Status: new; active

Shield Me From the Storms

A Little Fall

After sending Dani a quick goodnight text, I called Sophia and gushed like a teenage girl about the date. She wanted every single detail and I made sure to deliver, thanking her for all her help at the park. She waved it off like it was no big deal, but in reality it was colossal. I not only finally got to go on a date with the boy I'd been crushing on, but it was the most perfect date I ever could have wished for. It was like it was meant to be... and I don't believe in soul mates.
The next morning, I got up rather late to my surprise. 8 am on a Saturday? Yeah, right. But, nevertheless, I was up and decided to take a quick jog around town, visiting every single one of my pets afterwards. I felt guilty when I realized I haven't spent as much time with them lately. I fed them and brushed them and played in between calling Dani. I stopped after the second call so I didn't appear obnoxious.
When he finally called me back several hours later, we had a decent conversation. I admit, I freaked out when he mentioned coming over. I should have been more cool about it, but I couldn't bare the idea of Dani finding out about my mom. It was hard enough keeping her out of a mental institution, we didn't need someone reporting her to the police if she had an episode when he was here. God forbid, I didn't have to call the police if he got hurt.
It seemed God was on my side, because he accepted my rash excuse and moved on with the subject. We even set up a homework date. Let me tell you... we didn't do any homework. We practically made out the entire time, even during the film we put in. My lips were so chapped when I got home, I had to bathe them in lip balm and hope to God they didn't fall off. Didn't help that Sophia made fun of me the next day at school. They were still pretty red and plump. I slapped her upside the head, opening my locker and stuffed my rain damp jacket inside. Sophia's death glare suddenly turned into a wide eyed look of concern. I followed her gaze to an approaching Dani, a large purple bruise just above the corner of his eye. Holy mother of Jesus.
I approached him, the pot of anger inside my body ready to overflow. My hands gripped the sides of his arm protectively. Dani's mouth was slightly open in surprise, his eyes staring up at me in relief and fear mixed together. My stomach lurched.
“Who did this to you?” I asked through gritted teeth. I swear to God, if someone on the soccer team suddenly developed a homophobia, they're gonna end up with a soccer ball slammed between their legs.
“No-no one.”
“Don't protect anyone, Dani. Did someone hurt you? Please tell me if they did.”
Sophia was by my side now, scrutinizing the bruise from a distance.
Dani shook his head slightly. “It's nothing, Josh. I – I fell... in the shower this morning. Happens a lot. I'm quite clumsy.” With that, he stepped out of my grasp and brushed past me to get to his locker.
I looked at Sophia, she was already looking at me, biting her lip, her brows furrowed in concern. I turned my head to watch Dani walk further and further down the hall, his head bowed.


“You really think someone is bullying him?” Sophia whispered to me at our lunch table. Dani wasn't here yet, said he had to go to the library.
“Yes. You don't get a bruise like that falling in the shower, Soph.”
She nodded slowly, chewing a small bite of broccoli from her lunch bag. I sipped angrily at my Capri Sun, wondering who in this school was so anti gay as to hurt someone. I've never personally been picked on for my sexuality, but then, everyone knows I'll fight back.
“But who would do such a thing?”
“Who would do what?” We both looked up in surprise guilt at Dani's voice, his skinny body slinking into a chair. He had a tray of spaghetti and milk.
“Cheat,” Sophia blurted. “At soccer.”
“Really? Someone cheated?”
“They believe someone on the team is on steroids.”
I glared at Sophia. Dani lightly elbowed me. “Uh oh, Josh. Looks like they're on to you.”
I forced out a laugh. “Yeah, I better stop, huh?”
He smiled, taking a large bite of his spaghetti. He sure seemed to be fine for being bullied. Was he? Maybe he really did fall in the shower. Jeez. He's a haphazard to himself.
Dani noticed me staring at him. “What?”
“Nothing.” I smiled. “You just look really cute today.”
A blush bloomed in his cheeks. “Thanks.”
I decided to trust him on this one and relaxed, twining our fingers together under the table. “You wanna hang out today? It's a beautiful day for the park.”
Dani leaned his head on my shoulder, sipping his milk. “Sounds great.”
God, I hope it was the shower.

