St. Lucie Meets the Mafia

The World from Below

“You thought you could get away without saying hi to me?” Louis said as I hugged him.

“Not really.”
Gerardo bought a slushy and shared it with us. Louis hunted it down and as I went drinking
and he grabbed Krystal’s straw.

“No, that’s my straw!” Krystal yelled in protest.

“Fine, I’ll use hers.” He grabbed mine.

“Thanks.” I said blandly.

“What? It’s not like I have a hybrid disease or anything!” he said in his defense. He
suddenly began to pet my hair with both hands. I just sat there.

“Why are you touching my hair?” I asked a little freaked out. He said nothing but laughed mindlessly and left.


As the sun was still baking us alive, I sat on Anni’s side of the table to try to get my face out of the sun. We sat talking about how bored we were and how Gerardo and Krystal both ditched us when I heard and a scream and felt Krystal pull my hood over my head and strangle me. I almost feel off the bench as she held me back.

“OW.” I fixed my hair and my head once she set me free. She fell on top of me limply and I pushed her off, and she rolled on top of Anni, who pushed her on the bench beside her. She laughed with pain.

“Hey, sit up!” she told us. For some reason we did and she threw herself on top of our laps. We all screamed. We began to push her off and she evidentially fell to the pavement under the table.

“It’s nice down here!” she commented as she sat underneath.

“Oh my god! There’s shade down there!!!” I exclaimed.

“Oh cool.” Anni said.

“That is so smart…”

Louis came out of nowhere.

“Hello. I wonder where whatsername went…” he said obviously ignoring Krystal under the table. As he sat his necklace’s wings got caught in the table’s holes.

“Wow.” They laughed.

“Oh no, did it break?” I asked, seeing the chain fall from around his neck.

“Nah, it’s okay, I can fix it.” He said.

I crawled under the table top and joined Krystal sitting down on the ground.

“This is so cool.” I said in amazement. I felt like I was hiding out in some sort of secret
unknown place. Plus there was shade from the sun which was even more awesome.

The bell rang to my dismay.

“No…I don’t wanna go…YOU CAN’T MAKE ME!” I sounded like a little kid throwing a tantrum.