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4 Fathers:A BTR Family Story

At James' House

Kendall's family arrived first. Katie rang the doorbell. Katie rang it so many times that the noise faded away. Jo took Katie's hand away from the bell and said "stop it,it will break" Carly answeres the door "hey how are you guys--" katie rushes inside and jumps into James's arms before she finishes the sentence. Kendall says "Katie come back here!" James says to Kendall "dude it's fine" kendall angrily says "she didnt even say hello!" Carly closes the door and into her room she goes. Kendall says to Katie "come here for a minute" Katie screems "NO!" Jo says "listen to your father" Katie marched out of James's hands and into her father's. Kendall whispers "what has gone into you today?" Katie ignores and goes back to James. James hugs Katie. Katie innocently asks "where is Sienna?" James replies "she is upstairs, i will go get her. Kendall goes over to Katie "answer me, why are you so bad today?!" Katie simply says "nothing" and goes to her mother. Jo puts Katie on her lap. "Say sorry to Daddy" Katie says "no!" and pushes Kendall away from Jo. Jo looks at Katie in a stern way "say sorry or you cant come back here!" Katie wimpers "sorry Daddy" Kendall comes closer to Katie "can i have a hug?" Katie nods and gives her dad a hug and Kendall kisses her head. James comes back with Sienna. "Sienna, look who that is" Katie jumps out of Kendall's arms and goes over to Sienna. Katie says to Sienna "hey remember me? Your best friend!" Sienna smiles and they start to play. Carly gets out of her room and says "come on James i am ready let's go" James mumbles "finally!" Carly says "what did you say?" James answers "nothing" and grabs her hand and drags her to their convertible. Before James leaves he asks Kendall "where are Logan and Carlos?" Kendall says "i have no idea. I called them and they said that they were--" he gets interrupted by the doorbell. Jo opens the door and greets Carlos's and Logan's families. Kendall says "they are here now you can go. Have fun!" James exits the house and all the kids play except Danny. Camille says to Danny "why aren't you playing with them?" Danny says "because i am a big boy i dont play with babies!" camille looked surprised "well" Camille goes to Jennifer "why is he so mad" Jennifer replied "i dont no" Kendall asks Carlos "is he fine" Carlos sadly says "i don't know. We think that he might be being bullied by his class" Kendall says "Katie is acting up too i don't know why" Logan was listening to their coversation "is she in school yet?" Kendall replies "no" Jo adds "but we are thinking to put her in Preschool after a few weeks." Kendall says "yeah...wait...what" Jo says "yeah" Kendall exclaims "you never told me!" Jo says "i was gonna tell you when we got home" Katie overheard and goes up to her dad and says "where am i going?!" Kendall replies "uhh--" and looks at Jo. Jo shakes her head side to side. Kendall tries to think of what to say "uhh you are going to Disney tomarow" Jo looks angrily at Kendall. Kendall mouths What but Jo rolls her eyes. To change the subject,Logan says "let's play a game" Camille asks "what game their daughter is 1 what can we do?" Carlos says "he is talking about the kids. What can they play all together?" everyone thinks. Finally Jennifer says "why not they play a fashion show or make a play. They have fun doing it and we have fun watching it!" Everyone says "that is a great idea." Jeniffer calls Daniell. "Danny come here" Danny obeys."Do u want to put on a show for us to watch?" Danny smiled "yeah and the kids can be a part of it too but i am in charge!" Danny goes to the others and tells them what to do. Carlos whispers "that was the happiest impression i have gotten from him for 2 months" they all smile. Kendall asks Logan "so logan, how are Noah and Valorie?" Camille answers "they are fine but having a lot of fights recently" There was a long silence but Carlos broke it. He says "why are all of our kids acting up or you know not good these days?" everyone shrugged. Danny comes to Carlos and whispers in his ear something that everyone is curious about. Carlos laughs and Danny goes back to his position. Carlos says "Ladies and Gentlemen i present to you, the play of amazment by my great son Daniell Pena!" everyone cheered and the Musical began. First, the kids sang Big Night,Big Time, and last Elevate. The audience all cheered  even though they were all off key. After they finished, Kendall goes up to them and asks "can i have an autograph?" all the kids started to giggle and kendall took a picture with katie on his IPhone. Kendall kissed her cheek "i love you sweety" Katie says "i love you too Daddy" they played many different games and Logan put Sienna to sleep. Katie goes to her mother and rubs her eyes "Mommy i am tired" Jo