Status: just another fanfic

I've Seen Love

My beating heart

"Hurry up!" Mike yelled from outside my window. I laughed, Mike's impatient. "I'm coming" I yelled. I grabbed my bag and headed out the door. I smiled when I saw Mike sitting, waiting for me. "You're so impatient" I joked. "Yah yah, get in the car"
"So, later do you wanna hang out with me and the guys?" I looked at him a bit confused. "Who's the guys?" He laughed. "Well, Vic, Tony and Jaime" I still hadn't met Tony or Jaime. "Oh cool, I can finally meet them" I smiled.
Vic and Mike had just started a band with them. I was eager to meet them. "Yah you can finally meet them" Mike said as he pulled into the school parking lot. "Ugh, I don't want to be in school today" I pouted. Mike started laughing at me. "You're such a child. Okay fine no school today" He pulled out of the parking lo.

"Where do you wanna go?" Mike looked at me. I thought for a second. "Let's go to the beach" I smiled. "Beach it is" Mike laughed.
First we went back to our houses to get stuff for the beach. My dad was already at work, so I wouldn't get cought. I went up to my room. I grabbed my black bikini, and some jean shirts. When I was done changing I turned around and saw Mike standing by the door.

"How long have you been there?" I questioned. "Let's just say, you have a cute ass" He smirked. "I hate you" I threw a pillow at him. "Okay, yah you hate me, now lets go" He pulled my arm. "Okay so Vic and the guys are gonna meet us at the beach" Mike smiled as we got into his car. "Oh cool"

We were just listening to music most of the time, we didn't really talk. But it wasn't awkward. Mike parked the car, and a couple seconds later, Vic pulled up. "Hey Vic!" I hugged him. "Hey Alice in wonderland" He smiled. Then two guys got out of Vic's truck. One had cool spiky hair. He had a cute smile. The other had a little braid, and a piercing under his eye. He had adorable brown eyes. They walked over to me and Vic. "Oh, alice, this is Jaime" Vic pointed to the spiky haired guy. I smiled and waved. "And this is Tony, you can call him turtle" Vic laughed. Tony hit Vic in the arm. "Well nice to meet you guys" I laughed a little.

I went over and helped Mike get the bags we brought. We set up our stuff then the guys ran into the water. I followed. I stopped when the water was at my belly button, the water was so cold. Mike smiled, came over and picked me up. "Mike no!" I screamed. He just laughed and continued, going deeper. Mike stopped walking. He stood in the same spot for a few seconds, then he threw me into the water.

"Mike! The water is freezing!" I screamed. The guys just laughed. "Come on it's not that bad." Tony smiled. "You're a turtle you're used to the water" I laughed. "Oh really?" He came up to me and picked me up. "Tony, no!" I held him tight, so he couldn't throw me. "Fine" He smirked. He ran out of the water and put me down. Geez, the wind made me even more cold.

"Tony it's cold" I shivered a little. "Okay I'll keep you warm." He smiled, then hugged me. He was warm. He held me close, my face resting on his chest. I could feel his heart beat. It was beating fast. He held me for a couple minutes. "Are you warm now?" He laughed. "Yah" I smiled, and blushed a little.

The guys came out of the water, and all hugged me, when I was already almost dry. "Come on I just dried off" I complained. They laughed a little. "Hey Alice come with me" Mike said pulling me away from everyone else. "K I wanna show you something" He smiled. "Okay get on my shoulders." He bent down. "Uh, I don't know about this" I said, a little scared.

"It'll be fine" He reasured me. I got on his shoulders, he stood up and I could see the sunset. Were we really at the beach that long. "Wow It's beautiful" I loved it. Thank you,, for showing me Mike" I smiled. "Anything for my best friend" He hugged me once he set me down.
When we went back, Jaime and Vic were starting a fire. Tony was just sitting. When the fire started, I sat next to Tony. "Hey" He smiled. "Hey" I repeated. "So I heard you're in a band with the Mike and Vic" I tried starting a conversation.
"Yah, I'm the guitarist." He smiled. "Oh that's awesome, I've always wanted to learn how to play guitar."
I laughed. "But I was always to busy wacthing star wars and reading books, so I never got around to it" His eyes lit up. "You like star wars?" I nodded. "I love star wars"
"Okay we have to have a star wars marathon soon" He smiled. "That sounds awesome"

I was cold and started shivering, a little. "Want to wear my sweater? You seem pretty cold" Tony said kindly. "Yes, thank you" I said quietly. He handed me his big hoodie. It smelt nice.

After a while, We went home. I realized half way home that I was still wearing Tony's sweater. "Mike can I use your phone?" He nodded, then handed it to me. I looked in the contact list and found Tony.


Vic was driving to my place to drop me off, He had already dropped off Jaime.
Vic pulled up to my apartment. "Thanks man" I said then got out, and went into my apartment.
When I opened the door, I heard my phone ring. "Hello?" I said, plopping onto my couch. "Hey, Tony, it's Alice." I smiled. I started feeling butterflies. "Hey, Alice. What's up?" I tried acting cool.
"I forgot to give you back your sweater" I forgot, she had my sweater. "It'S okay, uh I can come to your house tomorrow and get it."
"Yah, that sounds good" She sounded happy. "Okay, I'll see you tomorrow" She told me that she lived next door to Mike and Vic, then she said bye.

I sat on my couch thinking about Alice. I know I only met her today, but I think I like her.
I sat ther thinking about her. She was beautiful. Her long black hair, beautiful blue eyes. I couldn't get her out of my head. I couldn't wait for tomorrow.
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Sorry, the chapter is so short.
comment what you think. :D