Can My Best Friend Really Help me Out of All This?

What is going to happen now?

We got to the hospital and Niall had over reacted. Kat's injuries weren't that bad but still it doesn't excuse Travis of hurting They wont have sex with him. Esspecially such amazing people like Madison and Kat. i'm glad she is away from him now. we all slowly walk into the hospital and Madison runs over to Kat. Thay have a hug and a cry. Harry and that lads stood back and frowned at them. They kind of looked like a mess of crying, bruised eyes, and yelping from when one another hugged too tight. Harry slowly walked over to Madison and hugged her from behind. "You're both alright now... Niall has you Kat and I have my best friend back safe with me" Harry smiled and hugged madison tighter. Kat knew that Harry was inlove with Madison but she didn't tell anyone because Harry told it to her in secret and she kept her secrets. they all went back to hugging but Niall with Kat and Madison with Harry. The other lads joined in on the hugs too just because they felt lonely.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------After that hug fest in the middle of the hispital waiting room me and Harry walked back to the car as Kat was getting her medication and being checked out of the hospital. Harry said he wanted to talk to me so he took me back to the car and cuddled up to me. i smiled up at him and cuddled back. "Madison... i need to tell you something that has been bugging me ever since i met you 3 years ago..." He started and let out a huge sigh. I looked up at him. I wanted to tell him something too. i wanted to exclain my love for him and how much he means to me. but what if he was going to tell me he had a girlfriend... or that he didn't love me back like tht and we were just friends.. I have no idea if I could take that from him. In all honesty, he has been the only guy I have ever been this madley inlove with and sometimes it made me physically sick thinking about how I haven't told him and how he might react. What if he hates me... What if i lose my best friend... I kept my smile the same. I saw him talk but I was so into my thoughts that I didn't hear a word he said. i was staring off into space. "Madi? You there?" He said adn this time i heard it. I shook loose from the thoughts and nodded. "Sorry... I was just thinking. What were you saying?" I asked him as the other guys came into the car and drove off tot he hotel. "Nevermind... I'll tell you later" He kissed my forehead and went back to cuddling me. I was confused and just cuddled back.
It was about an hour or so before we got back to the hotel. I walked inside with Harry getting swarmed by concerned fans adn he took me up to his room. "You go have a shower and then we will watch your favorite movie, with junk food and all the things you love" he smiled and scooted my bum towards the bathroom. The only thing i wanted to say was asking him if he would be there... I loved him... I love him. Hoe is that so hard to say to his face! I turn towards him and freeze up again. He keeps his smile the same and waves a hand of dismisal towards me. I pout and shuffle my feet. "What? You can't undress yourself?" He laughed and I kept pouting. "Can you keep me company? We can sing in there together" I offered and slowly looked up giving him my irrasistable smile. He sighed but it sounded more excited. "Fine..." He said under his breath and scooted my bum again pushing me towards the bathroom. I got into the bathroom, got into the shower and undressed behind the certain. When I turned on the water Harry began to sing and I sang along with him. I could tell he was smiling and I wanted him to be in the shower so badley with me but Again with that... I dont know if he even feels the saem way. "Can we get drunk tonight? Pwease" I gave him my pout lip and he gave in again. he nodded and handed me a towel when I was done. "Boxers and t shirt pleeeaasseeeee" I said and held out my hand trying really hard not to show any of my body parts. But i failed because I think when he handed me the clothes he saw my bum. I got dressed and put the towel on my head drying out my hair. i got out of the shower and stared at myself in the mirror making funny faces at him in the mirror when he wasn't looking. He laughed when he saw me and picked me up, threw me over his shoulder and brought me to the couch with a bunch of booze, snacks and movies. I went stright for the alcohol and so did he. i layed on the couch and he layed behind me cuddling up to me as we slowly started getting drunk. About 3 hours into movies we were both pissed drunk and dancing around the room complaining about people. "An an annanananananan! You're stupid fans!" I exclained loudly. "HEY MISS LADY! my fans not stupid! his nmame is jason and he blows very good" He nodded nad I burst out laughing doubling over onto the couch. He couldnt hold it in and he did the same. We ended up infront of the couch on the floor, ontop of eachother. I slowly stopped laughing and looking into his eyes smiling. "You're beutiful Hazz" I said stupidly and drunkly. "No no no no no... You're the love of my wife and I want to make you my life!" He said and thought to him self. "Strick that... reverse it" He said again then laughed. "I'm not charlie chaplin!" He yelled and went into hysterical laughter again. I giggled and grabbed his face inbetween my hands."I never had the balls to tell you think before Mr, Hazzy... But I'm in lava with you... I have been since for like evers... Since For like I saw your amazing eyes." I said and poked his nose, tracing his lips biting mine. "No fucking way man! I never had the boobs to tell you that I'm in lava with you more... We would make perfect babies you knoe misssy" He said and stuck his finger in my mouth. I coughed and smacked his hand away. "Shut up abd be drunk with me" I said slurring my words and starting to kiss him sloppily but passionatly. He kissed back the same and inbetween kisses I could tell he was sobering up. He told me he loved me and everything about me. Then he started a list. I wasn't shocked... How did I know. Well drunk mistakes maybe are the best thing to happoen to most of the human race. Others should just not breed. I pulled away slowly also sobering up and starting crying. His eyes widened and hugged me close" Whoaaa! What's wrong mads?" He asked kindly and rubbed my back. "I didn't want this confession to be a drunk one! I mean everything I have been saying is true... Other then the one where I said there is a llama in your back yard because you don't have a baclyard and we are in a hotel!" i started to ramble. "I wanted it to be romasntic, and when we kissed fireworks would go off and we would live happily ever after!" I hid my face in his chest. I dind't feel like craying but it was just coming. I couldn't stop for some reason. He just rubbed my face and tried to calm me down. "The point is i love you Madi... And what ever happens between us will be for the best... We just have to try ok? I will make you so happy and no one will hurt you again... i promise ok?" He said kindly and kissed my earlobe. I sniffled nad held up my pinkie. "Pinkie promise?" I said all kidish. He smiled and wraped his pinkie aroudn mine before holding my hand fully. "Pinkie promise."