Believe in Me Because I'll Believe in You Tonight

The Hard Life.




"Need anything mom?" I asked her as she lay in bed watching Opera trying to get better from the previous week.

The flu has been going around I suppose and it caught onto my mom not letting go.

"No, I'm alright." She smiled weakly as I smiled back and closed her door lightly.

I bit my lip feeling my silver cold lip ring and walked down to my basement spotting my one and only beauty.
My drum set.
I picked up my drum sticks and pounded out something randomly.
I stopped for a split second and heard my house phone ringing.
I dashed up the stairs and picked it up saying, "Hello?"
I heard my dad's voice over the other line saying, "Hey."
I was enjoyed that he called.
He hasn't called for the past month.

"Hey dad, how are things going in Iraq?" I asked him as I made myself comfortable on a stool we had out for our counter.
"Good, how about over there at home?" He asked.
"Good, mom has the flu though. I think she might be getting better hopefully. When do you think you are coming home?" I asked him a longing question he couldn't answer last month.
"Aaron, I'm not so sure. I have a possibility of coming home for Christmas though." He said.

Christmas was 7 months away though, and a possibility means that he won't be able to.

"Oh." I said disappointingly.
"Well, I have to go Aaron. I love you and tell mom I love her too."

He said before I heard the line go dead before I had a chance to say anything back.
I had a feeling he wouldn't call again for another month too.


I stood in the crowd at our local skate park jumping around with the music starting up a mosh pit.
The beautiful music sounded through my ears as we all jumped around screaming random things out.
I loved this scene, rock scene to be exact.
Mikkey, the one I've been longing to meet.
The one who caught my eye every time at these shows.
Tonight, she wasn't here though.
I was planning to at least go up to her and say hi tonight.
But, I guess that won't be happening.
Another girl, who is a complete stalker in my view was standing next to me as I tried to catch my breath.
Her name was Nicole known as Nikki.
Nice girl, just not for me.
Yet, no matter how many times I tell her she's always standing next to me, or trying to gain my attention.

"Hey Nikki." I waved as she waved and smiled back.
"I see Mikkey isn't here." She scoffed as she looked around.
"Yea, she isn't. She's probably somewhere with her parents." I said as I shoved my hands in my pocket.
"She doesn't notice what I see in you." Nikki said as she scooted a little more next to me.
"Look Nikki, you're a nice girl and all, but I don't like you the same way. I think friendship is the only step for us. I'm sorry." I said as I abruptly stood up and left the skate park riding on my own board home.


I drove into the drive way noticing my parents weren't there.
Probably out getting drunk some where.

"Hey Jack and Sally." I said to my dog, Jack, and my cat, Sally, as I walked through the front door.

I named them after Jack and Sally from Nightmare Before Christmas, how typical.
There was a sticky note left on my refrigerator telling me we had no food and we were yet to go shopping.
Like I cared, I'm never hungry.
My cell phone started screaming at me from my pocket and I answered it to hear Claire saying, "Hey Cadence."

"Hey Claire, what's up?" I asked her as I started down my hall way towards my room.
"Ready to party Cadence?" She asked as I heard Emily and Brittany laughing in the back round.

I glanced at the clock and sighed into the phone.

"Not tonight, I have to go to work." I said as I grabbed some clothes out of my closet.
"Just call in sick, you need to come partying. We can drink the night away!" She whined.
"I'm not calling in sick, and I'm straightedge so I won't be drinking either. I'm sure you guys can have as much fun with me not there. But I have to go Claire, so I'll call you guys tomorrow or something." I said as I hung up without letting her say anything back.

Like usual, they called my cell phone multiple times until I turned it off.
I tied my hair in braids both on each side and applied some more black eyeliner on.

"Hey Cade." My boss, Will, said as I walked into Tilly's.
"Hey Will, what new CDs came into today?" I asked as I went to punch my card in.
"Not much your type, but there over there in that box." He said as he pointed to a card board box with a label of a company from New Jersey printed on it.

