Status: Slowly progressing

Of Our Souls


To say that I was tired was an understatement. I was exhausted, my legs felt like jelly and I could barely lift up my arms to bring the microphone to my mouth. My throat was sore from singing and screaming the lyrics that meant so much to me and my band. Sweat rolled down my forehead and down my face. My back was drenched from all my moving and jumping around like a retard, but it felt good. Hundreds of eyes looked up to the stage in awe as the six of us gave our all.

Harold was jumping around with his bass and shaking his neon jean clad booty in every direction. His sparkly shirt was catching rays of sun and glistening in the afternoon time, catching every eye that was watching our set.

Henry and Gabriel had their bromance going on as always as they jumped around. Even though Henry was a screamer and Gabriel was the lead guitarist, they always ended up doing something crazy on the stage. There was this time when they unintentionally kissed, but I’ll just leave it at that. I’m pretty sure they didn’t want to remember that night…

Adam was having fun behind his drum set as he kept trashing wildly to the music and keeping the chaotic beat of our songs. His grin shone like the Las Vegas lights at night and the happy emotions that rolled off of him in waves told me that he was excited as hell to do this.

Paul had his Les Paul in hands and head banged to the beat. He mouthed the lyrics under his nose as he played and the smile was also evident on his face. I saw him sneak a few glances at me to make sure that I was okay and I answered him with a grin of my own.

I felt like I was going to burst from happiness and how much fun I was having. The nervous feeling that I had before I went on stage had completely disappeared and I was rocking out the best that I could. Even though my body protested from all the exhaustion I was feeling, I kept on pushing myself. I wanted to give my best performance, because if I didn’t, I’d feel bad later on.

As the music stilled and I found myself breathing hard and standing at the edge of the stage, looking at kids that had come to see us live. Their smiles were big and they were screaming various things which made me chuckle tiredly.

“We’re Of Our Souls and it has been a pleasure rocking out today. We hope to see you all soon and have a great day!” I exclaimed with a huge grin on my face and I was met with screams. I slowly turned towards my band mates, who were grinning like little kids, and they motioned for me to move off of the stage. With one last wave towards the crowd I followed the guys out. My hands started shaking from all the adrenaline that was still rushing through my body and my throat felt like it was full of sand.

“That was fucking awesome!” Harold exclaimed when we were a bit ways away from the stage. All of us smiled and agreed.

“Now I need a shower. I stink.” Harold contorted his face in a funny way and I found myself laughing and choking, because of my dry throat. The guys seemed to be doing fine as they started talking about our set. I stayed back a bit to calm down and to organize my thoughts before I went to search for something to drink.

“Hey, Greta. That was a really awesome set!” I turned my head to look at a slipknot t-shirt. With furrowed brows in confusion I moved my eyes up to meet Austin’s dark brown ones. My mind went completely blank right that second and I found myself blinking my eyes in surprise.

“Umm… Uhh…” I choked out, as I scratched the back of my head. “Thanks.” I meekly muttered and Austin chuckled. His smile was really friendly and I soon found myself smiling at him. The nervous feeling in my stomach returned and my fingers started to twitch.

“Here, I think you need it more than I do.” And I found Austin shoving a cold can of Monster into my hands. I watched it surprised before I looked up at him.

“I can go get myself one. No need to give yours to me.” My unsure response made Austin chuckle as he shook his head. His eyes shone with some emotion I couldn’t really grasp and I found myself admiring him.

“No way. You just played a set. I’m pretty sure you’d pass out halfway towards someone who’d be able to give you a can.” Laughter rose through my dry throat and I soon found myself chuckling at his answer. With a nod of my head I looked up at him once again.

“Yeah, you’re right. I can barely feel my limbs and I wonder how I’ll survive until signing.” My grin matched his and he waved his hand in reassurance.

“You have to. I’d like to see you at our set.” He winked and I found heat crawling up my neck. Quickly, I popped open the can and took a large gulp. All the time Austin kept watching me with an amused grin on his face.

“This is heaven.” I told him as I swallowed the drink. It felt good to have some liquid soothe my throat.

“So, will you? I mean, I watched your set so it’s only logical that you’d come to watch mine.” Once again I found myself gazing up into his dark eyes. His eyes held some sort of hope in them and I found myself nodding in reassurance a few moments later. His lips stretched out in a humongous grin and he looked like a little kid who just got told he’s getting a puppy for his birthday.

“When’s your set?” I asked after I drank some more of Monster and Austin scrunched up his eyebrows in thought. He looked really adorable and I found myself heating up once again.

“At four.” He answered and I frowned sadly. His eyebrows shot up in question and I opened my mouth to answer.

“I have signing at 4:30 and Mitch will have us all ready at four, because he loves to be punctual,” I rolled my eyes in annoyance. “Maybe some other day?” Austin was smiling cutely at me as he nodded his head. I smiled in return as I raised the can of Monster to my lips.

“Sure.” His mischievous smile told me that there was something else that he was going to say and I felt nervous once again. “Also you’ll have to hang out with me and my band because you can’t come to our set today.” And I choked on my drink. My cheeks flamed and I looked up at Austin with a playful glare as he laughed at me.

“We shall see about that.” With a roll of my eyes I turned my head to look at my band mates who were nowhere to be seen. Panic set in my body and I looked frantically around.

“Those sluts left me alone.” I muttered angrily and I heard Austin chuckle.

“I guess I need to go find them. They tend to get into trouble when I’m not around.” I rolled my eyes and Austin nodded his head.

“See you later, Greta.” With a nod of my head and a salute with my can of Monster I set out to look for Henry, Adam, Gabriel, Harold and Paul. The smile appeared on my face as I thought about what just happened and I wanted to scream like a school girl. Instead, I settled with fist pump in the air and I continued on walking like nothing had happened. All my worries were gone and I only felt happiness. No nervous feeling, no twitching fingers or breathing heavily. I was calm as I ever were.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm on a roll. 8D
Anyway, tell me what you think? What do you think of Greta? The rest of the guys? Austin? What do you think will happen later on? I'd like you to let your imagination run wild so that you could tell me what you think will happen. 8D

Thanks to:
Zombie Stripper
for commenting on the last chapter. c:
