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4 Fathers:A BTR Family Story


Kendall woke up from hearing loud sneezes and coughs. Kendall turned and saw Jo who looked terrible. Kendall worrily asked "what happened to you?" Jo answered "I don't know. Somehow i got very sick." Kendall turned his whole body toward her and asked "How sick? Like what's happening? Are you in pain or what?" Jo miserable coughed and said "my throat and stomach is hurting." she sniffed "My nose is running too and... oww my stomach. Kendall put his hand on her forehead to see if she was sick and nodded. Jo ran to the bathroom and started to vomit. Kendall exclaimed "Oh My God!" Kendall placed his hand on Jo's back but didn't dare to look into the sink. Kendall left the bathroom and went to Katie's room. He found her still asleep so he didn't bother to wake her up. Kendall got the thermometer and placed it in Jo's mouth. Beeeep. The thermometer read:105! she was terribly sick. Kendall said "Don't worry, you'll be fine." and he kissed her cheak. Jo continued coughing but the noise grew louder. Out of irritation, Kendall said "i'll go to the store to get you medicine" Jo said "I'll come with you" Kendall shouted "No!" then he said " No, you should rest." Jo dissapointedly went back to her bed and Kendall wrapped the blanket around her. To the pharmacy he went.James woke up from no distractions that morning. Everything was peacefull. Sienna and Carly were still asleep. He was about to go back to sleep, until he remembered :Sienna's birthday is in a few days! He totally forgot about it.he thought to himself" Sienna wouldn't really mind, she's turning 2. She would never remember" slowly, Carly started to wake up. James screamed in a whisper "What are we gonna do for Sienna's bday?!" Carly looked startled and thought "when is her birthday?" James rolled his dark green eyes and went back to sleep, hoping her birthday would somehow be furthar away. Sleeping did not help. He woke up again and thought real hard what to do for her. He thought "I guess luck would find me. I hope" He went to Sienna's crib who was neither crying or sleeping. Instead she was quietly playing with a stuffed Mickey Mouse toy. James smiled and kissed her head. Then he went to the bathroom to brush his teeth. Logan woke up from a notification on his phone. He put notifications for cheap vacations and he hadn't gotten any until today. He examined it. A Cheap Cruise to Bermuda! Logan wanted to surprise Camille with the trip so he decided to bring all his friends but secretly. He was about to purchase the tickets, but quickly, a hand came from behind him and  snatched his phone. Logan snatched it back from Camille but Camille was too tired to ask why. He chose the dates for next week. Camille asked "What was that?" Logan replied "nothing" Camille complained "tell me" and kissed him. Logan smiled but said "Still not telling you" Camille looked upset so Logan kissed her back "It's a surprise" Camille said "Okay, but when will I find out?" Logan hesitated but said "soon" and Camille went to the kitchen and Logan changed his clothes. He brought his phone with him because he knew that Camille would try to look. A year ago, Logan got her a surprise birthday present but Camille found out and didn't even try to seem surprised when she actually got it. Logan woke up Valorie and Noah and brought them down to eat cereal for breakfast. Camille kept her eye on his phone.The end of the school year came and Carlos said to Daniell "Hey,Danny,do you wanna learn something fun?" Danny hesitated then nodded. Carlos finished "Your mom and I will teach you how to ride a bike." Danny grunted. Jennifer was in the room so she knelt down and asked "Why?" Daniell replied "It's hard. I will get hurt,like in school" Carlos said "no,you won't" Jennifer proved "We will help you" Daniell sighed and said "Fine,but not now" He was busy playing Spiderman videogames. Kendall brought him that for his birthday because they both loved spiderman.Whenever Kendall went to Carlos's house,he played videogames with Daniell instead of sitting down with the actual adults. Jennifer and Carlos went out the room and Jennifer spoke first "When should we teach him?" Carlos replied "Next week,the weather is great" Jennifer nodded and went to the kitchen to cook. Carlos went on ebay to search for a nice bike. He found a black one with red flames and bought that for $53. He went to Daniell's room and said "Wanna see ur new bike?" Daniell nodded and Carlos showed him the bike he ordered. Danny exclaimed "Wow! That is so cool!! Thanks Dad!" and hugged his father. Carlos grinned and went downstairs to Jennifer to tell her about the bike. And then he got the phonecall.Kendall went to the pharmacy and bought Pepto Bismol for Jo. When  he was waiting in line, Logan called him about the cruise. Kendall got very excited and promised to not tell Jo. He went to his car and placed the medicine on the passenger seat. He drove back. Kendall entered the house and saw Katie in the kitchen. Kendall dropped the medicine bag on a chair and asked her "How did you get downstairs?" Katie simply replied "I slid