Hand in hand we walked the perimeter of the park after school ending up in our little spot from the date. Dani sat between my legs, his head resting on my chest, my arms around his waist. He was warm against me, the breeze causing his hair to tickle my chin. I was glad I couldn't see his face, all I would do is stare at the bruise. I tried to relax about, tried to believe it was just from a fall in the shower, but I really, really didn't believe. It was a lie and I so wanted to know the truth. If Dani is being bullied, or if it's something else entirely, I want to help him. It has to be bad for him to lie about it.
My fingers started to run along his jaw affectionately, slowly making their way up to the bruise. Dani flinched at my touch, but didn't pull away.
“Sorry... does it hurt a lot?”
I felt his posture slump; he was sinking into himself. “Only when it's touched.”
I pulled my hand back, leaning my chin on the top of his head. His hair was as soft as a bunny's fur and smelled like strawberries and some kind of manly scent. The mix was heavenly.
“What part of the shower did you hit?”
I felt his back tense. “Th-the faucet. I uh hit the faucet.”
“Jeez. Lucky you didn't poke your eye out.”
He laughed. It was forced and uncomfortable. Damn it, Dani. Why won't you tell me the truth?
I tightened my arms around him. “I'm glad you're okay,” I whispered, kissing his temple. I stood up, holding his hand. “I'll take you home. I have soccer practice in twenty minutes.”
He nodded, eyes glazed over. He was in some other land, buried deep in his thoughts. I really, really hope he wasn't being hurt. And I really really hope he tells me the truth... before I have to start hunting for it.


“Josh! Really? Again?”
I looked up at the co captain of the team, my hands on my knees as I breathed hard. I'd been running for five minutes straight after that goddamned checkered ball only to fuck up the kick and completely miss the goal. I've never, ever missed a goal. Ever.
I closed my eyes, waving it off. “I'm fine Chase. Just... tired.”
“Yeah. Maybe you should go home, get some rest. You're not doing any good here.”
I stood up straight. “I'm not going home. Thanks.”
He stared after me as I brushed past, concerned. Chase was one of the only athletes I knew that wasn't a total asshole. He actually cared about his teammates and wanted them to succeed. But I wasn't going to be one of those he sent home. I'm fine. I can do this.
I joined the others in their passing of the ball, making my way through the thickly packed crowd, eye on the ball. I leaped over a fallen teammate, focused on making a goal. As I went to kick it, the ball was suddenly Dani's terrified face and I stumbled backwards, falling hard on my ass.
Shit. Shit. I ran my fingers through my sweaty hair, gripping it in frustration. This is tearing me apart, not knowing. What if someone is terrorizing Dani? What if instead of a bruise it's a broken bone next time? Or worse? I wouldn't be able to handle that... knowing I could have prevented it.
I stood up shakily, picking up the untouched ball and tossed it to Chase. “I'm going home.”
I was shoving my things in my duffle bag when Chase entered the locker room, taking a seat on the bench next to me.
“Everything alright, Josh?”
I took a deep breath. “Have.. have you seen anyone bullying Dani?”
“Dani? He's the tiny kid right?”
I narrowed my eyes at him. So he was thin. He wasn't tiny. “Yes.”
Chase shook his head. “Sorry man. I haven't seen anything. You think he's being bullied?”
“I don't know. He came to school today with this giant bruise above his eye. Claimed it was from falling in the shower. You don't get something like that from the shower, man.”
Chase placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. “If I see anything, I'll come to you. Maybe he isn't being bullied. It could be something else entirely. Talk to him about it... privately. He might be more willing to explain in a secure place.”
I nodded. With that, Chase stood up and made his way to the door.
“Hey Chase?”
He looked at me.
He smiled. “Sure, man.”
I slung my duffle bag over my shoulder and headed out to my car. I needed some time to think and my pets were calling my name.