Status: New Story

Jade Eyed Boy

Why Isaac Doesn't Get Any


The rest of the day didn't get much better. After my detention first period my "friends" started to really get on my nerves. All the questions of "Do you like those losers?" and "How much more trouble are you going to get in with your brother?" kept popping up. I was ready to bite someone's head off by fourth period, and sure enough it was another class with my twin and James. I just figured I would ignore them, and they wouldn't talk to me. I was wrong.

I sat down next to my boyfriend, never had I been so fortunate to have him in a class with me. He would keep me away from my detention causers.

He surprised me with his harsh tone when he turned around to talk to me. "Detention Haley? Really? Why didn't you say anything when I saw you second period!? I'm your goddamn boyfriend. I get to know everything, and I mean everything. Why the hell were you sitting with those losers anyways? Were you trying to rebel cause of what Dana said? If so quit your shit, and grow the fuck up. You have no right to betray me. Ever".

I was shocked. He had never spoken to me like that before in our entire year and a half of dating. He had always gotten jealous easy, and he was always never pleased when I didn't agree with him on something, but he had never ever snapped at me and accused me of betraying him. For a moment I almost slapped him, but I was already embarrassed enough with his tone towards me, and the fact we were in front of the entire English class.

I stayed quite for another moment trying to think of a good thing to say. That I was sorry for sitting with my brother? That your stupid sister took my seat leaving me with no other choice? That you have no right to accuse me of betraying you over something as stupid as detention? I just shook the thoughts out of my head, "I'm sorry Isaac. I didn't realize that you'd be this upset. As soon as finish my detention in two weeks it will never happen again, but baby you can't tell me who I can and can't sit with. He is my twin brother and I love him. I didn't tell you because I didn't think it was a big deal. I'm sorry can you forgive me?".

He turned around to look at me with what looked like a apology accepted look, but before he could get anything out a snort came from across the room: it was from James.

"I can't believe you just apologized to him for something that wasn't even your fault", he rolled, “god knows it was just Mrs. Grady being a bitch, and who wasn't laughing when I nailed her with the spitballs. Stand up for yourself girlfriend".

Isaac jumped up out of his seat; fury leaking off of him. He never liked a challenge to his authority. "Look Sullivan, it's none of your damn business. She was stupid, and she knows it. She had to apologize. So before you go on any further maybe you should learn to keep out of our business and hang out with your dumbass friends. Go kill yourselves alright?".

"I'm not stupid Isaac, and I cannot believe you would ever tell someone to go kill themself "! It wasn't meant to come out but I couldn't hold it in. I was so furious; not only had he called me stupid, he had basically told my brother to kill himself through James. He had no right to ever say anything like that to anyone; especially not my twin brother, and I was even mad at him for saying it about Johnny's friends.

"Haley stay out of this. It doesn't concern you. Guys like Sullivan don't deserve the light of day. He needs to know to shut his damn mouth before I shut it for him. Also you're being stupid right now so do yourself a favor and quit". Isaac's words cut me like a knife.

Then, to my dismay, Johnny spoke up ,"how about you quit calling my sister stupid? You know what's worse than being a guy like Jimmy? Being a guy like you Isaac Rienett. We all know how you love controlling your girlfriend so she can't think for herself, because if she did, she would leave your sorry ass behind".

Where was our English teacher when we needed him? Isaac and Johnny were now closing in on each other and I knew that at any moment a fight would break out. Whose side would I take? My twin brother who had changed so much in the last few months I hardly knew him, or my boyfriend, the guy I loved for the past year and a half. I was torn, and I just felt the tears roll down my face. They can't make me decide between the two of them. That just isn't right. I wouldn't pick.

For a second I thought that the fight would just stick to common threats and who can act more macho but the hope left before it could fully start. Johnny had launched himself at Issac, and Isaac was winning.

Isaac had about thirty pounds on Johnny a few inches. He played football, Johnny played bass. This fight would have an obvious winner, and I would be hurt. My boyfriend and brother were fighting. They were fighting and my brother was losing. I wanted it to stop. I didn't know what I could do. It was getting to be too much for me to handle so I just started screaming for them to stop. I kept screaming and screaming and screaming till I felt myself pushed back against my desk. Not hard, just a shove, but coming from my own boyfriend, it could have been a slap in the face. He seemed to realize he had gone too far to once James, now known as Jimmy, jumped into the fight and immediately bit his bicep. He drew blood instantly and it looked disgusting, and it caused me to scream again. It had definitely gone too far, and finally, after all the fighting the teacher entered the room in a panicked state.

He did however manage to get them pulled apart. "Sullivan, Seward, Rienett, office now. I don't ever want to see this in the school again, or anywhere else for that matter. You are supposed to be young men. Act like it".

When the boys were gone from the room he asked me if I was alright, I nodded yes even though I wasn't fine at all. I was shocked and hurt. My brother had gotten into a fight, his friend had torn up my boyfriend's arm, and my boyfriend had shoved me down. I didn't know how to deal with that, and to top everything off. I still had two weeks of detention with the jade eyed boy who had started all of this.
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I realize my second chapter is a bit early and you probably won't get another one till this weekend so I apoiligize. I just wrote it and couldn't resist posting. Sorry if it isn't my best but please keep reading and providing feedback!
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