Honey Bee


We watch the season pull up its own stakes
And catch the last weekend of the last week
Before the gold and the glimmer have been replaced,
Another sun soaked season fades away


It didn't take us too long before we were at this really intimate building and I suddenly got really nervous.

He really was a stranger after all and it was practically abandoned, it looked nice, but no one was around.

I stepped out of the cab and tossed my coffee in a nearby trashcan before shoving my hands in the pockets of my peacoat, shyly bundling up like a complete loser as he paid the fare and I graciously thanked him even though i could have paid half. He wouldn't take no for an answer and it made my smile a little to myself.

We made our way to the door, seeming like I was thanking him every where I turned around even as he opened the door for me and my small frame slipped passed him. My eyes widened a little at how pretty the skating rink was, it was quaint. It was a weekday so no one was there except the workers and they seemed to keep to themselves too. "How'd you know about this?" I felt the need to whisper. I could see the ice from where we were and it was mesmerizing, completely shiny. Not a soul had been on it all day. I walked forward when Tyler pressed his hand against the small of my back and lifted my head a little when he answered, "I went with family a few years back, my sisters loved it here. Must be a girl thing," he shrugged his shoulders and I smiled to myself again when he turned his attention to the worker, grabbing a pair of skates in his size and mine once he found out I wore a 5 1/2.

"Smallest feet in the world, Jesus Christ," he chuckled as I shoved my boots off, I sort of snorted and rolled my eyes, slipping my feet inside, "The last time, or well the only time, I did this was three years ago so I at least kind of remember."

"Yeah well, you've never been ice skating with me," Tyler held out his hand once I handed my shoes and closed purse to the worker to keep in my cubbyhole and I took it, in fact I probably held on for dear life from how anxious I was. Walking was one thing, I could balance and my ankles would be sort of fine, but I gasped silently when I stepped on the ice, feeling the blade slice the first thin layer of ice. Partly because it felt right and partly because I was afraid my face was going to be bloody in a matter of seconds.

But he didn't let me go. Tyler was patient as he inched us a little further out each time, our fingers laced and I tried to relax my hand the more we got out, taking the little instructions he'd give me, "Kind of lean into it," he encouraged and I laughed breathlessly, "And bust my ass."

I would softly sass him, but he was right on the money each and every time and soon enough the nerves subsided and I was able to take in how beautiful everything was from there, becoming more and more aware of the fact that we were the only two people on the ice. We felt like the only two people in the world.

Shaking my head slightly, I blinked up at him, thumbing my digit over his timidly, "You must really want me to be a Bruins fan, huh?" I tried to joke, but really it was to cover up the fact that I was screaming inside. I had tons of questions to be honest, like why was he being so nice to me? What did he want? I had trouble to believe he just wanted to get to know me, but that's because I read into things far too much. I had just finished The Catcher in The Rye for the thousandth time, reading into things and peoples ulterior motives were my life at that moment.

Tyler shook his head, trying to get me to twirl around like we were dancing on the ice, pulling my arm over my head and I slowly twirled as my ears kept listening in for a reason, "You're just different, that's stupid and cliché, I get that because I don't even know your last name. But you're very pretty, you needed to be in a pretty place."

I almost hated myself for blushing so easily, it really was cliché, but I ran into him for a reason. Whether or not it was to get my heart broken was to be determined, but I was going to do what i felt was right in my heart. "Harold," I spoke quieter than I really noticed or wanted to, but the blush was still settled into my cheeks and I could barely look him into the eyes, it was like looking into the sun.

"So you don't take every random girl to special places and give out compliments?" I finally asked bravely, but lightly. I was trying to test the waters, not give him the third degree and my eyes wandered from his tailored peacoat to his own eyes curiously. If there was one thing I hated, it was being vulnerable and it explained why I had been single for so long. I couldn't stand the confrontation with someone else, I had a hard time looking into someone's eyes.

