in the passengers side and strap myself in. Val climbs in and starts the car, she speeds off down the road as fast as she can.

Half an hour later we arrive in the hospital car park, I fling the door open and run to the reception, panting I ask the nurse "what room is Matthew Sanders in?"

"He's in room 125 on the second floor" she smiles. I wait for Val and we both sprint up the stairs and down the corridor. I fling open the door and walk to his bedside. I fall down onto a chair and place my head on his shoulder, tears flow down my cheeks and onto his arm. He traces patterns on my shoulder like he used to when I was little. He kisses the top of my head and I look up at him. I whisper

"I'm so sorry, this is all my fault"

Matt replies "No, its not, oh and by the way, the social services came in earlier and gave me custody of you, I'm now your guardian" he smiled, showing the dimples that I wish I had.

"Brilliant!" I beam and give him another hug, I look at the massive dressing across his stomach. I put my head back down and nestle into his neck. Suddenly the doctor walks in and says

"Matthew can leave the hospital" me and Val can't stop grinning. We help him up and get his things.

"How about we go to the mall before the gig tonight" he asked.

Me and Val replied in unison "Yes!" As we climbed into the car, Matt turned on the radio and we all sang along to Avenged Sevenfold.

Half an hour later we arrived at the mall. The first shop we went in was a clothes personalising place. Matt got me an Avenged Sevenfold leather jacket which said 'Little Shadows' I say thank you and put it on straight away. We then walk to hot topic, I buy three tops, a pair of converse and a pair of bright red shorts. I pass the cashier the money just as Matt comes up to me,

"I'll pay for that baby" He smiled and gave the cashier his money.

"Are you sure" I asked shocked.

"Yeah its fine" he chuckled as we walked out of the shop to go to Star Bucks. I sit down and Matt brings me my favourite drink, iced coffee. I start to drink it just as Zacky and his girlfriend; Kaylee walks over, I shudder at her voice, I've always hated her. Valary shoots me a sympathetic look. Zacky sits down next to me and gives me a hug.

"How are you now M?" He smiles.

"I'm good" I manage to say before Kaylee buts in.

"Ew, you touched that whore" she squealed. I stormed off and ran out of the mall. I sat on a bench outside and started sobbing. Matt runs out and catches me smoking

"Maeve Carley Sanders" He gasps "You're too young to smoke"

"So what" I reply. He sits down next to me and lifts me onto his lap.

I throw the cigarette onto the floor in front of us and then I bury my head in his shoulder. He rubs my back as i sob. I finally sit up and ask

"Am I really a whore?"

"Of course not Maeve, don't believe her" He reply as we walk back in.

"Oh look the whore is back" Kaylee smirks. I clench my fists as I feel the tears rising. I look at Zacky for help but all he does is kisses her. The tears flow down my cheeks and I run into the toilets. I lock my self in a cubical sliding down the door with my head in my hands. About five minutes later someone walks in.

"Come out Mae, they've gone" Val says softly. I slowly stand up and open the door. Val walks up to me and wraps her arms around me tightly, she takes my hand and leads me to the car. She turns the car on and drives to the arena.
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Its not very exiting, the next one is i promise, i have it written up, if i get another subscriber i will post it later :D