St. Lucie Meets the Mafia

Take Your Child to Work Day

Today was the legendary “Take Your Child to Work Day.” I, however, had no interest in staying home or going anywhere else for that matter. With only 30 days of school left, I didn’t want to waste a single day. Besides, I had nothing else better do. There was nothing really special about it. There was a policy that only students 15 and younger could apply, which meant that pretty much only freshmen would be absent. I knew it would be kind of like a free day, so I took advantage of it. I would rather go to school and have a free day, than not to have school at all. Yes, I know, I’m weird like that. Anni had to go to school because she was already 16. Krystal didn’t want to stay home. Sarah, Gerardo, Marissa and Britney were the hobos that took the day off. But I felt that by showing up to school I was asserting my independence and showing off that I was no longer a child, or in this case, a freshie. It made me feel pretty damn proud.

Anni, Krystal and I arrived at lunch and Krystal tackled Louis the moment she saw him.

“You can talk to us again!!!” she hugged him just as he was hugging me and we almost fell against the table.

“Oops, sorry Julie, crazy girl attacked me!” he pointed to Krystal. We just laughed and went on our way to our table.

“Okay, I have no food, no money and I really don’t care.” I informed them. Anni spilt her sandwich with Krystal and I.

“I’m thirsty.” I commented a few minutes later. That’s when I realized….

“NO! Gerardo isn’t here to buy us a slushy!!!” I cried. I looked up to the sky.

“There’s clouds today! Good thing cause it was fucking hot yesterday.”

Five minutes later, after Krystal and I kept complaining about how we had no food nor money, Anni pulled out a dollar from her backpack.

“OHMIGOD!” Krystal and I screamed a the sight of money.

“What should we buy?” Krystal asked me holding the dollar.


“What color?”



She returned, with a slushy that was half red, half blue.

“They ran out of red, so they had to mix them.” She explained. She brought three straws. Louis, of course, at the sight of a slushy, hunted us down and took and straw and began sipping away.

“NO!” Krystal stopped him, “We have limited red!”

“Fine, then I’ll drink from the blue!” He tried to do so.

“Ugh, this isn’t working for me.” He petted my head like a dog before he left. Anni and I just exchanged a look of ‘What the fuck?’. Jessica and Ann sat outside with us, I guess since no one was inside. Jessica sat next to Anni across from Krystal and I. Louis came back again and layed ontop of Krystal’s shoulders. Krystal just held up her rice and bread sandwich she concocted.

“No thanks, I don’t like rice and bread.” He put on arm on my shoulder.

“Orange juice!’ He pointed out the pouch of orange juice on the table.

“That’s mine. Don’t steal it.” Jessica told him.

“Don’t worry, I wasn’t gonna steal it. If it was theirs I’d steal it.” I just looked up at him.


“I love you guys.” He drew our heads together and kissed us each on top of ours heads.

“You’re too far away!” He blew a kiss to Anni.

For the reminder of our lunch time we sat pretty much in our won worlds. Bored to death I must say. Krystal went working on her hand made bracelets she learned how to make in Mexico. It was part of her ‘Krystal is Broke’ fund.