Maybe Darling Maybe.


When I woke up, it was dark outside. Gerard was no longer beside me, and I heard the distant sounds of Guitar Hero from downstairs. I trudged downstairs, and settled next to Bob on the couch. Ray and Frankie were locked in a fierce battle, trying to play "Tina" by Flyleaf. By the looks of it, they were dead tied. Gee was snoring in the recliner, while Mikey and Sky curled up on the love seat.
"Bob, I'm hungry." I complained while snuggling into his chest.
"And what do you want me to do about that?" He asked sarcastically. My closeness didn't seem to bug him.
"Make me some mac and cheese." I said. Sky laughed.
"Like he'll get up and make food. I'll do it, Master." She got up and bowed deeply.
"Good slave." I said.
Mikey raised his eyebrows, and Gerard looked at me curiously. The look on his face said that he had only caught the tail end of the conversation. Schuyler left the room to cook, and Mikey went to join her. Giggles were heard a few minutes later, along with lip smacking.
"Keep it G rated in there!" Frank shouted; him and Ray were playing yet another Guitar Hero song.
Gee got up from the couch, and pulled me off of Bob.
"Hey!" He protested. I laughed at them.
"I'm sorry Gee, did you want to be my slave instead of Schuyler?" I asked teasingly.
His eyes danced and leaned in to kiss me. I wrapped my arms around him, and kissed back fiercely. Gerard's hands traveled up and down my sides before resting at my hips. An obnoxious cough broke us apart. I turned beet red and stared at my shoes.
"Wow. So unexpected. I mean we didn't know anything." Frank griped sarcastically.
"What all we did was kiss? Frank and I kiss all the time, but we're not dating" Gerard paused to wink at me. "Well, maybe not yet."
"Wait who are you talking about? You and Frankie or you and Laura?" Ray asked confused. I giggled.
"Both my dear Toro, both." Gerard replied, and patted his shoulder. Ray now looked scared out of his mind.
"Lunch!" Schuyler screamed from the kitchen.
I grinned at the boys, and sprinted for the food. They were dead on my heels. Sky, and Mikey looked bored as they chewed, apparently haven gotten their food earlier. I snagged a bowl, and ladled about half the thing into my bowl.
"I win!" I shouted.
Lunch was interesting. Frankie and I had a food fight, which we made Ray clean up. Mikey and Sky fed each other, and Bob made kissy faces at them each time. Gerard was unusually quiet. Everytime I looked at him, he would be deep in thought, staring at his mac and cheese. When everyone had left to put away their dishes, I slid over to him on the couch.
"What's up Gee?" I asked quietly. He looked up shocked.
"Nothing, just thinking." He replied. I took his hand.
"You can tell me you know. I won't judge you."
"Just-I don't know what to do. I don't want to hurt anyone else. Look what I did to Frankie!" He exclaimed and tore his hand from mine to bury his face in it.
"Gerard, the only thing you can do, is to fight what ever is going on in your head." I told him. Gee didn't seem to hear me.
I sighed, and rested my head on his shoulder.
I walked in to the living room to see Laura and Gerard looking cosy. I stopped in the doorway and just watched them. They were really sweet. I didn't know Laura that well, but she seemed like what Gerard needed; stability. Schuyler appeared next to me, and sighed. The look in her eyes was caring, and a little longing. I wrapped my arms around her, and kissed the top of her head. She looked up at me and smiled.
"I want to go to Vegas!" Frankie screamed from the kitchen. We all turned to see him and Bob in a heated argument.
"Well, we can't! Not until Gee gets better!" Bob shouted back. Ray rolled his eyes.
"Yes we can! We just have to watch him!" Frank glared up at the blond man.
"All right! Shut up and listen," Laura had stalked in to the room to shut them up. They looked terrified,"We'll go to Vegas, I have a place where we can stay, and some friends that live there. I'm from Vegas by the way. But I don't know how we're gonna get there from Jersey." She looked to Schuyler for help.
"Bob, Frank, and I are trust fund babies. We can get there by plane." She suggested. Laura nodded.
"I've got some extra money saved up that I was gonna use for a car, but it's cool," She said. We all nodded.
"What about Gerard?" I asked in the silence.
"We'll just have to watch him," Ray said. Gerard nodded in agreement beside Laura.
"We're going to Vegas baby!" Frank screeched and jumped on Ray.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry, I had all these built up chapters, and I had to post them.
Comment? Make my shitty day better?