As Makeup Runs Down Your Cheeks

Testing with Patience

Monte’s POV

I sat quietly staring off, thinking about what Juliet had just told everyone. Who she likes. Me. I was thinking whether or not I should tell her how I feel about that, to be honest. I couldn’t be any more happy. Seriously dude, I’ve known this practically my whole life and I love everything about her. I might have just fallen for her, but I’m not one to just go out and tell the world about it unless I’m actually with her. Just as I was about to say, she stood up.

"Uhm, I think I'm going to go to my locker now…" she said and ran off as the bell rang. I stared off after her, I knew she was lying. I earned a smack from Erin in a heartbeat.

“You should’ve told her.” She growled.

“I-I was, but then she just left.” I said helplessly and sighed. Erin was also one who’ve I’ve known for quite an amount of time, about 2 months after I met Juliet. She was the only person I told. After what she said, I knew that the guys knew what she meant and had figured it out.

“I’m going to go talk to her, go ahead and go to class, tell Mr. Marcus that Juliet and I had an emergency.” She said and pecked Ronnie on the lips before flying off to the direction Juliet left.

Erin’s POV

“I’m going to go talk to her, go ahead and go to class, tell Mr. Marcus that Juliet and I had an emergency.” I told Bryan and swiftly pecked Ronnie on the lips and headed off to the way that Juliet had left to. I walked around the halls and looked in the empty classes as I past the doors to see if she was in there. I knew she really wouldn’t be at her locker, she sucks at lying and never goes alone because that’s where the stupid jocks and preps are. I walked to the girls restroom to see if she was in there. I pushed the door open slightly and it made a small clicking noise.

“Juliet?” I called then looked under all the stalls to see if there were any feet or sign of someone occupying them. I didn’t receive a response so I decided to just leave.

Juliet’s POV

I sighed after a while and decided to just go to class and face Bryan, there would be no escape anyways seeming that we had the same exact schedule except 2nd. I stepped out the stall and looked in the mirror, my make up was running down my cheeks and I looked awful. I washed off my makeup and didn’t bother to re-do it, whatever. I adjusted my handbag and walked to History. I walked into class and to Mr. Marcus’ desk.

“I’m sorry I’m late.” I said. He waved it off.

“Erin explained that you two had an emergency, understandable. Just take your seat next to Bryan.”

“But my seats next to Ronnie?”

“New seats.” He said simply and looked down at his papers, grading I assume. I sighed and walked to the back and sat in the empty desk next Bryan. I didn’t look at him. I looked down and read the tagged graffiti and stuff all over my desk. I sat reading one about Mr. Louss , I thought he was a nice teacher, but apparently whoever wrote this didn’t think so. As I continued a note flew on my desk. I looked at it and slowly opened it.

Juliet, I’m sorry about lunch. Truly I am, I really do like you as well, I was just about to say it but then you left, I’m sorry you took my silence the wrong way. You look beautiful with no makeup by the way. And I just have one question, I hope you answer.
I re-read it and opened my bag to look for my pen, I luckily found it and jotted down so fast, I began to have hand cramps. My response:

It’s okay Bryan, I just kind off ran off because I thought thinks would get fucked up if…well if you didn’t feel the same. Thanks for the compliment, what is it you want to ask? I promise I will answer.

I tossed it onto his desk and he opened it quickly and read it and wrote back and smiled at me while he tossed it over. I opened it a bit faster but still slow. As I undid the last fold I read the paper.

Please be my girlfriend? Im crossing my fingers...I sound desperate.

I giggled at his desperate part and smiled before writing down my answer, letting It hit me. Bryan just asked me to be his girlfriend. I smiled again at the paper and drew a heart and threw it at his desk. My response:

Bryan, you don’t sound desperate at all. Trust me, I’m the desperate one here, I liked you when I was with Dave. Whatever, I think I’ll stop ranting now and get to the point because knowing you, you are probably growing impatient with me right now, I remember that one time when I really did test your patience in fifth grade and you got shit pissed and you….well anyways, yea I’m messing with you Monte, I know your thinking I am doing it again and I am because its fun, ha. But in a simple state, I’d love to Bryan <3

I watched as he unfolded the paper less slowly. And smiled as he grew irritated and rolled his eyes, then they suddenly shone the way I love how they shine and then he smiled the way I love he smiles. My guess, he finally got to the part and he replied quickly and smiled again before tossing it back.

Aw Juliet, thanks babe. This means a lot, I’ve liked you way too long to not be with you. I guess we should tell the others, I’ll text Ronnie and Max and you text Robert and Erin. Oh, and If you want to know who that Craig kid is, look behind you =]

I smiled and pulled out my phone, not caring if I’d get caught because Mr. M always never pays attention to the back or middle, where everyone else was. I texted Erin and Robert and sneaked a peak behind me at Craig. Oh my god Erin was right, but I’m not interested, though he seems like he’d fit in with our group. I giggled as I heard a small shriek come from Erin somewhere and Max laughing and an “Oh my god finally!” from Ronnie. Robert, well he was just being Robert with a grin on his face. I got a reply back from him.

Its about time =]

I laughed slightly and stood up as the bell rang for us to go home and cause trouble elsewhere. Bryan smiled and wrapped an arm around my waist as we walked over to the guys and the new kid Craig, who was next to Erin and being introduced.

“Oh, and this is Juliet and Bryan.” Erin said after going around the guys.

“Nice to meet you.” I smiled.

“Same here.” He smiled back and then shook Bryan’s freehand.

“You can call me Monte or Money, I really don’t care.” He smiled.

“So, love birds, where are you guys going to go right now?” Ronnie asked.

“Erm, my house? We have practice today.” Bryan said.

“Oh yea! I forget, sorry. Juliet, Erin you girls coming?” Ronnie asked us.

“We’re his freaking neighbors Ronnie!” Erin said in an obvious tone and then laughed and kissed his cheek. He smiled and turned to Craig.

“You coming?”

“Erm, sure. Where at?”

Ronnie gave him mine, Erin’s, and Bryan’s home address and numbers and told him to be there at Four. Craig smiled and left us in the parking lot. After he disappeared, Erin squealed.

“What do you think?” She asked, referring to Craig.

“He seems like a chill dude, he’d fit in fine.” Max said.

“Yea, I like him.” Robert agreed.

“He really is a dirty scene boy.” Ronnie laughed.

“Yup, he’s pretty down.” Bryan nodded.

“Everything you described him as that’s for sure.” I smiled and got nudged by Bryan. I laughed and hugged him.

“But you’re better.” I said and snuggled into his chest.
♠ ♠ ♠
I have things in store for this.