But somehow, with Tyler's softened eyes looking at me, it didn't seem so cheesy or uncomfortable. His smile was bright, but gentle as he shook his head, "I'm not calling myself a saint, but I definitely haven't done this before. Just get up and take her somewhere practically secluded, you're basically a stranger! But I couldn't help myself, you had to learn and I had to be the one to teach you. You being gorgeous is just a perk."

I narrowed my eyes at him suspiciously, but kept a playful grin on my face, "I think I'll believe you this time," moving my legs so we could skate some more, I timidly let go of his hand, just to see if I could do it by myself. At first my legs were wobbly as hell and I could feel him linger behind me, but giving me enough space to not make me nervous or be overbearing and after gathering up all the advice and tips he had given me throughout the little session, I was slowly going down the middle of the rink and i let out a thrilled squeal, "I'm doing it!" I exclaimed like a little kid.

"What a beaut! Now turn your feet to the left and come here," my features were consumed by a small smile as I did as he instructed, turning my skates and then my body concurrently. Tyler seemed to be amused by the excitement on my face because of the fact that I did that all on my own and I rushed over to him, cautiously of course, I was no Tara Lipinski yet. But soon my arms wrapped around his middle in a comfortable and suitable hug, "This means a lot more than you think," pulling away with a huge smile on my face I gained my balance and twirled around a little, "I've been wanting to be an Olympic ice skater since I was three," I admitted embarrassingly, keeping myself busy with perfecting the little twirl I was doing until my skates faced his, "I would do that on my tippy toes around the house, everywhere I went actually...,"

"Really? That has to be the cutest thing I've heard in a while," Tyler took my hands and tugged me closer, a familiar melody playing over the PA system as a cheesy grin was shot at the workers from the man as I rolled my eyes playfully. But I couldn't lie to myself, "Stolen" by Dashboard Confessional had always been a love of mine and it honestly felt a lot like a movie.

Here I was, minding my own business, and in a matter of hours my heart could get all topsy tervy over one person. I was logical, I knew that if anything, anything that would come from this would take a lot of patience and getting to know each other, but as the lyrics settled into my subconscious, with his hands in mine, it was easy to get swept up in the moment because it felt so damn right.

Tyler must have had the same idea because right about that time I felt him come closer, our eyes locking over each others and the other set of lips almost instantly until I came in counter with one of the most mind-blowing kisses I had ever experienced in my life. My lips tingled against the pair on top of mine, the hairs stood up and I couldn't tell if it was from nerves or if it was because the kiss was just that good. It felt like it lasted forever, I would have loved for it to. My hand ran over his jaw about the time our lips pulled apart and I could have sworn he sighed as if he wasn't ready for it to be over, not that I was in any way. It made me feel pretty special to be honest.

"Well this day's turned around," Tyler mumbled, his forehead pressed against mine. A chuckle escaped my lips in agreement and we made sure there was no piece of ice left clean as we finished up our little session. I was still really shaky, but his hands on my waist guiding me helped tremendously.

I was sad to see it end, but our private skating rink was soon being filled with a local kid's ice skating lessons and we had to leave, grabbing our stuff in the process.

"So can I call you?" He asked, his hands in one pocket and the palm of his other hand caressing the back of his head almost shyly and it made my heart flutter like it had so many times that day. I swear it was my heart's job with Tyler around.

I playfully shook my head, "Nope," Tyler's face dropped slightly and he nodded, "Hey, hey wait," I grinned, reaching for his hand before he could get discouraged. That was a funny thought, a successful, bachelor hockey player getting discouraged because i wouldn't give him my number. "It's just, okay I have this theory. Hear me out," I licked over my lips, the cold air immediately making me regret that decision, "If we see each other at the game, I will. You're a stranger and I rarely even kiss strangers, so consider yourself lucky," I winked and that seemed to have gained a grin from the guy.

"A challenge, eh?"

"Precisely, Degrassi."

"Well, I'm not excited about it, but I accept, Emily Harold."

And we shook on it, but not before he leaned down to press another kiss to my lips, "I mean I'll find you, but just in case," he whispered against my lips and my own pressed against his once more before we parted ways. A part of me wishing that we had exchanged numbers, but another part of me felt like it was a good idea. I was crazy.