St. Lucie Meets the Mafia

Splish Splash

Louis came over and ruffled my hair a bit.

“Hey!” I complained, “Don’t touch my hair!” He suddenly reached down and grabbed my leg by the thigh.

“AH! NO! STOP!” I yelled in protest while laughing. He stopped eventually.

"Well, i didn't get harrased by Peter today...guess that makes up for it."
We sat and chatted as usual.

“OK, you know what? Where do you live!?!” We heard Louis say loudly to someone at his table.


“Gerardo!” he suddenly called. He looked at him. Louis began giving him hand signals. I saw him pointing at us and giving thumbs up and nodding his head with a grin on his face I knew only meant mischief.

“What?” Gerardo asked, clueless. I just laughed shaking my head.

“What?” he asked me.

“I know what he’s saying and it isn’t happening.”

“What is he saying?” he asked so naïve.


Krystal took a drink of water from her water bottle. She suddenly stood up, Anni quickly dodged and she spat out the water in Gerardo’s face. We all burst into laughter.

“WHAT.THE.FUCK!” Gerardo stood up and wiped his face in disgust. Krystal kept laughing and coughing at the same time. She opened her water to take a drink again and almost splashed water on Gerardo.

“Whoa.” Louis took a few steps back at the site of flying water. Rachel and some other peopel passed by our table.

“I like your hair. It’s very nice.” Ashley suddenly stopped and complimented me.

“Thank you.” I said brightly. Krystal nudged me.

“Move back.” She told me. She began to lie down on the bench.

“You’re gonna sleep on my lap again aren’t you?” I asked.

She laid her head on my lap and I covered her head with my hoodie which I wore backwards on my arms.

“I can’t breathe!” Krystal said removing the hoodie’s cover.

“Ugh, fine.”

A few minutes later I lay my head down on my backpack.

“Your boob is touching my nose!” Krystal yelled.

“Omigod, I can’t even put my head down!”

“Why?” Anni asked across the table.

“Cause my chest is touching her face.” She burst out laughing.

“Yeah, well deal with it!” She told Krystal.

She slept on my lap and i fried in the sun until the bell rang.