I sifted through the CDs and spotted a long lost CD I had to have.
Pencey Prep, Heartbreak in the Stereo.

"Will, can I buy this one?" I asked as I held it up.
"Never knew you liked Pencey Prep." He laughed as he took it from my hand and looked at it.
"There are many things you don't know about me Will." I said as I closed the box back up.
"But I know your clan is coming in here in, 3, 2, and 1." He counted down as glanced at the front door seeing Brittany, Claire, and Emily with there purses and sunglasses on and being who they are, like usual.
"Thought you'd be here doll." Emily said as she moved her glasses down to see me.
"Of course I'm here, it's where I work." I said as I leaned against the counter.
"Well, we just came to see what you were doing." Brittany said as she took her sunglasses off and looked around.
"I highly doubt this is your kind of store." Will scoffed.
"Why do you suggest that? Cadence is in here. What store she likes, is a store we like." Claire said as she gave a disgusted look at a couple of CDs.
"Will is right, we have our differences. I think it's better if you guys just go." I said as I ushered them out of the store.
"Whatever Cadence, don't expect to let you sit at our lunch table Monday." Emily spat as they all turned on there right heel at the same time and made their way to Brittany's light blue Mercedes Benz.

I rubbed my temple and walked back inside.

"I don't see why you hang out with them. There the worst of them if I do say myself." Will said as he handed me the CD.
"I don't know. I guess I'm that kind of person wanting to fit in." I shrugged as I went behind the counter noticing some customers were in there sifting through some shirts.
"Well, I highly doubt you need them. There is this one cool chick that comes in here a lot. I think her name is Mikkey. She's pretty cool. You two would get along." He said.
"Guess again. She hates my guts. I wonder why, I'm the biggest bitch in school, supposedly." I said as I scanned some band Tees for some kid.
"Just the people you hang out with Cade. You need a new Crew." He smiled as he bagged the Tees for the kid.
"Only if I can get over some shit, then people would like me." I smiled at the kid who smiled back and walked out of the store with bag in hand.
"Maybe you just need to change. You don't need to fit in. You're cool enough to be everyone's friend." Will said as he put a hand on my shoulder.
"Maybe." I shrugged as I went to the back to get some more CDs to restock the store.


"Mom, I'm not wearing that stupid dress." I said as I looked at a pink frilly dress lying on my bed.
"Fine, what about this purple one then?" My mom asked as she held up a dark purple one.
"Fine, but I'm making it more, me." I said as I grabbed it from her and locked myself in my room.

I took out purple and black socks and my worn out converse with graffiti on them and slipped them on under my dress.

"Michaela we have to go now. Please hurry." My mom said from outside of my bedroom door.
"Coming." I sighed as I pushed my glasses on and unlocked my bedroom to see my mom drooling over what I was wearing.
"You look so beautiful!" My mom cooed as she spun me around.
"Woo, can we go now?" I said sarcastically as I started down our stairs.

It took forever to get down them, fucking three story mansion, place.

"Mom, why did you rent a limo?" I asked as I rubbed my temple.
"Your Grandma gave us money to spend. We should spend it on what we like." She said as we got into the limo.
"Don't bring Grandma into this, please. I'm Mikkey, nothing fancy." I said as I stared outside.
"You're Michaela." My mom said sternly.

She hated the nickname Mikkey, but I loved it.

"Why do we even have to go to this stupid Opera? I hate Opera; I'd rather hang myself then sit there listening to some idiots pretend they're the greatest in the world!" I threw my hands up in the air as we arrived in front of a fancy Hotel.
"Michaela, calm down. You used to love coming to these with Grandma." My mom said as we were ambushed by photographers.
"That's because we never really came here, we always went somewhere else and had fun." I said as I ignored the pictures being taken and waited for my mom inside, while she had her fame.
"You're going weather you like it or not Michaela so stop arguing with me." She said as I mimicked her behind her back.

The security guys laughed at my immaturity and I flipped the bird and ran off to the spot where we were sitting.
Mom doesn't know how to hide an IPOD in her dress, Haha.