As Makeup Runs Down Your Cheeks

What you've done to me.

I loved my life. I had great friends, cool parents. I was smart, enough to skip a grade. I was beautiful, in my opinion. Also, not to mention I had a loving boyfriend. Or so I think. Dave, my boyfriend, and I have been arguing non-stop for the past few weeks. Mostly about how I spent too much time with friends, which consisted of Ronnie, Max, Bryan, and Robert, and mostly because he thought knew I had feelings for Bryan. It was NOT entirely my fault that Iloved liked Bryan, he had charisma, charm, he smiled so beautiful, I loved the way his lips would stick out when he pouts. I loved the way his eyes shone when he laughed and I loved the way his blonde hair just blew in the wind. I never told anyone about my feelings for Bryan for as long as I can remember, 8 months. Except for Robert, who was my best, best friend of them all. I’ve known Robert since we were five and he introduced me to the rest of the guys when were six, after I transferred from private to public school. Dave and I? Well, I’ve been dating Dave for 5 months, yes, naughty Juliet, you are dating Dave while you secretlyloved like Bryan. Currently I am telling you my story while Dave and I are sitting down outside during lunch and Dave is telling me something.

“Juliet!” Dave snapped his fingers in my face. I snapped out of it.

“Huh? Oh I’m sorry Dave, I was zoning, what were you saying babe?”

“I was saying, I can’t do this anymore, its just not really working out.” He said softly.

My heart dropped, yes I may have had feelings for Bryan but I loved Dave too
Screw it, I love them both. My voice broke as I spoke.

“Oh, okay. If that’s what you want.” I said crossing my arms over my chest. He sighed and pulled me into a hug, and then kissing me on the forehead.

“Ill still love you Juliet, but not in that way any more. Besides, you’ll get over it, a tough girl like you, I know you will.” he said softly as I started to cry silently. I nodded and walked off to the trees where the guys and I usually ate. Ronnie, who was facing my direction, noticed me coming and smiled at me, so did Max, who was next to Ronnie. I smiled weakly and sat down between them facing Bryan and Robert. Robert reached over and wiped my cheek and sighed. I looked at him and looked down.

“He did it.” He sighed and pulled back.

“Yea, he did. It kind of sucks but then again I’m glad.” I said but began to cry into Max’s shoulder. He rubbed my back in a circular motion and sighed. The rest of them just stood quiet until I stopped, which was two and a half minutes later. I looked up finally and wiped my eyes and sighed, crossing my arms over my chest.

“Its okay Juliet, I’m sure there will be someone else.” Robert said, a clear, heavy note in the air by someone, he meant Bryan. I shot him a quick glare before anyone could notice and looked around at the boys.

“I am so sorry you had to see that, I didn’t even want to cry. I’m glad its over, its just my natural female instincts to do it, Ronnie knows.” I laughed as he cringed.

“Its good to see you laugh Julie. I was beginning to miss that and your smile.” Bryan spoke finally.

“oOooh.” The rest teased.

“You guys are so immature sometimes.” I said.

“Yea, so. But Monte is right Juliet, we haven’t seen that since you and Dave started fighting.” Ronnie said.

“Yea, well Dave isn’t a problem anymore.” I smiled and reached over to snatch Bryan’s chips.


“Sorry babe, but Dave didn’t buy me lunch like he usually does, we got sidetracked by a break up. “ I smiled and popped one in my mouth. Yum, Dorritos.

“I was wondering if you ever ate,” Max said.

“What’s that supposed to mean?!”

“That you’re tiny.”

“Just because I am tiny Mr. Green does not mean that I do not eat. I could eat a horse and not gain a pound! Well not a horse, meat is gross, but anyways the point is I eat so much and never get big! I want to be at least a bit bigger in waist size! They don’t sell enough size ones too, jerk. In the past 2 years I’ve gained so much as 5 pounds! FIVE FRIGGIN’ POUNDS!” I ranted them into laughter.

“Well that’s good to know Juliet.” Bryan snatched the chips back from me.

“Hey! Give em’ back! Bryan!” I whined trying to snatch them back. He stood and held them in the air for me. I was little up to his nose and I had to jump to reach them. He laughed and put them higher and waved them around. I put my hand on his chest in attempt to jump higher but ended up knocking both us, and the chips over, causing them to scatter everywhere.

“Oh my gosh, are you okay?!” I asked getting up.

“Yea, I’m fine.” Bryan grunted standing up. I looked at him funny.

“What?” He asked, knitting his eyebrows together.

“I was talking to the chips!”
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, so irronicaly I made the characters name Juliet. Yea, how original that name for a etf story. Note the sarcasm. Anyways, comments, subscribers, and suggestions are a great help thanks-