
“He’s sadistic, watch out for him.”

“Why Beacon Hills?” Derek asked, his muscular arms crossed over his chest as he shot off questions, demanding answers. The Pack and Jo had traveled back to the abandoned subway station, knowing that the Alphas hadn’t realized that this was where the Beacon Hills Pack resided for the time being.

Jo rolled her eyes, still irritated that she had to be blindfolded on the way here. “None of us have been here, so we figured why not.” Jo licked her lips. “Plus, if you could manage to keep your pups from running away from you, we’ve probably would have passed you without knowing.”

Derek snarled; he wasn’t really over the fact that nobody wanted to be around him nowadays, even his own pack. Packs were supposed to be a family, a brotherhood, and even they didn’t stick around. Jo watched as Peter placed a hand on his nephew’s shoulders before asking her a question.

“You must be ruthless enough to be invited into a pack like this, why?”

Even though she didn’t show it, she felt cornered; basically, she was. Derek had placed her on a seat and had everyone standing around her in case she had to be taken out; she wasn’t trustworthy yet.

“I have had moments where I was cruel to the core, but it’s for survival.” Jo glanced between Derek and Peter, eyes glowing green. “You should know what it’s like. In our world, it’s to kill or be killed and for damn sure, I’m going to die because some overpowering Were wants to pick a fight.”

“How’d you become an Alpha?” the soft spoken voice from Isaac floated to her ears making her jump up from her seat and placed herself mere centimeters from him. It was quick, but she noticed the small step backwards he took. His eyes flickering all over her, trying to decipher what she was about to do.

Jo smiled, and patted his cheek a bit. “You know your place; I like that in a pup.”

“Answer his question.” Derek stated, then looking at his Betas. “Better yet, go find Scott, and tell him about our visitor.”

“But Derek-” Erica was shocked, why was he sending them away?

Go.” Derek cut her off, clearing telling them not to disobey his order. Erica huffed before storming out the subway train with Isaac following close behind. Boyd smiled softly at Jo before leaving to catch up to his pack-mates. “How’d you become an Alpha?”

Jo smirked, “Same way you did; how’d you do that?” She was mocking him now, she had toned it down in front of the pups but now, standing in front of two Alphas who clearly were still trying to figure out who controlled who in this pack, she had to show her true colors. She wasn’t going to let them push her around, she was an Alpha too; and at times, a fucking ruthless one. “How’d you become an Alpha, Derek?”

Peter laughed, causing Jo to raise an eyebrow at him. “Oh, sorry.” Peter still continued to chuckle. “You don’t know, you see, Derek killed me.”

Jo stepped back, horrified. “You murdered your own uncle?”

Family was family, no matter what.

“It’s alright, truly.” Peter spoke, his chuckling starting to decrease. “I was quite psychotic last year.”

Derek glared at the two of them, they were getting off topic. “Your pack, they can’t be trusted. You need to tell us what you know about them.”

Jo raised an eyebrow, “And if I don’t?”

“I’ll kill you.”

“I’d like to see you try.” Jo laughed, her eyes glowing their brilliant shade of green. “You might be a purebred from a respected line, but that doesn’t mean jack shit.” Derek wouldn’t admit she was getting under his skin. She hid her true nature well, and he had to be careful about that. Weres are loyal to their packs, and if he pissed her off enough, she could possibly go running back and spilling what she had found out; even if it wasn’t much.

“Why not get revenge on those who threw you out?” Derek taunted her; maybe if he got her angry at them, she would spit out information without even realizing it. Girls’ were chatty when it came down to the people they hated. “Why not help us take them out?”

Jo thought about it, racked the idea in her head for a few minutes before answering, “What do you need to know?”



“Jaylon’s…” Jo paused, looking for the right way to describe him. “he’s sadistic, watch out for him.”

Derek had made Jo speak in front of his pack; she recognized the three faces from earlier, but the three news ones looked wary of her presence. She felt like the only ones who really did trust her was Boyd and Peter. Then again, she mostly related to Peter, who was cunning and smart; never provoked, only the provoker.

“So basically, Ethan is a follower, Lane is the muscle, Cole is the taunter, and Jaylon’s sadistic.” The unknown brown haired teen spoke. “What were you?”

“I was the seducer.”

“Logical.” The one sitting next to him stated. “She’s fucking hot.”

“Stiles!” his friend looked at him, unbelievably.

Stiles shrugged his shoulders. “What? It’s true, she looks like a god-”

“Shut up!” Derek shot the young boy a dark look, making him shut up instantly, even though he was mocking Derek in a low whisper. “Why should we watch out for him?”

“He, it’s weird.” Jo ran her fingers through her hair. “He has this control over those in the pack; though, we are all Alphas, he’s like the head Alpha.”

“But you shouldn’t have a will to obey him?” Peter asked, more than stated.

“It’s better to obey, when you’ve seen the things he’s done.”

“She’s right.” Boyd spoke up. “They were ready to kill us; teenagers; kids.”

Jo looked at the teens sympathy. “He doesn’t care how old you are, if he feels that you’re in his way, he’ll kill you.”

“Then we need to kill him first.” Derek stated “We don’t know when they’re going to attack, so we have to be on our guard at all times.”

“Do you train them?” Jo turned to glance at Derek; she hadn’t looked at him once since the rest of the pack showed up.

“I do, but they’re too predictable when they move.”

“They’re still new, Derek.” Jo defended. “I bet if you didn’t reticule them, they would improve.”

Derek narrowed his eyes, and his jaw locked. “Do you think you could train them better than I?”

Jo shrugged her shoulders, nonchalantly. “Probably.”

“Fine.” Derek smirked, before looking at the pups. “Looks like you guys just got five hours of training, starting tomorrow after school.”

“I have lacrosse practice!”

Derek rolled his eyes, “Everyone else, here after school, the rest, right after practice.” When he finished speaking, he dismissed everyone.

Stiles looked at his friend, “Sucks to be you.”

“You have to be here too!” Derek called from over his shoulder.

Stiles grimaced, “Fuck me.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for how late this is! My work had transferred me to another store, so I'm still getting settled in. Also, it doesn't help that this is my first day off in like ever, so I'm trying to use my free time in writing up pre-written chapters. I do thank you all for the recommendations, the new comment and the subscribes!<3 I do apologize for mistakes.

How about this:

If I can get ten, as a total, comments on this story, I'll post the first chapter to my Isaac Lahey story.

If I can get fifteen, as a total, comments on this story, I'll post both first chapters to my Isaac and a new Derek story.

What do you think? (;