Anything for Mauricio

Introducing Mauricio to his full Brazilian family

As I walked into my Aunt Samara's house, I got nervous. They've only seen pictures of Mauricio, but not him in person. I wasn't the only pregnant one though, my cousin Anna had her daughter Luisa with her. I smiled and hugged my family.
"Ola!" my Aunt Samara said, squeezing me in her tight hug. I could smell some kind of dessert she was making, it smelled so familiar but I couldn't remember what it was. Aunt Samara looked at Mauricio and smiled.
"Who is this baby?" she asked, smiling and holding his hand.
"It's Mauricio, Iara's baby." my mother said. My aunt looked at my mom, said a quick "Izabella!" followed by a rush of Portuguese I couldn't follow very well. After a moment she turned to Mauricio.
"Como e grande! Ola Mauricio, i
am a Samara de tia" she told him, he smiled and she kissed his forehead.
"I think Mauricio likes me!" Auntie Samara said as she danced around. A few people chuckled and I giggled as my Uncle Lucas hugged me. He had a bit of sadness and anger in his eyes after looking at my face, and I had a feeling that he saw my eye. I covered my face and sat down, letting the family introduce themselves to Mauricio. Wait, where's my father?
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Como e grande! Ola Mauricio, i
am a Samara de tia- How great! Hello Mauricio, I am your aunt Samara