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4 Fathers:A BTR Family Story


They went back to the hospital and saw James playing with both Katie and Sienna. He said "Hey, is she in?" Kendall noddes sadly and asked "where is Carly?" he simply replied "bathroom" Jo said "you guys can go we will stay here." Carly got out the bathroom and all 3 left. Katie fell asleep again but it was normal this time because it was 11:00. There was only 1 couch to sleep on so Jo put her head on Kendall's lap and said "i love you" to Kendall before she slept. At 3:00, Katie woke up coughing. Kendall gently layed Jo's head off himself and onto the couch and went to Katie. He said "don't worry, we are right here" and hugged Katie. Katie hugged back and Kendall kissed her cheeks. He went back to the couch and found Jo using up the whole couch. Kendall chuckled and sat down on a chair to sleep. Epic Fail.The doctor came into the room at 9:00 and told then great news "Katie will get out of the hospital tomorow!" They went back to the hospital and saw James playing with both Katie and Sienna. He said "Hey, is she in?" Kendall noddes sadly and asked "where is Carly?" he simply replied "bathroom" Jo said "you guys can go we will stay here." Carly got out the bathroom and all 3 left. Katie fell asleep again but it was normal this time because it was 11:00. There was only 1 couch to sleep on so Jo put her head on Kendall's lap and said "i love you" to Kendall before she slept. At 3:00, Katie woke up coughing. Kendall gently layed Jo's head off himself and onto the couch and went to Katie. He said "don't worry, we are right here" and hugged Katie. Katie hugged back and Kendall kissed her cheeks. He went back to the couch and found Jo using up the whole couch. Kendall chuckled and sat down on a chair to sleep. Epic Fail. and Jo smiled and since Katie was awake, Kendall whispered in Jo's ear "let's have a surprise party for her" Jo smiled and nodded but also said "i have to buy a dress and I want you to come with me" Kendall said "sure uhh i can ask the guys to come. Jo said "not James and Carly cuz they stayed for  long time so they can rest." Kendall then texted Carlos and Logan "com 2 hospitl Jo&I hv 2 go 2 the mall" Logan replied "why" and Kendall texted back "we are gonna hav a srprize prty for when she comes home you guys come too" Carlos and Logan texted back "K". Jo called Carly about party. Once Logan came in he said "hey Katie" and Jo and Kendall left to their car.They got inside and Kendall asked " where do you wanna shop?" Jo immediatly replied "Macy's or JCPenny" They drove to the mall while listening to Love Me Love Me. They went straight inside JCPenny. Jo and Kendall started to look at dresses. They picked out 5: 1 blue,1 red,1 green,1 purple,and 1 pink. Jo went into the changing room while Kendall waited outside the changing room. Jo put on the red dress but the zipper at the back wouldn't close so she called Kendall "hey uhh Kendall,can you come inside and zip the zipper." kendall went inside and tried to zip but it wouldn't work. Kendall said "uhh Jo, i think it is stuck" Jo shouted "no kidding, it is too tight!" Kendall whispered "shush you are too loud. Let me try to take it off." Kendall tugged but no change. Jo said "go bring a worker, you are no help!" Kendall left and went to the front desk "excuse me. I need a woman to help me with something. He replied "Alana come help this man" A yellow haired woman came to Kendall and asked what happened. Kendall replied "my wife is stuck in a dress and it isn't coming off." Alana rushed into Jo's room and Kendall waited again. Alana came out and got the same dress but a larger size. Kendall thanked her. Kendall asked "Can i come in now? Jo said "yeah" Kendall entered and his jaw immediatly dropped "WOW!!" Jo smiled. Kendall said "buy this one. You are too fat for the other size" Jo said "No, the size was too small" Kendall said "sure" and rolled his eyes. Jo pushed him irritatly. Kendall admitted "you know i am joking right?" and tickeled her stomach. Jo shouted "Stop! Now get out, i have to change back. Pay for the dress" and started laughing.Kendall asked through the curtain "what why me?" Jo didn't reply so Kendall put his hand through the curtain to get the dress. Kendall payed for it and waited for Jo to get out.She finally got out and went to the car. Jo asked "let's get Katie's ears' pierced." Kendall coughed "she is already in the hospital we don't want her to stay there" Jo said "it isn't that painful. It's pain is less than 4 tattoos!" Kendall said "true" because he has 4. They then went to Shoppers to look for balloons. They then went back to their house and decorated. after 30 minutes they returned to the hospital and found Katie asleep and Camille's head on Logan's shoulder and Jennifer in Carlos's arms. Kendall asked "where are the kids?" Carlos replied "in the playroom" Jo thanked them and allowed them to leave. After a fewMinutes of silence, Kendall said "do you want to go to dinner tomorrow night?" Jo seemed strucked "Sure but why tomorrow?" Kendall replied "Eversince we had Katie, we never went anywhere alone" Jo smiled and nodded. Katie got up for Lunch and ate something gross. While Katie and Kendall ate, Jo layed her head down to his knees trying to sleep. Kendall felt uncomfortable but there was this couch and the chair so he had no choice. Kendall then put his head on hers and somehow also slept. Katie had to go use the bathroom but both of her parents were asleep. She couldn't walk but figured she had to try. She tried but fell right on the ground next to Jo. Jo bumped her head with Kendall and exclaimed "Katie what are you doing?!" Katie wimpered "trying to go to the bathroom!" Jo pushed off the couch and helped Katie to the bathroom. Kendall shouted "Jo you broke my head!" Jo said "i don't care!" and Jo took Katie back on her bed and Jo and Kendall slept in the same pose again. Kendall woke up in the middle of the night by a horrifying dream. He screamed.Thankfully Katie was still asleep but Jo woke up immediatly. She said to him "what happened?" Kendall sang "did I, awake, you out your dream? I'm sorry i couldn't sleep. You calm me down. There's somethin' about the sound of your voice".Jo laughed "stop saying lines from Worldwide that you sang to me years ago" Kendall sighed "but it's true you always make me feel better." Jo smiled brightly. Kendall said "it was about Katie well... nevermind" Jo says "no continue" Kendall shakes his head. Jo leans over to him and kisses him and then he agrees to tell her "well she died in a car accident. You and I became drunk and she was bleeding her life out." Jo gasped "why do you have dreams like this?!" Kendall replied angrily "i'm not god i don't control my dreams!" Jo said "Calm down hunny" and cuddles with him. He says "this is all my fault that she is in here" Jo interjected "No not really she should have been more careful" Kendall nodded and said "Jo, you are the best! I love you" Jo's smile glowed "I love you too" and they kissed. They went to sleep quickly. The doctor came in at 9:00 and only Jo was awake. He said to Jo " it is time for Katie to leave." Jo sleepily smiled and said "thanks" The doctor said " you can check her out here" and gives Jo a notebook. Jo filled it out in a snap and they were all set. Jo shaked Kendall lightly "Kendall get up. We have to help Katie get up and into the car." Kendall slowly got up and went over to Katie. Jo said "Katie get up it's time to leave." Katie wouldn't get up so Kendall picked her up and into the car.    
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Jendall is my fav TV couple