calls Kendall "Kendall, have Katie sleep" katie adds "with Sienna" Kendall carries Katie like a bride upstairs and sings Epic in a low voice. While he was singing, Katie's eyes shut and Kendall layed her on the bed. Kendall kisses her forehead and whispers "i love you" He went downstairs and saw Camille,Jennifer,and Jo talking looking worried and so were Carlos and Logan. He grabbed some water from the fridge and sat down. James and Carly entered the door laughing. James says "thanks guys" logan says "no problem dude" Kendall grabs Jo. Jo exclaimed "what do you want?!" Kendall says "let's go home Katie is already asleep." Jo asks "what is the hurry?" Kendall replies "oh i dont know, maybe about sending Katie to Preschool." Jo finally says "fine" They say goodbye to everyone and Kendall carries Katie into the carseat. Everyone else goes home a few minutes after Kendall's family left.Sienna started crying right when all the guests left. James ran to her while he was in the middle of changing his clothes. James picks up Sienna and tries to calm her down. Sienna still didn't stop crying. James gave her her bottle but Sienna spit the milk out at him. James looked irritated but still tried. James calls out to Carly "Carly, can you come and help me" Carly irritatly replies "i am in the shower but when i come out I'll take care of her." James sings to Sienna but she still wouldn't stop. Carly came out 10 minites later and calmed Sienna down. Carly read The Hunger Games book before she slept. James asks her "what is so interesting about it?!" Carly ignores him and they go to sleep. After an hour, Sienna started to cry again. James got up and took care of her for 3 hours without sleep and read the whole Hunger Games book. Sienna finally slept. Carly shook James until he woke up. "What have you been doing for the past couple hours?!" James replies "trying to get Sienna to sleep. By the way i read the whole  book and spoiler alert: Peeta and Katniss live." Carly looks dissapointed. After a glass of water,they went to sleep again.Kendall enters the car and drives while Jo is on the passenger seat. Jo asks "why are you so mad at me?!" Kendall says "why didnt you tell me before that you are sending her in a few weeks?" Jo exclaims "what does it matter to you?!" Kendall fell silent. Then Kendall said "Are you taking her to Sunnyside?" Jo nods. "That was where i went and always made fun of, even teachers were cruel to me" They entered their house and kendall picked up Katie and put her in her crib. After they left Katie, Jo says "what if they changed" Kendall blurts out "i just dont want my girl to leave me!" Jo now gets the point. They sleep for a few hours but are disturbed. Katie enters their room. Katie rubs her eyes and cries "can i sleep with you?" Jo asks "bad dream?" Katie nods. Kendall moves to the side and says "you can come in here between us" Katie smiles and jumps in. Jo asks after a few minutes of silence "how did you get out of your crib?" Katie simply says "i jumped" Kendall gets closer with Katie and kisses her head. They all went to sleep peacefully.Logan's car is a van. The whole 20 minute ride back Noah and Valorie were fighting. Noah wanted the remote to watch spider man but Valorie wanted to watch Barbie. Logan says in the middle of their fight "stop or else you can't watch tv tomarow. Both kids stopped with verbal torture but moved to physical. Camille yelled "stop it now!" the kids got scared so kept silent the rest 3 minutes. When they got in the house, they ran straight to the tv and the remote fight starts. Camille yelled "you can't watch tv right now it's late" Logan added "go upstairs into your rooms and don't come out until breakfast. The kids stompped into their rooms without saying goodbye. When they left Logan whisperd to Camille "i think we are too harsh on them" Camille explains "they are fighting non-stop it has gotten out of hand now." Logan nods in agreement and they go to their room and sleep.Carlos took Danny and asks "do you want to go home?" Danny nods and rubs his eyes. Jennifer is talking to Carly but Carlos interupts "uhh Jennifer, Danny wants to go home." Jennifer says "well okay, goodbye Carly" they left the house and into their car. Danny fell asleep right away. Jennifer asks Carlos "should we ask him if he is being bullied?" Carlos replies "Not yet, if there is more evidence then we ask" Jennifer looks worried "but what if it gets worse?!" Carlos parks at their driveway "it won't there are teachers remember?" Carlos goes to the back and shakes Danny a little. Danny doesn't wake up. "wake up, son we are home!" Danny woke up and marched to his room without saying good night. Carlos says to Jennfier "we will ask him after or before school tomarow" they went to sleep after 1 shut of the eye. 
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Hope u like it!:)