

Luke woke up with a grin on his face; the events of the night before were flooding his mind and he couldn’t quite believe they were real. Having scared the life out of him on the way home, Stuart had then told him that he wanted to live with him and proceeded to give him the best sex of his life. He said that every time they slept together really but every time it just seemed to get better.
He rolled over onto his side to admire his sleeping boyfriend, wondering how he could ever have been stupid enough to think that he didn’t love him. Everything about Stuart was perfect, from his chiselled body to his sweet personality and right now he was the picture of perfection. It was at times like this that he wished he could take a picture and post it on twitter to break the hearts of all the girls out there who wanted to get into Stuart’s pants. He didn’t have to worry about the pants; he’d thrown them across the room last night. As if to confirm that this still wasn’t an issue, Luke shuffled closer so that he could feel every part of Stuart’s naked body. Yes, he was definitely perfect.
Stuart’s arms wrapped around Luke’s smaller frame instinctively, holding him close to his body and causing Luke to sigh contentedly. He wished that they could stay like this forever but he knew that they only had a week and in that time Stuart would leave his side at least once to go and play golf; a sport that Luke could not bear. If he had it his way, they would spend 99% of the time in bed and the other 1% spent showing Stuart off in the main shopping centre.
He rolled over, pressing his back against Stuart’s chest and holding his hands up against his face so that he could rub his lips over the rough skin. He couldn’t quite explain why but it was something that always relaxed him and helped him to asleep. However, on this occasion he wasn’t tired and it was clear that sleep was not going to happen so he settled for just kissing his boyfriend’s fingertips and whispering sweet-nothings to them. Luke’s breath must have been tickling Stuart because his hands began to twitch slightly.
“Are you talking to my hands?” Stuart asked, groggily.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.” Luke rolled back over to face his boyfriend.
“I forgive you, weirdo. It’s quite amusing watching you talk to my hands.” He smiled.
“I am not weird! I just like your hands, they feel nice.”
Stuart raised an eyebrow; Luke had just walked into the innuendo of the year and he intended to make sure he didn’t forget it anytime soon. He took his hands out of the smaller man’s and used them to push him flat so that he could climb on top of him.
“Oh really?” He smirked, “So you like it when they do this?”
He grazed the tips of his fingers down Luke’s body, making sure to brush over his nipples and hips. The man underneath him shuddered in pleasure at the feeling and nodded furiously, encouraging Stuart to continue.
“And you like it when they do this?”
He reached between Luke’s thighs, where his erection was becoming bigger by the second, and squeezed them as high up as he possibly could. This time, a whimper of frustration and a slight thrust were the result, as Luke became more and more impatient. All he wanted was for Stuart to hurry up and blow his mind instead of messing about with all of this foreplay. This was just the effect that the taller man was looking for though and so continued to tease his captive with his touch. Luke let out an exasperated groan as Stuart came ever so close to his erection but refused to touch it, causing his tormenter to smirk down at him and press a finger to his lips.
“Shh, I thought you liked my hands touching you.” Stuart whispered close to Luke’s ear, licking the shell, “Oh that’s right, you prefer to have them in your mouth.”
He worked his index and middle finger between Luke’s lips and moaned deliberately in his ear when he began to suck them. He ran his tongue and lips sloppily over his neck and collar bone, causing Luke to whine around his fingers. He was intent on marking the man as his own so began to suck on his pulse so that everyone would know that he was taken. When he pulled away to admire his work, an angry-looking, red mark had appeared.
“Do you like that babe?” He whispered.
Luke nodded, still sucking his boyfriend’s fingers furiously in the hope that soon they would travel south.
“That’s not the only thing you like sucking is it?”
Luke finally let go of Stuart’s hand and whined, “Please babe.”
“Please what?”
“Please just t-touch me.”
“Well seeing as you asked so nicely…”
His damp fingers trailed down Luke’s body and took hold of his throbbing erection, pumping slowly. The contact caused Luke to gasp with pleasure and tilt his head back into the pillow. His jaw dropped open and his eyes slipped closed as the man on top of him set his senses on fire. Stuart couldn’t help but admire his boyfriend; when he looked like this he was at his most perfect.
He leant down to Luke’s ear to whisper, “You’re so beautiful, love. So perfect.”
His only response was a whimper and a desperate hand moving from his waist to his face to push their lips together. They kissed feverishly as Stuart’s hand moved faster and faster along Luke’s length. Both men knew that Luke wouldn’t last much longer as their movements became more erratic and soon that warmth began to build in the smaller man’s stomach.
He pulled away from Stuart to gasp, “I’m gonna…”
He was cut off by Stuart’s lips being slammed back against his as he reached his peak. Having his boyfriend’s face so close to his made the high even more incredible than usual because in that moment, they were the only people who mattered.
When Stuart finally rolled off of him and Luke had got his breath back he rolled onto his side to face his boyfriend, “I love you.”
“I love you too.” Stuart smiled back, “The question is, were my hands as good as you were expecting?”
“Better.” Luke sighed, wrapping an arm around his boyfriend’s waist and drifting back off to sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
I don't know what came over me, I don't usually write this sort of thing. Oh well, enjoy and please comment!