Status: Active


Mr. Famous

I woke up to the sound of my alarm and cats fighting outside on my fire escape around five AM. I rolled over onto my side and slammed my fist down on my alarm clock, which also had seemed to scare off the stray cats. I sat up and ran my fingers through my tousled strawberry-blonde hair, and looked around my darkened room. I still had boxed lying around, some opened and some still taped up. I had just moved in two weeks ago after graduating from College, how could anyone expect me to move in so quickly?

I let out a yawn as I threw my blankets off my body, and swung my legs over the edge of my new bed. Once my feet touched the cold hardwood floors I sighed, it was quite different than the carpet of a dormitory hall. I only spent four years at college, but it felt more like home than any other place had to me. I stood up and grabbed my robe off the hook and padded across the room to my private bathroom. I flicked on the light, and the sudden change from dark to light stung my eyes. I let out a groan before setting my robe on the hook on the door, and rubbing the sleep from my eyes. I went to the shower and turned on the water to the hottest setting I could possibly stand before peeling off my pajamas and stepping in.

After a thirty minute shower, I had a towel in my hair, my robe tied at my waist and plush slippers on my feet. I had washed my face, exfoliated and moisturized before working on my makeup. I applied my concealer under my dark eyes, and on some of my freckles before applying my full-coverage foundation, I then applied a rosy colored blush to the apples of my cheeks, and dabbed on an illuminating powder all over my face. I lined my eyes with a black liquid liner, and filled in my lips with a red colored lipgloss. I smacked my lips in front of the mirror, and smiled. I took the towel out of my hair and got out my hairdryer, and began to blow dry my luscious curls.

After twenty minutes of that, I checked the time. It was almost six am, which meant I had enough time to make it to Starbucks once I had finished getting ready to grab my morning cup of coffee. I made my way back into my room which was slightly illuminated by the rising sun. I went over to my half-filled closet, and picked out a white cami, a gray knit pencil skirt, and a chocolate brown short jacket.

After getting dressed I walked over to my dresser which was scattered with various items, including about only half of my jewelry collection. I picked a pink pearl twisted necklace and a pair of diamond bow earrings. After successfully putting on my jewelry, I sprayed on a bit of Taylor Swifts perfume “Wonderstruck”.

I went over to my door which held my large black leather work purse, and grabbed it off the doorknob before walking into the rest of my apartment. The kitchen wasn’t too small, but wasn’t that big either. The living room wasn’t that bad, but it was filled with unpacked boxes that were stacked on top of the various pieces of furniture I actually owned. I set my bag on the barstool at the bar that was attached to the kitchen and had a small fish tank sitting on it. I made fishy faces towards the fishes in the tank, and smiled.
“Morning little ones,” I crooned. I opened the top of the tank and sprinkled a bit of their food into the top and watched happily as they all swam to the top and began to eat their food with their gaping mouths.

I went into the kitchen to attempt to find some type of breakfast food, only to find nothing. I sighed, and went into the living room to grab my macbook off the coffee table, and get my phone off the charger. I stuffed my macbook, along with a few notebooks and pens into my bag, and tried to remember anything else I needed, only to come up with nothing.

I grabbed my back, and went to the door and slipped into my favorite pair of nude heels, and grabbed my keys from the bowl on the end table and walked out the door before locking it.

After a dramatic fight for a cup of coffee, I was finally on my way to my new office at New York’s finest magazine firm, and I was more than excited. This was the best thing to have ever happened to me. I had landed my dream job, and I was so grateful. Everything was starting to pay off. But as I walked onto my floor I fell straight onto the floor, my coffee went flying and thankfully missed my white shirt.
“What the heck?” I nearly screamed. I looked up and saw a tanned man, with a dark hair and sunglasses over his face. He had cupids lips, and a slightly big nose.
“You okay m’am?” He asked, lending out his hand to help me up. I nodded and took his hand and let him lift me up.
“Sorry ‘bout your coffee though, let me buy you another,”
“No, no that will not be necessary.” I brushed off my skirt and sighed, as I picked up my things.
“I hope you didn’t break anything,”
“So do I,” I looked up at him and tried not to glare, but I was sure I had.
“What’s your name? I can go back to starbucks and get you a new coffee. What do you like?”
“You won’t be able to get me a coffee at starbucks until the day you die,” I told him, as I looked at the time.
“Ah, but I can you see? Everybody knows me, and at starbucks they really love me.” I rolled my eyes.
“Okay, I like my coffee black,” was all I told him.
“Okay, and you’re name?”


“Do you work here Charlotte?”

“Yeah, so please hurry. I need my coffee,” I winked at him before going over to the front desk to check in, and to wait to have my new office assigned to me.

After what felt like hours, I was typing away on my computer when I heard a knock on the door.
“Come in,” I shouted without taking my eyes away from my computer screen.
“Coffee for Miss Charlotte,” I paused mid-type, and looked towards the door to see the man from before.
“How did you get that coffee?” I asked quickly.
“I’m famous, didn’t you hear?”
“No, I did not.”
“Well, here you go Charlotte, coffee black.” I smiled and took the coffee graciously. I went for my wallet and he tapped my shoulder.
“No need to pay me, take it as an apology for ruining your first coffee,” I smiled at him.
“Well thank you. By the way, what is your name Mr. Famous?” He gave me a smirk, and shook his head. He pressed his index finger to his lips that held a smile.
“You will find out…eventually.” With that he walked away, and I shrugged it off. He was definitely mysterious, but I had to focus on my work today, and that’s all that mattered to me.
♠ ♠ ♠
First chapter of my new story! I really enjoyed writing this, and I hope you enjoy reading it!
Leave feedback, and if you like this please leave recommendations!
Charlotte Cambell