Master, Do You Love Me?

Chapter 1

"Hello?" I said to the phone.
"Hey Jeordie, Brian here" he said, I smiled.
"Sup man" I smiled, I loved when he called me "Weren't you studying?"
"Nah, math doesn't matter" he said and I giggled, Brian was 17 and I was 15, his grades were rather good, we meet each other in the mall, then I discovered that he was from the same school I was, he offered to help me with homework or shit like that, my grades were not that good.
"So" he began "Are you busy? My parents left the town for the week, would you like to sleep here?" he asked.
"PARTY HARD" I yelled, I was hoping for alcohol, whores and drugs for the whole week, oh, if only I had a clue...
"Heh, great, just call me when you're on your way" he laughed at my enthusiasm.
"Okaaaaaay, gooooood byyyye" I said.
As soon as he hung up I ran through the house yelling "MOOOM", I know my mom, she would be fine with it, but still it was a good idea to ask.
"What is it dear?" she yelled back from her room.
"Going to Brian's for a week okay?" I yelled.
"Just don't get anyone pregnant and don't overdose, dear!" my mom was really easy going.
"Okaaaay, bye mom!" I replied, grabbing my bass, my school stuff and some clean clothes and left, I decided to take a part of my Dungeons and Dragons collection along, I wasn't a fan, but Brian loved it, it would be fun.
I was wrong... So wrong...
Well, I left fast, I was like a little kid going to Disneyland, I didn't want to walk, so I went to his place by bicycle.
"Whoa, Jeordie, why didn't you call me? If I knew you'd be here so fast, I would have get things prepared"
Get things prepared? I had no idea of what was going to happen next.
I was really anxious, Brian led me to his room and sat on the corner of the bed.
I sat down next to him, smiling.
"What a miracle, your parents leaving you for a week! That's the kind of thing my mom would do, but not yours" I said.
"Thanks" he answered with an fake offended tone and I giggled. "Do you want some beer?" he asked.
"We'll start the day drinking? Okay for me" I smiled as he got a glass, strange, the glass was filled and all ready for me, it was so weird that I blame myself now from taking it and drinking.
Why? Because there was something on the drink.
I began to feel... Weird, the world was spinning and I felt like I had no bones, my head felt heavier and the last thing I remember was Brian's evil smile.


"Wha..." I woke up, not feeling my body.
"Hello Jeordie" Brian laid down on me, making our noses touch.
"What's happening?" I asked a little in despair and a little sleepy.
"I have a problem" he began "My girlfriend broke up with me"
I had forgotten that he was dating, that made sense, why would him invite me to stay at his place and not his girl.
"Sorry man" I said "What happened?"
"I told her I wanted to have sex with another person" he said.
"Uh... Well... You didn't love her... You'll find some other girl soon" I tried to comfort him.
"You don't understand, do you?" he sounded angry.
Ok, Jeordie, be patient, he is upset because he lost his girl.
"I don't, but I will help you forever" I didn't know what I was saying, I just wanted him to know that I would be there for him.
"Jeordie" he grabbed my hair "I want to have sex with you for the first time"
He looked deep inside my eyes and my heart sank, I was a virgin and he was experienced.
And worst then that, I wasn't sure if I liked boys or girls, and I had my doubts about how I felt for Brian.
Dude, he couldn't do that to me, I began to shake a lot and he covered my eyes with a scarf.
He unzipped my jeans and began to touch me, I tried to push him away, but 
1- I was shaking like a howler (ok, bad comparison for the moment)
2- He was way bigger and stronger then me.
3- He would eventually get me if I managed to escape.
Well, he began to masturbate me and hell, I'm a human being, my body responded to it in a way that I didn't want to, this all was new to me, he covered my dick with his mouth and damn, I thought I would explode right in that moment.
He eventually stopped, he knew that I was a first timer and that I wouldn't last long.
"Please don't, it hurts Brian, I don't want it" I begged as he positioned himself in the middle of my opened legs.
"Stop whining, I won't hurt you dear" he said.
"No no no no no please no" I said dropping some tears, I was being raped by my best friend.
And surely he did not listen to me, I felt him pushing into me, a little more softly then I thought, but still it hurt, and I was scared, I moaned as he began to move, the bastard decided to jerk me as well.
After a few moments I began to enjoy it, but damn, it might sound gay but I wanted my first sexual relation to be with someone who loved me, I had a crush that I was never man enough to admit on Brian, but I didn't know if he loved me or if he just wanted to fuck.
I began to moan, the orgasm was near, I could feel it, I came in his hand, and he used the scarf that were on my eyes to clean it.
"It wasn't that bad" he smiled at me "But I'm still hard".
Some tears ran down on my cheeks.
"Brian, I don't know how to do this, and please, wasn't all of this enough?" I cried.
"No, come here, suck it" he sat on my chest and pulled my head closer, I had no option.
"Please" I sobbed one last time.
"Suck it" he answered, angrily.
I opened my mouth, afraid, he would kill me if I hurt him, I tried not to let my teeth touch his cock as he began to fuck my mouth, I gagged, afraid, very afraid.
After a few moments he came, telling me to swallow it, this was so damn disgusting, but again, I had no options.
"You are good at this, very good for a first timer" he said, I didn't know if I'd take it as a compliment or an offence, so I said nothing.
"I want you forever now, you'll be my slave"