on the railing thingy" Kendall said "oh,so how's your foot?" Katie shrugged. Kendall opened his mouth to talk but was interrupted by loud coughs. Kendall ran upstairs forgetting the medicine. Jo miserably asked "Where's the medicine?" Kendall said "yeah... Right" and ran back downstairs. Katie was eating cereal and asked "what's wrong with Mommy?" Kendall ignored her question and said "don't talk with your mouth full." and grabbed the medicine. He went back to Jo and poured the medicine into a Spoon. He fed her 3 tablespoons of Pepto Bismol. He asked Jo "How are you feeling?" Jo said "I drank it a second ago" Kendall shrugged and kissed her hand. Then he went back downstairs to Katie. Katie repeated "What's wrong with Mommy?" Kendall responded "she's sick" Katie kept silent. Kendall asked her "Are you done breakfast?" Katie nodded and asked "Why?" Kendall answerd "Then I'll give you a shower now" Katie complained "I want Mommy to give me a shower!" Kendall said "She's very sick, so I'll do it" Katie whined. Kendall smiled and said "Come on my little princess" and carried her to the bathroom. Katie struggled but couldn't escape. Kendall knelt down and started to unbutton her shirt but Katie screamed "Mommy!" Kendall tickled her stomach and Katie started giggling. Kendall desperatly asked "Can you please let me give you a shower?" Katie shaked her head. Moments later,Jo miserably walked into the bathroom wearing a pink and fluffy robe. She said "It's fine,Kendall,I can do it" Katie nodded energetically. Kendall mumbled "Immediate no to me,but a yes to the sick one" and went out the bathroom. Jo gave Katie a shower while Kendall made Jo a surprise lunch. Kendall makes the best spaghetti so he decided to make it for Jo. Kendall went to the kitchen and started cooking. Jo and Katie came out of the bathroom soaked. Kendall laughed "Well,Jo,you don't need a shower anymore." Jo sarcastically laughed and went straight upstairs carrying Katie. James brushed his teeth and that was when Logan called him about the cruise. He also promised to not tell Carly. He thought: There is Sienna's birthday party. He went downstairs and ate an omelet. He made 1 for Carly too. Carly came downstairs very slowly. She asked "What are you making?" James replied "Omlets" Carly goes to Sienna and carries her downstairs to eat. Carly fed her tiny bits of omlet. Sienna didn't bother to fight because she was too hungry. James finished his food first and started to comb his hair. Carly said "When is Sienna gonna walk?" James shrugged and put the comb down. Carly said "I'm gonna try to put Sienna to sleep again." James nodded and Carly left with Sienna. James went straight to the internet on EBAY. He searched up bathing suits for Sienna to wear at the pool in the cruise. He found a pink flowered one just for her size and he placed the order.  Kendall brought the spaghetti up to his room and gave it to Jo. Jo said "thanks. Can you take Katie,i dont want her to get sick." Kendall nodded and picked up Katie. He said "come on sweety,let's play in your room." Katie said "but i wanna play here" Kendall calmly said "Let Mommy rest." and he tickled her stomach. Kendall placed Katie on the ground and started to take out toys. He asked "What do you wanna play?" Katie replied "I don't Know, but can i have food. I'm hungry" Kendall smiled knowing she wants the spaghetti. He asked "you want spaghetti?" Katie nodded and kisses her father's cheek. Kendall hugged her than carried her downstairs to the kitchen where he put her in her baby chair. Kendall poured some spaghetti in a bowl and got a spoon. Katie screamed "GIMME IT!!" Kendall said "say it nicely" Katie grunted. Katie then whispered "Can i please have some?" Kendall said "yes you may, you need to lighten up in your manners." Kendall sat down on the chair next to Katie's and fed her the spaghetti. Katie talked with food in her mouth "That's yummy" Kendall said "What did i just say?" Katie apologized. Katie said "No more, I want to feed you." Kendall gave her one more bite and then gave the spoon to Katie. Katie fed her dad two bites nearly dropping the food twice. Kendall said in a baby voice "that's yummy, mommy" Katie giggled and patted Kendall's head. Katie asked "Daddy, i want to play." Kendall said "ok,lets go to the park" Katie screamed "Yay!!" Kendall said "I'll be right back" Kendall went upstairs and found Jo laying down with her eyes open. Kendall sat next to her and brushed his fingers through her hair "Are you asleep?" Jo said "If i was asleep you want me to say yes?"Kendall laughed "how are you feeling?do you want to go to the park?" Jo responded "Sure, I'm feeling a lot better." Kendall smiled and left back to Katie. Kendall buckled Katie's shoes. Katie asked "Is Mommy coming?" Kendall nodded. All 3 left the house and walked to the park. Katie felt good enough to run herself. Kendall wrapped his arm around Jo's shoulders. Jo said " Preschool starts in 2 weeks" Kendall sadly replied "I know" When they went home, both girls fell asleep so he thought to pack the suitcases for the cruise.
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Hope you like it!:)