St. Lucie Meets the Mafia

Shoe Theft

“OW!” I screamed in pain as Krystal’s teeth sank into my skin.

“What the fuck!” I complained loudly as she let go.

“I’m sorry,” she said apathetically,”…let’s go!” she grabbed me the by the arm and dragged me to the courtyard, Anni and Gerardo following behind us. As we approached a table full of
stereotypical “rockers”, she let go of my arm and walked over to say hello.

“What happened?” Anni asked me as she let me lose.

“She bit me on my sunburn!” I wailed rubbing my arm. She just laughed. Krystal came back to us with her mouth full.

“I got a piece of pizza,” she yelled, “I stole it from Ashley!”
All the sudden Ashley popped up from the mass of people waving a slice of pizza in our faces.

“Join the aids party!” she said cheerfully as Anni grabbed a piece. Before I could say anything, Krystal grabbed my arm once again and walked us, mostly me, to our table not far away. As we sat down in our usual spots, I sat indecisively.

“I’m hungry. What should I buy?”

“I don’t know.” Anni replied carelessly.

“I’ll go with you, Julie. I need to a get a spoon.” Krystal said and once again grabbed me the by the arm and dragged me to the cafeteria. Gerardo followed behind us again.

“I’m being manhandled today.” I remarked as I stumbled among the crowds.

We walked inside the dreadful place, smelling of cafeteria food, air conditioning and crowded tables. It gave me an almost claustrophobic fear as I walked in and took in the scenery.

“I was actually gonna buy something outside…” I said.

“Ha, we ditched Anni.” Gerardo commented. I looked outside. Sure enough there she was all alone at a table with a bunch of backpacks. Krystal grabbed her spork and led us out.
We walked over to the pizza stand in the far corner and stood in line.

“I’m a badly drawn anime character!” Marcy said like the retarded person that she is, holding 2 oranges on her head. Krystal and I just stared at her oddly. The line moved rather slowly, just enough time to Krystal to steal people’s money, drinking some guy’s slushy, get kicked in the ass, and receive a wet Willie.

I bought a cookie and as we returned to our table, Gerardo and Anni were sitting next to each other sharing a bag of sun chips. I sat across from them. Rain drops were plopping on our heads.

“How are my friends?” I asked as I sat down.

“Pretty good.” Anni replied. I began to munch my cookie which tasted pretty damn good, just as Louis stopped by.

“Hello.” He said as he approached.

“Hello.” We said.

“How are you ladies? ...and gentleman?” he pointed out Gerardo. I laughed.

“What? I had to include him, didn’t want to call him a lady…unless he is one.” We all laughed at his remark.

“Pretty good.” We replied. A random guy stood behind us.

“What are you doing here?” he asked him.

“I migrate.” He simply said. He left.

I finished my cookie and sat contemplating once again.

“I’m still hungry.” I dug a dollar out of my pocket.



“I have a job for you.”


“Can you get me some pop tarts?” I asked holding the dollar out in front of him.

“Ew, pop tarts.” Krystal commented.

“Uh, where’s that?”

“Over there.” I pointed to the vending machines on the other side of the courtyard.

“Ah, that’s too far away.”

“Come on please?”

“Fine, but Anni comes with me.” They stood up and walked to the vending machines with my dollar.

“Haha, I have servants.” I said.

The returned, with my poptarts and Krystal began to scavenge for a dollar to buy a slushie.

"Does anyone have a dollar?" she asked.

"I have 50 cents." I offered. She held out her hand i gave her the two quarters. She stood up to do her almost daily routine of asking people for food or money. She came back empty handed.

"No one has 50 cents." she said sadly and gave me back my money.

"Oh well." Anni said.

“I WANT A DOLLAR!!!!” Krystal wailed like a little kid. Louis turned around from where he was.

“AND I WANT A NEW CAR!!!!” he yelled back at her.

'He has a car? Dang...' i thought. I suddenly caught site of Anni's shoes under the table.

“I want wear your shoes.” I told anni.

“Well too bad.”

“I wanna wear them!” I protested.

“We’ll do a switchy thingy on Friday and you can wear them then.” She suggested.

“NO! I wanna wear them NOW!” I complained. I saw Krystal pass by me.

“Krystal!” she didn’t hear me.

“I’m gonna get someone to steal your shoes for me!”I threatened her.

“Good luck with that.” She scoffed.



“I need you to steal one of Anni’s shoes for me.”

“And I want a dollar, but I guess we all can’t get what we want!” she said to me before
moving on. Since that failed I turned to Gerardo next.

“Gerardo!” he didn’t hear me. I tugged his sweater off.

“Huh? What?”

“I need you to steal one of Anni’s shoes.”

“Don’t listen to her!” Anni yelled in defense. But instead Gerardo sat down next to her and
grabbed her.

“Get her shoe!” he told me. I quickly kneeled down to her kicking feet.

“No! What are you doing!?! Stop!?! Oh my god!!!” Anni yelled helplessly struggling in Gerardo’s grip. I began to untie one of her shoes and tried to pull it off but I couldn’t. Before I knew it I was sitting on the pavement, trying to yank her shoe off her foot as it shook wildly.

“NO!!!!! KRYSTAL!!!! HELP ME!!! I’ll give you 50 cents!!!!!” she yelled.

“You have 50 cents?” she asked in disbelief. There was a pause in the action.


“Screw that!” I said still trying to get some shoe off. I heard a voice in front of me.

“Take the shoe! Take the shoe!” it was Louis.

“I can’t get it off! HELP ME!” I said frantically. He grabbed the shoe I was trying to pull off and successfully yanked it off.

“YAY!” I bounced up and snatched the shoe from him, and ran. I took off my left shoe and threw it back at Anni. Seeing she did not come after me I sat back down and we put on each other’s shoes.

“Oh my god, tight.” I said as I squeezed my foot into Anni’s shoes.

“Your shoes are retarded!!!” Anni complained.

“Omg, I love my shoes!” I said conceitedly staring at Anni wearing mine. I swung my feet off the table.

“Anni, do you wanna try on my shoe?” Krystal said and slipped off her blue shoe.

“No.” I said. Gerardo suddenly grabbed her shoe and tried to ran away with it. Krystal screamed and went after him. He threw it to Louis.

“NOOOO!!!!” she screamed as Gerardo and Louis kept throwing her shoe back and forth like monkey in the middle.

“Hey Louis, go long!” Gerardo called to him as he backed up farther away. He threw it and Louis barely caught it. Krystal ran after Gerardo and just as they made their way around the other side of our table, Louis threw the shoe back at them. Krystal snatched it before Gerardo and ruthlessly started to slap him with it.

“OW! OW! NO! STOP! AH!” Gerardo limped as fast as he could until she stopped. Anni and I where laughing our asses off.

“You put your right foot in, you put you right foot out…” Krystal started singing.

“You put your right foot in and you shake it all about!” I sang with her.

“You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around, that’s what’s it all about!”

“Shut up!” Anni yelled at us.

“You put your left foot in you put your left foot out, you put your left foot in and you shake it all about! You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around, that’s it’s all about!” we yelled.

“Oh my god, SHUT THE FUCK UP!” Anni yelled at us annoyed.

“YOU PUT YOUR-“ Krystal started to scream as Anni violently shook her shoulders.


"Stop singing!" Anni scolded her.

"FINE!" the bell rang and the crowds began to move.