Status: Slowly progressing

Of Our Souls


My head was swarming with thoughts as me and Austin walked around the tents and greeted various people. Well, he was greeting everyone while I just tagged along and stood a little ways away drowning in my own thoughts. The meeting with Amanda had left me feeling strange and maybe Austin had seen that, because he kept giving me glances all the time he was chatting with his friends as I stood and watched random people.

“Hey..?” I whipped my head in surprise only to lock eyes with the Ginger Princess himself, Alan Ashby. He had an amused look on his face as he watched me and I furrowed my brows in embarrassment.

“Hi.” I shyly muttered as I felt my cheeks get warm. Suddenly he enveloped me in a hug and I squeaked in surprise. When he let me go I looked up at him and he laughed. Not like a chuckle, but a full on laugh with the stomach clutching and all.

“What the fuck is so funny?” I asked annoyed as my cheeks got even hotter. Alan just continued on laughing at my strange behavior and I felt like an idiot.

“Oh, just that Austin’s been your fan for quite some time and when he saw your band’s set on the first day of Warped he hasn’t stopped talking about how cute he thinks you are since then, so I came on over to meet you and I shall annoy Austin that I hugged you when he hasn’t done that.” Alan turned in the direction where Austin was talking to Mike and Vic Fuentes and screamed. “Ha, Austin!” Austin looked up surprised and looked in mine and Alan’s direction with furrowed eyes. He barely glanced at Alan before his eyes settled on me and it dawned on me only then what Alan had said.

“What?” I screeched out suddenly, turning to Alan with beet red cheeks and he started laughing once again. I stood there, feeling all eyes watching me and Alan, but mostly me from my little outburst.

“Was it Adam who told you that I’m shy and awkward? That little slut…” I muttered under my breath as Alan shook his head as he continued on choking on his laughter.

“I haven’t met your band yet. Well, except for you and Harold…” His face suddenly changed and I raised my brow. “Say, is Harold gay?” I stood watching Alan for a few moments before I burst out laughing. This time it was me who couldn’t control myself as I just laughed until I had tears running down my cheeks and my stomach hurt. After I had calmed down I looked up at Alan and wanted to burst out laughing again.

“No, Alan. Harold is straight. In fact, he’s so straight I think he radiates his straightness like the sun radiates light and heat.” It was silent for I don’t know how long before Alan started chuckling and I cracked a smile.

“Okay, you’re cool. We need to hang out and talk about cats.” He patted my head and I groaned out loud.

“What did I miss?” Both, me and Alan, turned to look at Austin who appeared beside us with a grin.

“Oh, just the fact that Greta is going to hang out with me and we’re going to talk about cats and watch movies and you’re not invited.” Alan stuck out his tongue and I rolled my eyes.

“But I haven’t even agreed…” Alan turned to me with a fierce look and I raised my hands in defense.

“Okay, not saying anything.” I took a step back and looked at both Alan and Austin. Alan just stood there grinning like a fool while Austin had some look in his eyes. I barely caught it and I couldn’t make out what it was.

“When are we hanging out, Greta?” Alan turned to me and from the corner of my eye I saw Austin look at me too.

“We’re hanging out under one condition…” I told him and he eagerly nodded his head. I looked up at Austin and grinned at him. He gave a slight smile back and in that moment I knew that he was bummed about this whole ‘Alan and I hanging out’ thing which wasn’t even true. I mean, Alan was an adorable ginger, but I wasn’t going to hang out with him just because he declared it to annoy Austin.

“We’ll watch all the Star Wars movies.” At that Alan’s face fell a bit and he looked at Austin who chuckled lightly.

“You too? Seriously, what is wrong with you people? If I watch one of those movies again I will barf.” Alan shook his head and looked at me and then at Austin. A devilish grin appeared on his lips and I raised my brows in question.

“You two should hang out, because you’re both Star Wars nerds. I’m sure you two would have lots of fun.” His grin told me that he was thinking about naughty things and I slapped his arm.

“Control yourself, Ginger Princess, by the way, no offence by that, but you’re getting your knickers in a bunch. Has someone fed you…” I took a step closer to him and he raised his brow. “Some catnip?” And Austin started laughing as Alan rolled his eyes and huffed. I could only grin and contain my laughs until later.

“Oh God, you two are almost the same. I just met you and you’re throwing out jokes that Austin throws at me. Do you two read minds or something?” He pouted and I smiled. With a quick glance at Austin I saw him watching me with a cute grin on his face.

“Maybe…” I drawled and Alan rolled his eyes. He ruffled my hair and looked at Austin.

“My work here is done. Decide when you two are watching Star Wars movies while I go fetch something to eat. Later, Midget.” And with a quick wave, Alan was gone. I slowly turned to Austin and looked up at him. He grinned at me and I felt nervous, but just a bit. It seemed normal to talk to him right now and my nervousness was there because of what Alan had said just a few moments ago.

“So, would you like to watch Star Wars movies with me some day?” Austin asked slowly and unsurely while I could only grin.

“You bet. Maybe I could bring my band to hang out with the rest of your band and both of us could watch the movies? I know for a fact that they’ll annoy me to no end if I don’t introduce you to them.” Austin chuckled a bit, but nodded his head.

“Sure, the guys will be glad to meet them.” He took out his phone and shoved it on my hands. I knew what to do before he could say anything.

After I typed in my number and saved it, I gave Austin his phone back. Right that moment my stomach let out a loud wail and I blushed. Austin chuckled lightly as he looked at me.

“I guess we need to find you food.” And before I could protest, he was holding my hand and dragging me behind him in some direction. I could barely see or hear anything, because my mind was preoccupied with the fact that our hands fit perfectly together.
♠ ♠ ♠
Just to clear up the ending, Greta won't start having feelings for Austin in the next chapter nor will they confess anything any time soon. I shall try in all of my power to not rush this, so yeah, this was just something that shall get Greta thinking about a lot of things. 8D

What do you think about Greta and Austin? What would you like to read next? c:

Thank you:
Zombie Stripper

You're both awesome. c: Well, all of my readers are awesome, but you two are especially awesome, because you commented. c: