St. Lucie Meets the Mafia

We Don't Do Mondays

Gerardo brought back a red slushy, one of our lunch time favorites, along with 4 straws. I stole it at once and began sipping away. I was feeling sick and the sun only made my head hurt more. Louis came over to our table, scavenging for food as usual. He caught site of the slushy and followed it right to me. He grabbed a random straw and, with no respect for personal space at all, sipped away right next to my face. He grabbed hold of the straw and stabbed my hand with it.

“Ow …what the hell was that for?” He said nothing but kept sipping. He stopped and stood up again.

“I’m sorry I stabbed you.” He pulled me into a hug and I felt him kiss me on top of my head.

“AH! Your hair is on fire!” he suddenly yelled.

“That’s what you get!”

I suddenly noticed people standing on top of tables in the cafeteria.

“Hey, there’s people standing on tables!” I pointed.

“Oh yea…”

“What’s going on?” someone asked.

“I don’t know…”

I saw a large group forming inside. People from the outside started to rush inside the
cafeteria. I saw Louis walking in and Krystal left shortly afterward.

“You want to go see?” Anni asked me.


We ditched Gerardo and ran to the doors. Just I reached for the handle, suddenly someone yanked me back by the hood of my hoodie. It was a security guard and she shut the doors and no one went in or out. Anni was just laughing at me.

“It had to be me?!”


“I thought it was somebody else…I got scared for a moment.”

We walked to windows. There we saw a massive crowd gathered around in the back of the cafeteria.

“Hey, I can see Louis form here!” I pointed him out, pushing himself through to the inside of the crowd.

“I wonder what happened.”

“Probably a fight or something like that.”


We returned to our table to find Gerardo missing.

“We’ll wait till someone comes out and ask them.”

Krystal returned a few minutes later with a chocolate milk carton.

“What happened?” we asked.

“Girl had a seizure.”

“Oh dang.” I said shocked.

“Wow that sucks…”

We sat frying in the sun.

“Ok, I’m sweating now…” I commented. Krystal was trying to finish her homework but the
heat was too much.

“You know what, screw this! It’s too hot!” she put her stuff away and left to the lockers.

“Where’d she go?” I asked.

“Let’s go to the shade!” Gerardo demanded.

“Fine!” the three of us ventured off and followed Krystal. I noticed the table which was usually full of rocker people was empty. We walked into the covered hall way and sure enough everyone was there sitting on the floor.

“So this is where everyone went!”


I sat down on the pavement.

“Oh my god, it’s cold!!!”

“Really?” Anni asked.


She sat down next to me. I scooted over to the corner.

“I wouldn’t sit there if I were you…” Krystal warned us.

“Well I am.”

Conveniently, Anni and I sat in a corner right outside the entrance to the boys’ bathroom. It
was cool and dark and felt so much nicer. I began to feel better. Krystal soon joined us in our little corner beside a pile of backpacks pretty much blocking the door to the bathroom. I began to fall asleep exhausted, when I heard Louis begin to yell at some guy who was talking to him.


I couldn’t help but burst out in laughter before I heard Anni and Krystal laughing along with me. We hung out in our little corner. Krystal's friend Jeseniaa and her boyfriend showed up.

"They took your spot!" Krystal told them.

"Oops." i could really have cared less, I was exhausted.

“What’s going on over here, ladies?” Louis asked, standing above us.

“Hot.” I said in response. He suddenly grabbed my leg by the thigh.

“AH! Stop touching me!” I resisted. He did the same to Anni and Krystal but they escaped his grip. The bell rang, and he left.

“No…” I rested my head back on Anni’s shoulder.