St. Lucie Meets the Mafia

Shoe Swapping

“Hello.” I said.

“Hello.” Louis replied. Gerardo grabbed his angel wing necklace that hung from his neck.

“It matches my earrings!” I said.

“Yeah, see, I told you I had a necklace like your fucking…earrings.” Gerardo swung them back on the chain and he swung them back.

“My wings like to be in front. Sorry guys, I’m a backwards angel.” He remarked.

“But I’m not wearing my earrings today…” I mentioned.

“Why?” Gerardo asked.

“Cause you suck!” Louis yelled at me.

“Cause I’m wearing these earrings.” I pointed out to them.

“Oh my god!” Louis suddenly focused on the piece of cookie in my hand.

“What?” I asked confused. He slowly reached out to grab it, but I jerked away before he could. He just looked at me for a moment.

“I thought you loved me!” he yelled outraged.

“NO!” I yelled back at him.

“FINE!” he glanced at Krystal, who was nibbling on a chicken wing.

“Damn, you got a big appetite.” He searched the plate beneath the pile of chicken bones and pulled out my left over pizza crust.

“I ate that.” I commented.

“I think she got it from Sean,” Gerardo said commenting what Louis said of her appetite, “its cause he’s black!” he said. Krystal stopped eating her chicken wing and gave him a dirty a look before gutting him with her elbow.

“I agree with you.” Louis said supportively and shook his hand.

“That’s so mean!” I said laughing.

Gerardo grabbed a chicken wing from Krystal’s plate a flung it at Louis. He stepped back trying to dodge it. Krystal then grabbed one herself and threw at it him and hit him square in the chest. She stood up, her hands all greasy and dirty. She started to approach Louis with an outstretched hand.

“Oh no,” Louis began to walk away quickly; “Hell no, get away from me!” he began running around the table.

Krystal laughed but stopped chasing him. After cleaning her hands she returned and sat next to me and Anni.

“I wanna try on that shoe.” She said referring to Anni’s I was wearing. I took it off and swapped with one of hers.

“Your shoes look retarded.” I said staring oddly at her black Nike’s.

“It’s fits fine.” Krystal replied once she put the converse one.

“It’s a size smaller than mines.” I said. I suddenly went looking for another pair of shoes to try on.

“I want to try on one of Gerardo’s shoes!” I shouted excitedly. I looked at his shoes but realized they weren’t the ones I liked.

“That’s gonna be huge.” Anni said doubtfully.

“Aw, man, never mind…” I pouted.

“I’ll put Gerardo’s shoe on!” Krystal threw off her other shoe and Anni pulled his vans off. She put them on and we stared at them oddly.

“Holy crap.” I just said.

“It’s fucking huge!!!” Anni said.

“It’s like twice the size of my foot.” Krystal said amazed. Meanwhile, Gerardo went trying to put her shoe on.

“AH, it won’t fit!” He said irritably.

“Ok, that looks gay.” I just commented.

“Don’t break her shoe!” Anni scolded him.

“Oh god.”

The swapped shoes back again.

“My poor shoe...” Krystal said sadly, examing her shoe that was all stretched out.

Suddenly a large clash sounded from behind us. We all turned to see a cart entering the cafeteria, and a silver tray had fallen off. People around us started to clap and grew into a loud applause. You could feel the sarcasm and stupidy in the air as everyone in the courtyard applauded and let out whistles and comments such as ‘god job!’ and ‘that’s what happens when you don’t finish school!’. Even the guy who was pushing the cart laughed in dismay. I wasn’t sure to laugh or give pity at such ridicule.

After the show passed on the bell ran shortly afterward. How I hated that bell interrupting my sweet free time.

As we began to make our slow walk to our doom of 5th period, Sarah met up with us as usually and went walking with Gerardo. I turned around to see them clingy as usual when I caught sight of Louis coming up behind them

“Yeah and then I was- AHHHHHHH!!!!” Sarah suddenly screamed as Louis passed behind them. He kept walking but turned around with a grin across his face. We laughed at Sarah.

“I don’t even know that guy!” she said bewildered.

“That’s Louis.” I said.

“Still, I don’t even know him.” She said.

“He does that to everyone.” I explained.

“Yeah, even if you’re a friend, of a friend, of a friend.” Anni added.

“Like us!” I said brightly.

“But still!” Sarah added in her defense.

“He’s just our retarded friend.” And I kept walking.

As we came to split up point, where Anni and Sarah went ot their class and I walked with Krystal to hers, we exchanged hugs.

“Bye Julie.” Gerardo said.

“You didn’t give me a hug today, you bastard!” I said bitterly.

“Aw, then yours will last longer.” And he hugged me tightly.

I said my goodbyes and left with Krystal. As we came to the large crowd, I saw my friend Peter.

“PETER!” I screamed at him, even though he was 4 feet away. He saw me and instantaniously began to poke me.

“AH!” I screamed. Suddenly Krystal jumped in and began to poke him without mercy.

“What! OW! OW! STOP! DUDE! CHILL!” he stumbled among the the moving crowd, trying to hide between his friends and trying to block her with his backpack. I only slowly followed behind the moving mass laughing at him with my revenge.

“Now you know how I feel!!!” I yelled at him. Krystal gave hima few last pokes before we went our way.

“That’s for getting my revenge.” I said appreicatedly.

“No problem.” She poked me in my gut.

“Ow! What the hell!”

She just laughed at me.